Invincible God of War

Chapter 1613: It's hard to escape!

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Under the control of the deputy confederate master, the two great men chased towards Willow and one flew towards the master of Fengtian Temple.

Because Liumu and Fengtiangong Palace Master threatened them most.

Liumu shouted anxiously: "Young Master, find a way, or let them escape."

It is clear.

The deputy leader will not let these two heroes explode directly.

Because if he blew himself up now, he wouldn't be able to escape from the immortals.

Self-explosive flesh is not a means of war and soul.

War tactics and war spirits, including **** tactics, can be controlled by the master.

But self-exploitation, no one can control.

Once someone explodes, whether it is an enemy or a friend, it will be injured.

Especially the large-scale dogfight like now.

Any false **** detonating itself will hurt people on both sides.


Even if they knew that the two men would not explode, Qin Feiyang and others dared not chase.

Because if it catches up, in case the deputy leader dog jumps the wall, regardless of the consequences, control the two to explode? The consequences are really difficult to imagine.

and so.

The deputy confederate took advantage of this and dragged Qin Feiyang and the others with those two big men to fight for the time for his people in the Confederacy.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows tightly.

It was not easy to seize this opportunity, how can the people of Vanguard League escape?


He looked up and looked at the main court of Fengtian Palace, surprised.

Faced with a middle-aged man who would explode at any time, the main lord of Fengtian Palace was not afraid, and continued to pursue Ning Minghe!

what happened?

Why does the lord of Fengtian Palace not retreat?

Is it that anger has lost its mind?

But impossible!

As the master of Fengtian Temple, how could one party in Xuanwu Realm lose reason because of this?

and many more!

Is it ...

Qin Feiyang seemed to think of something. His eyes lit up abruptly. He quickly looked at Li Yuan and others and said, "Come here now!"

Li Yuan and others were stunned for a while, and after waiting for their recovery, without any hesitation, they flew towards Qin Feiyang like lightning.

As for the elders of the six major groups, they were already flying towards Qin Feiyang when the situation was not good.

"Liumu, you drag the black man first."

And at the same time!

Qin Feiyang secretly said to Liumu before entering the castle.

Inside the castle.

Everyone has regained consciousness from cultivation, and watching Qin Feiyang come in, they all look worried.

"Don't worry, I can do it."

Qin Feiyang smiled and comforted, looked at Ling Yunfei and said, "Send everyone to your space fetish."

Say it.

He turned and walked to the offering platform, and put all things that could be taken away, such as the Nether Demon Flame, the Red Furnace, and the Red Sutra, into the Qiankun Bag.


Ling Yunfei also sent everyone, all fierce beasts, including Mu Xingkong, to the space fetish.

Ling Yunfei walked to Qin Feiyang and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"The people of Vanguard will surely explode."

"The Master of Fengtian Palace is now chasing Ning Minghe in a fierce pursuit. He is not afraid of the middle-aged man's self-detonation, and it must be because his space fetish can carry the self-destruction of the false god.

"However, it is too late for these people, Li Yuan, to meet with the Master of Fengtian Palace."

"So, these people have to stay in the castle for a while."

Qin Feiyang said.

Ling Yunfei nodded.

Qin Feiyang flashed again, appearing in the void outside.

Six elders, Li Yuan and others have arrived.

Qin Feiyang looked at a group of people and said, "Now I will send you to my old castle first, but I can't be a little lax and come out to kill the enemy at any time.


A group of people nodded.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and a group of people disappeared.


Qin Feiyang stepped on the phantom step and hurried to join Liumu.

It's too late to say, it's fast!

The middle-aged big man rushed into the sky and lay behind Ning Minghe, stopping the master of Fengtian Palace.

"court death!"

The main lord of Fengtian Palace smiled coldly, and the blue sword in his hand was radiant, carrying the sharp edge of the sky and slashing towards the middle-aged man.

Seeing this, Zhao Tailai shouted anxiously: "Palace, hurry!"

He can control the middle-aged man to explode at any time, but Ning Minghe is still ahead. If the middle-aged man explodes, then Ning Minghe can't escape.

"Don't worry about me, let them explode!"

Ning Minghe sullenly shouted.


Zhao Tailai looked dumbfounded.

"I still have armor, it's okay to save my life, hurry up!"

Ning Minghe drunk.

Zhao Tailai gritted his teeth, manipulated the puppet technique, and the middle-aged man who was about to die under the blue sword saw a devastating breath in his body.

And at the same time, the black man behind Liu Mu also burst into a devastating breath.


He is controlling two people and explodes at the same time!

"Little Lord……"

Liumu screamed and ran towards Qin Fei desperately.



Along with two loud noises, the flesh of the two big men exploded in the void at the same time.

The waves of annihilation of the world emerged immediately, and the mountains and rivers rushed to all directions!

The air wave swept across, and Liumu spouted blood on the spot.

On the back, the skin is fleshy and blood is rushing.

