At the same time, the attack planes on both sides encircled, which further broke the mind of the pterosaur archer to escape.

In front of the pterosaur archers at the same time found strange, have turned to look behind, but the speed of the attack plane is too fast! Almost following the speed of the pterosaur archer.

At this time, we hope that they are the ground corps, a turn around time is one thousandth of a second of their own death.

But it's one thousandth of a second that makes all pterosaur archers unable to turn back.

The attack was accompanied by shouts and continued to move forward. The Vatican soldiers constantly found that someone was attacking and fell to the ground.

The attack plane is even chasing the voice of the enemy! Batch after batch, no breathing time for the pterosaur archers.

Luo Qingshan in the front doesn't know what's going on behind him. The team of millions of people is too long.

If there is a walkie talkie at this time, it can solve the problem. Unfortunately, in a world where all the heralds depend on roaring, it's impossible to spread the command more than 100 miles away.

Two hundred thousand fighter planes versus three million pterosaur knights. In fact, there is a huge disparity in the power.

It's not the pterosaurs that have an advantage. It's really the advantage of Baiqi. It's too big!

One to 15, that is to say, a fighter only needs to shoot down 15 enemies, which is enough.

However, on Baiqi's attack plane, there were only 11 cannons, and 15 people were killed? It's easier than killing an ant!

What's more, ants have to look for their enemies, who are flying in front of their eyes.

"What? What's that noise? Ah...! "

"Enemy attack? Ah...! "

"What happened in the back? Ah...! "

All the planes are saturated to attack. Once they are in line, they press and hold the attack button until they can't hear the sound of the rotating tube. When they turn around, they pull down the altitude. The soldiers behind them immediately make up for it. The pilot controls the wing of the plane to attack, and the machine gunner controls other machine guns.

Repeating this action, the soldiers had only two minutes to attack.

At this time, Bai Qi had a new understanding, that is, the speed at which this batch of guns were transferred and ammunition was consumed was really terrible.

In the past, even continuous attacks could last more than five or six minutes.

With one shot per second, the single barrel machine gun can only shoot 60 shots per minute. With the improvement of the Longpi wing, the ammunition reserve is increased to 400 shots, which can be fired for more than six minutes in a row.

When you can fight, you rarely hold it down and don't let it go. Generally, you can shoot a few shots at the target. When you get out of the way, you can fight for an hour before you can use clean bullets.

Sometimes it takes a longer time to arrange the formation and form when you don't meet the right opportunity.

Can now pour good, six times the speed attack, gently press the attack button, instant more than ten hair out.

I haven't found it in the first two times, because I was performing the task at that time, and the situation was urgent. No one cared. But this time, Baiqi found the problem.

No, it's true that the revolver guns have powerful firepower. It's terrible to say that they don't even have time to turn around. But if the enemies are not arranged in a word, they are densely arranged, and the speed of bullets wasted is terrible.

Another point is that in the past, magic crystals could be used instead of ammunition. Now magic crystals are used to activate, and all the shots are live ammunition. In the future, when using fighters, we should pay attention to these problems!

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