"Heavy cavalry, be careful not to let the enemy's heavy cavalry rush! Array! Array

Since it's cavalry, it's easy to handle. Although the head of the Dragon spear cavalry has been wondering why the enemy's cavalry can't see any soldiers? At present, all he can think of is cavalry, king of land and tank. Can he imagine that?

The Dragon spear rode in an array to meet the enemy. The first reaction was to attack Jiang Mo's chariot regiment.

Jiang Mo naturally has no opinion. Since you are ready to die, no wonder you are yourself!

"Increase the power of all the chariots and kill them! The saw is spinning

On the impact vehicle, the soldiers moved the super control lever one after another, the chain of the electric saw was directly linked, and the three saw blades began to rotate rapidly.

"First brigade, charge!"

The head of the Dragon spear riding army is not stupid. He doesn't order the whole army to charge. He orders the first team to rush through. He looks at the enemy's attack methods.

The captain of the first team, with a cold sweat on his forehead, gritted his teeth and yelled, "team one, get ready to charge!"

The soldiers came out one after another and formed a cavalry conical formation, which is the most commonly used formation in charge. There is nothing wrong with it.



The soldiers rushed up and in the blink of an eye rushed to the front of the car.

One by one, riding with dragon spears, still holding dragon spears, fighting forward.


The sound of "clang clang" came out, sparks splashed, and the Dragon gun had no effect on the impact vehicle at all. Soon, the saw blade approached those dragon gun riding soldiers.

The sound of "stabbing, stabbing, stabbing" came out. People and horses attacked together.

"Puff, puff...!" Blood spilled out a piece of blood fog, dragon gun riding screamed one after another.

"Ah..."! No! Ah...! " The cry was heartrending, which made the soldiers on the back of the Dragon spear ride. When they heard it, their forehead was in a cold sweat, and they all felt uncomfortable.

"Hiss, hiss...!" The horses also hissed in pain, and the soldiers in the back turned around and ran.

"Go! Withdraw...! " These soldiers don't try any more. They are only a few meters away from their brother in front of them. The strong smell of blood spreads to their nose. The scenes of being cut are flashing wildly in front of them. How can they have the courage to continue to stay?

Because it was a trial charge, the Dragon spear riding was not as stupid as the armored dragon rhinoceros, so the casualties were inevitable, but only a few hundred soldiers died, and the rest of the soldiers withdrew.

The head of the Dragon spear cavalry saw the soldiers directly crushed by the chainsaw and swallowed. He was not angry because the soldiers fled.

"Go! Into the forest of Warcraft

At first, he thought that the enemy was going to force him to the Warcraft forest.

But now, he felt that the enemy's cavalry seemed to be difficult to move forward in the Warcraft forest.

It is estimated that the enemy also has scruples and does not dare to appear there.

As for whether there is ambush, there is no way!

The dragoon cavalry turned and ran, but even when they ran away, a group of soldiers were protecting everyone's rear.

Just when these soldiers turned to follow the team, Lao Li's heavy machine gun fired. More than a thousand dragon spear riders were directly shot down. The angry dragon spear cavalry commander gritted his teeth, but now he can't pay attention to other things. He turned to the direction of the big forest and rushed away with his team!

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