But he didn't even frown, but instead used the impact of the Qi wave to accelerate towards Qin Feiyang.

The two joined together, and Qin Feiyang immediately took Liumu and entered the castle.

At the same moment!

The top of the sky.

At the same time that the middle-aged man exploded, Feng Tiangong's mouth twitched, and he disappeared instantly.

In front of Ning Minghe, a white battle armor immediately appeared on his body, and recovered quickly, flashing a dazzling divine light.


This is also an artifact.

But even with the armor bodyguard, he was blasted by the air wave on the spot, blood spewing in his mouth!

And the cracks in the armor are also soaring.

This can be seen.

His flesh was also fatally hit!

But he also ignored the injury and rushed to join Zhao Tailai and others with lightning.


The main lord of Fengtian Palace snorted from his nose, controlling the space artifacts, breaking through the waves and always following the Ning Minghe!


Qin Feiyang also controlled the old castle, chasing Ning Minghe and others.

After Liuming served a healing healer, he stood next to Qin Feiyang, staring at Ning Minghe and others in the picture, and his eyes shone with an amazing cold light.

This is the second time, almost killed by Vanguard.

Don't be angry!

"I'm relying on it, it really explodes!"

Look at You Huang again.

Hearing the movement behind him, he screamed and immediately accelerated his speed, spit out the snake letter, rolled up the deacon, the second deacon, Ning Yifeng, Zhao Ximeng, Ning Yiyang, and turned on escape mode without looking back.

As for the others, it didn't matter.


The two heroes exploded as if the end of the world had come.

The void collapses, the desert sinks!

The devastating waves of waves drove mountains and seas.

A group of pseudo-gods in the Vanguard League, including Zhao Tailai, even brought out the power of feeding.

But the turbulent speed is faster.

In a blink of an eye, it spread to thousands of miles away.

They were still swept by the waves.

One by one was flew on the spot, covered with blood.

Fortunately, the distance is now far enough, and fortunately their cultivation is strong enough, they are all false gods, or they will all die!

But those who fled with Ning Yiyang before were not so lucky.

Although they were far away from the explosion center and fleeing desperately, their practice was too weak after all.

Qi Lang swept over Zhao Tailai and others and went straight to them.

"Master, save us quickly!"

Feeling the rolling waves, a group of people shouting in panic, filled with despair.

Zhao Tailai, who was blown away by the waves, and others stabilized his body and rushed to the rescue in a frenzy.


It was still too late.

A group of people have been submerged by the waves.


Along with a scream of screams, the flesh of tens of thousands of people shattered on the spot, and their blood stained the sky.


"Qin Feiyang, Fengtian Palace, I swear, I will never let you go!"

Ning Minghe roared, his teeth cracked.

"When I slaughtered me in Fengtian Temple, why didn't you see your men showing mercy?"

"Now know the pain?"

"However, their death has nothing to do with this seat and Qin Feiyang."

"You killed them because you controlled the two men to explode and killed them."

But at this moment.

The main lord of Fengtian Palace appeared from the space fetish, and he was murderous.

"Catch up so quickly?"

"Isn't there any injury?"

When a group of people saw the master of Fengtian Palace, they panicked.


"Just kidding, I have a space fetish, how could I be injured?"

"As long as the space artifacts in this seat are still there, no matter how many people you blast, there will be no impact on this seat. Instead, you will be hit hard by your own blast."

"Now, do you dare to explode yourself?"

"Actually, I really hope you all blew yourself up, so you can save yourself."

The lord of Fengtian Palace sneered.

Ning Minghe and other people sank like water.


The opponent has a space fetish, and it is useless to explode.

But if there is a frontal fight, Qin Feiyang has Cangxue in his hand, and there is only one way to die.

How to do?

"It's all Qin Feiyang's miscellaneous fault!"

"If it weren't for him and Liumu to use Cangxue to destroy our space fetish, why have we fallen to such awkward position!"

A false **** suffocated roar.

"What's the use of saying this now?"

"While Qin Feiyang hadn't chased them, we quickly killed the palace master of Fengtian Palace and robbed him of the space fetish. With the space fetish, they couldn't help us."

Zhao Tailai said angrily.


"Qin Feiyang is only threatened by the Six Star Warlord, and the space gods did not come so quickly, so he quickly killed him!"

Three deacons shouted.

A group of people immediately turned around, bursting into the eyes with a strong murderous spirit, and slayed towards the main palace of Fengtian Palace.

"Kill this seat?"

The Master of Fengtian Palace dismissed a smile and disappeared in the sight of a group of people in an instant.



"Hide what?"

Zhao Tailai roared immediately.

The main lord of Fengtiangong was deaf, and he was controlling the space artifacts, lying in front of a group of people.

He was not so stupid, he ran alone to deal with so many false gods in Vanguard.

There is no need to be in danger now.

Because as long as these people are dragged on and wait for Qin Feiyang and his entourage to arrive, these people are the turtles in the urn, and their wings can't escape.

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