Invincible God of War

Chapter 1293: Temple of War, Feng Yunbang!

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"The shelf is really big!"

The National Teacher snorted secretly and said, "Wait a minute, it is not appropriate to annoy him now."

no way.

Zhuge Shenfeng and Zhuge Mingyang have been controlled by Qin Feiyang one after another. He, a powerful national master in the eyes of others, could only swallow his voice.


Yan Wei responded respectfully.

Since clamoring with Qin Feiyang in the first urban area, the state teacher has taken special care of him.

There is even a tendency to take him seriously.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Qin Feiyang still didn't come out, the national teacher finally lost his patience and said angrily: "Still putting his nose on the face? Go in and see!"

Yan Wei nodded and strode in.


He hurried out again, looking at the master of the country, saying: "He is not inside."

"not here?"

The master of the country was stunned and waited for a long time, but waited in vain?

There was a rage in my heart, rising uncontrollably.

In his eyes, the killing flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "I can't sit back like this anymore."

Yan Wei froze in his heart and asked, "What does the adult mean?"

Guo Shidao said: "Qin Feiyang is in the temple, isn't there a few friends with good relations? Especially the woman named Ren Wushuang, you go and catch her."

"This is not good!"

"Your Majesty originally ordered in person that within ten years, no one will be allowed to hurt everyone related to him."

Yan Weidao.

"Of course the local teacher knows, but what about that, as long as you don't let your majesty know that we are not doing it?"


"The subordinate understands, and the subordinate will do it to ensure that God knows nothing about it."

Yan Wei smiled sharply, opened the portal and left.

The national teacher looked at Haotian Palace, sneered, and turned away.


at the same time.

The emperor's edict was also spread in the emperor capital.

no doubt.

The cities and towns are boiling.

Unexpectedly, the emperor would forgive Qin Feiyang.


Treasure Pavilion.

Sun Dahai, who received the news, was overjoyed.

Although Treasure Pavilion is also loyal to the emperor, as a businessman, he is most concerned about interests.

Qin Feiyang is now pardoned, which means that in the future, he will never worry about his potential treasure.

And the potential of auctions can no longer be hidden.

A few happy, a few sad!

For example, those who had a festival with Qin Feiyang all looked sad.

Such as Qianwuhou.

At the beginning.

Qin Feiyang killed his son Feng Yun, and also had a big fight in Hou Mansion, so he always held a grudge against Qin Feiyang.

This time I heard Qin Feiyang came back, he had wanted to meet the emperor, let the emperor do justice for him, and avenge Feng Yun.

But unexpectedly.

Before he entered the palace, the emperor's pardon order came down.

This is tantamount to breaking his hopes.

There is also Lin Dian ’s father, who is also a martial artist.

At the beginning.

Lin Dian followed the thirteen princes in designing and murdering Qin Feiyang in Heilongtan, and was killed by Qin Feiyang.

Therefore, Lin Dian's father also hated Qin Feiyang.

But when he heard the pardon order, he knew that it would be impossible to avenge Lin Dian.

Revenge will not be said without hope, but what makes them more worried now is that, based on the previous grudges, Qin Feiyang's strong return this time, may also take the initiative to find their trouble.

If Qin Feiyang came back alone, it would not be too much to worry about the background and strength of his martial arts.

But the point is.

This time Qin Feiyang brought back more than a dozen nine-star war emperors. Such a lineup, even they are beyond the reach!

and so.

Now they are very nervous.



"Look, is that Qin Feiyang?"

"Did he go to the imperial palace?"

"I heard that Jin Luan Temple was destroyed again."


"Destroy the Jin Luan Temple again? Is he too courageous? Does your majesty care?"


"You are talking about, what tube does your majesty take?"

"Does it call the strong men of the imperial palace to fight him?"

"Unrealistic, this will only hurt both sides, and it will do no good to anyone."

"This is also true."

"But now, what is he doing in the temple?"

"The man next to him seems to be Lu Xingchen? The relationship between the two is really unusual."

The disciples of the temple ran out one after another, and there was a lot of discussion.

Qin Feiyang looked at them, but ignored them and walked silently over the temple, watching everything he knew.

The past, involuntarily came to mind, as if it had just happened yesterday.

"After you left, the changes here are not big, but watching you come back, those Wuhou children should be very nervous now!"

Lu Xingchen smiled.

"I'm not interested in them."

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

"Then why do you return to the temple?"

Lu Xingchen frowned.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly: "I just want to come back and walk around and meet some old people by the way."

"Old friend?"

Lu Xingchen froze for a moment, whispering: "Speaking of this, I think of a few people."


Qin Feiyang asked.

Lu Xingchen said: "I didn't tell you last time that Ling Yu, Feng Ranran, Luo Dan, Zhao Yu, somehow disappeared? And now, Tan Wu and Dong Zhengyang are gone."

Qin Feiyang was startled, stopped and turned to look at Lu Xingchen, frowning: "When is it?"

"Just after you took Ren Wushuang and Ren Ren."

Lu Xingchen said.

