"Ding...!" Hou Yi fired another shot, which directly hit the corner not far away. The fire flashed at the corner, and suddenly there was a black mark on the wall that looked like ink stains. Then, it disappeared little by little.

Hou Yi didn't stop and continued to carry the gun. This time, his action was very big. The sniper gun moved back and forth in front of his eyes to change direction.

Fierce, Hou Yi suddenly stopped "Ding...!" Another shot.

The bullet penetrated the wall and directly hit the dead assassin who was hiding on the opposite side of the wall.

This guy clenched his teeth and showed his figure: "son of a bitch, invisible, can you hit it?"

Hou Yi light smile: "unless you really have no soul, otherwise, you will never escape my eyes!"

Houyi's soul is locked as if he had turned on a thermal imager. The soul of the enemy he shot will be displayed in the depths of his eyes.

It is a unique ability of the undead to lock the soul of the enemy with the soul. Only the undead can start it.

No matter how strong human beings are, they have no ability to control the soul. Even gods can't do it. They can only lock in a large range with divine consciousness. But the locked guy can feel that he has been shrouded by human divine consciousness. Compared with this, Hou Yi's soul is locked in silence. You locked by him don't know what happened.

"Yes? I'll see if you can stop me. I'll kill you! "

After hiding for several times, the assassin found it useless and chose to attack Houyi instead. This is the most simple and direct way.

Hou Yi held his breath, and his sniper gun seemed to be still.

"Ding..."! Ding! Ding...! "

Just over a hundred meters, before the assassin rushed up, he was shot six times by Hou Yi.

Houyi quickly out of the clip, clip there are two, but he quickly replaced a new, in case he can't wait to replace.

"Yes! You son of a bitch The assassin of the dead squatted on the ground, covering his right arm with his left hand.

"You bastard, can't you fight in another place?"

The assassin of the dead is angry. Why does this bastard always stare at his right hand?

Hou Yi sighed: "who let you rush, always right hand in front?"

"I'm so..."! You mean I'm to blame? "

Hou Yi's words stabbed the undead politely and almost ran away. He was an assassin. When he rushed, he kept his right hand in front of him and could throw a throwing knife at any time. It was an occupational disease. No wonder that guy only hit his right hand?

Now all the bones are broken. The throwing knife can't fly any more. It's going to be hit even if it runs. Most of the fighting skills are performed with the right hand. I'm not used to it with the left hand. For a moment, I don't know how to fight this one!

It's a tough fight. You can't fight the enemy, but the enemy can hit you. The difficulty is that even if you run and your soul is locked, you still have to eat bullets all the way.

It's not running, it's not running!

Embarrassed, he stood in the same place and didn't know how to break the "embarrassing battle!"

However, this is just the beginning, Hou Yi next words, let the dead assassin, completely collapsed.

"If you don't keep raising your right hand, I'll hit you on the head!"

Hou Yi suddenly raised his sniper gun.

"Asshole! You wait for me! "

The assassin of the dead got up and ran. He farted. Was he beating or being beaten?

Hou Yi is not so polite.

"Ding Ding Ding..." Successive sniper guns constantly pull the trigger, only hit the back of the head of the dead assassin straight leak!

"Son of a bitch..."! I will come back...! "

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