"What's wrong? It's just a siege. How can we attack him instead of a siege? "

Jiang Mo said casually. The tone of his speech made Lao Li smile.

I couldn't help but put in a word: "Lao Li loves to hear this. Don't we attack the city? You say, what's the difference between the front fight and the back fight

Jiang Mo looked at Bai Qi, and Bai Qi said with a smile: "I think it's OK, Lao Li. Since you are so sure, well, how dare you go to the first battle?"

Lao Li stood up: "who is afraid of who! Old man Bai, we have agreed that the first battle of the city gate will be our bag! No one can rob me! If any of you dare to rob us, we can't do it! "

"Lao Li, why don't I help you?"

Hou Yi looked at Lao Li. Lao Li glared: "mother! no need! No one! Lao Tzu's bodyguard group, it's done! "

Turning around, Lao Li stood up straight. He was wearing a black cloak and a hood. Everyone was dressed like this because they didn't want the Holy See to find out.

But no one can find anything by shouting. Lao Li is really open.

"Brothers, do you see the wall ahead? It's noon here. Break the gate for me. At noon, I want to eat in the city! Are you confident that

"No..."! Yes! Yes...! "

Some shout with confidence, others shout without confidence!

The soldiers of the bodyguard regiment gritted their teeth angrily! Everyone knows that the first one is cannon fodder! Let them go first? What is Ann's heart?

But at this time, it's useless to say anything else!

You can't ask, let alone say you don't want to. Once you ask, you are losing the face of the sea people, the face of the big prince and the princes, and your own face.

Don't ask, lost, that's life!

But Lao Li doesn't care. The soldiers need to be moved. Lao Li is the best at this.

He walked slowly down the sea carriage, waved his hand and took out the weapons he had chosen in the sea king palace.

How can there be so few holy weapons in such a huge treasure house? The big prince doesn't give it, because it's the treasure of the sea people. It's not an ordinary weapon. He says that if he takes half of it, he will take half of it. However, Jiang Mo said that it's not too much for a chief general, right?

The big prince thought about it and knew that it was hard to explain if he didn't give it. He reluctantly agreed.

No, everyone chose one. Lao Li liked Dao and made a nine ring sword, which is similar to his own. The only advantage is that this Dao is not bone, unlike Lao Li's nine ring tiger head Dao. As soon as you take it out, everyone knows that you are undead.

With nine ring knives in his right hand and fine steel shield in his left hand, Lao Li didn't let the soldiers rush first. Instead, he stood at the front of the line by himself.

"Ha ha..."! Son of a bitch, we meet again

Lao Li looked at the soldiers of the Vatican as if his old rivals were reunited.

The monk and Lao Zhao also stood beside Lao Li. The monk gave up his sledgehammer and chose two eight edged hammers, one in each hand. It was quite suitable. Because Lao Zhao had a judge's pen, this time, he chose a fine steel chain hammer, which was easy to use in his hand.

"Brothers! I don't care how you fought in the past. Today, you charge with me. If anyone runs slowly, I will be the first to kill him! "

"The enemy is in front of us. If you are strong, he will be weak. If you are weak, he will be strong. When we get here, we have nothing to say. If you don't kill them, they will kill you. Follow me! Go

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