Qin Feiyang said: "Do you know that Ren Wushuang and the old man were taken by me?"

"Shen Mei told me."

Lu Xingchen said.

"This silly woman ..."

Qin Feiyang sighed, took a step, walked, and bowed his head in contemplation.

Tan Wu ’s disappearance, without even thinking about it, must be related to Yuan Bo.

But Dong Zhengyang's disappearance made him unable to figure it out.

At that time, in the sea of ​​reincarnation, Dong Zhengyang accompanied Ren Wushuang to visit him. He also sincerely retained Dong Zhengyang, but Dong Zhengyang did not stay.

At that time, he thought that Dong Zhengyang did not want to stay with him because of the complicated relationship between them.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

and many more!

Isn't it related to Yuanbo?

I remember Tan Wu said in the Magic Dragon Mountain Range that Yuan Bo has been helping him cultivate a force. Is Dong Zhengyang also the object of Yuan Bo training?

But it shouldn't be!

Yuan Zheng should be aware of the grievances between Dong Zhengyang and him.

Moreover, if Dong Zhengyang really followed Yuan Bo, why did n’t Dong Zhengyang tell him directly?

It's not like this!

Dong Zhengyang's disappearance has nothing to do with Yuan Bo.


Qin Feiyang rejected the previous idea.

Because Dong Zhengyang knew his relationship with Yuan Bo, and with Dong Zhengyang's character and arrogance, he would rather die than submit to Yuan Bo.

"It seems that this person is also a secret."

Qin Feiyang grunted and exhaled, asking, "That wind is innocent and Xue Ning, what about Xue Ruo's sister?"

"It's gone."

Lu Xingchen said.


"The people who entered the Imperial Capital together, except me and you, are now gone."

"You said, is this a coincidence?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.

"Who knows?"

Lu Xingchen shrugged.

"Yeah, who knows?"

"But this way, I don't have any friends here."

"There is no need to go any further, go back."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and opened the portal, preparing to walk in.

Lu Xingchen said: "Why do you go back so early? I'll take you to a place that will make you interested."


Qin Feiyang curiously said.

"The Temple of War."

Lu Xingchen said.

"Not interested in."

Qin Feiyang felt dull when he heard it.

Lu Xingchen smiled and said: "What about Fengyun List? Interested?"

"Fengyun list?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"You were born in the imperial capital, you should know the situation of the Temple of War. Only the ten strongest people in the Temple of War are eligible to be listed on the situation."

"And Zhuge Mingyang, now on the Fengyun list, is only ranked ninth."

Lu Xingchen said.


Qin Feiyang turned to surprise Lu Xingchen, saying: "With Zhuge Mingyang's strength, he can only be ranked ninth? Are you sure you are not kidding me?"

"Do I have to make such a joke with you?"

"How many geniuses have been born since the founding of the Great Qin Empire? They are basically in the Temple of War now."

"It is no exaggeration to say that if some people disdain this list, Zhuge Mingyang does not even qualify for the list."

Lu Xingchen said.

"In this way, the Temple of War is a real place to lie down."

Qin Feiyang grunted.


Lu Xingchen nodded and asked, "How are you interested now?"

"a little bit."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Just a little bit?"

Lu Xingchen murmured.


At this time.

Qin Feiyang suddenly felt that the crystal spar happened

Qin Feiyang flashed his eyes, turned his head to look at Lu Xingchen, and said, "I have something to do, let's leave first."


Without waiting for Lu Xingchen to react, Qin Feiyang went to the castle and took out the crystal spar. Yan Wei's phantom suddenly appeared.

"what happened?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

Yan Wei Shen said: "The National Teacher asked me to catch Ren Wushuang and them."

Qin Feiyang sneered: "This old thing really does not stop at all, but he is probably disappointed. Ren Wushuang is now by my side."

"I know."

"But this time, it was my best chance to get close to him."

"You think, what if he really brought Ren Wushuang to him? He would definitely reuse me immediately."

Yan Weidao.

"This is also true."

Qin Feiyang nodded, lowered his head and pondered for a while, looking at Yan Wei said: "However, I can't let Ren Wushuang go into danger."

"Then am I going to return empty-handed?"

Yan Wei frowned.

"Do not."

"I want to be alone."

Qin Feiyang said with a gleam in his eyes.


Yan Wei asked.

"Shen Mei."

Qin Feiyang said.

"she was?"

"Isn't she a friend of Ren Wushuang? If you do this, will Ren Wushuang blame you?"

Yan Wei frowned.

"I did this for Shen Mei's sake."

"Because I want to test, does Lu Xingchen really like Shen Mei?"

"If it is, he will definitely find ways to rescue Shen Mei."

"With his ability, it's not easy to rescue Shen Mei."

"And don't you still have you? When we meet together, Shen Mei will never be in danger."

Qin Feiyang said.

"It turns out this way."

Yan Wei suddenly realized, and said with a smile: "That line, I will go to her immediately."


Qin Feiyang nodded, turned off the video spar, and then looked at Yannan Mountain, Luo Qianxue, Liu Zhi, and Wang Xiaojie.

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