Invincible God of War

Chapter 1618: Embarrassed Mu Tianyang

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Deep in the desert!

The wind screamed and the dust was all over the sky.

Inside the space artifact, inside a hall.

Mutianyang and Yan Shenhou sat opposite each other.

Mu Qing stood respectfully beside Mu Tianyang.

All three were silent, and the atmosphere seemed very heavy.

After a moment.

Yan Shenhou said: "Anyway, we will not accompany you to die."

Mu Tianyang said angrily: "If you don't go, how can Mu Qing and I leave Xuanwu Realm?"

"That's your business."

Yan Shenhou said.


"Don't you want us to be like you, trapped here all your life?"

Mutianyang said angrily.

"Did someone force you into the Xuanwu realm? You are going to run in, who blames?"

"The outside Tianyang Empire has been destroyed in your hands, what do you want?"

"Do you know how much energy we spent in Xuanwu Realm to create today's Tianyang Empire? How much effort was spent to cultivate so many false gods?"

"Do you think these are the winds?"

"Do you want us to destroy the Tianyang empire, you are willing?"

Yan Shenhou said angrily.


"What if there are more false gods?"

"It's just a bunch of waste, including you."

"When the emperor returns to its peak state, the power of the emperor alone is enough to create an unprecedented prosperous country."

Mutian Yang sneered, his tone full of disdain.


"You rock."

"We can't provoke you, go quickly, get out of Xuanwu Realm, and create your great kingdom."

The Yanshen Hou smiled angrily, all mad.

Mu Tianyang said: "You must go, because this is Qin Feiyang's request."


Yan Shenhou shouted.

"By this emperor is the first **** of war in the history of the Tianyang Empire!"

Mutianyang proudly said.

"Are the God of War amazing?"

"Now you are not the same, chased and beaten by such a war emperor Qin Feiyang?"

"Are you embarrassed?"

"Say it, are you not afraid of being joked?"

"God of War? I think you are not as good as a waste now."

Yan Shenhou said angrily.


A supernatural power suddenly rushed out of Mu Tianyang.

Yan Shenhou was not willing to show weakness, and the power of false gods rolled out.

Mu Qing raised his eyebrows, looked at Yan Shenhou, and said in a deep voice: "It's best to be kind to the Lord."

"You have the qualification to speak here, shut up for Ben Hou!"

The Yanshen Hou was so angry that he slapped a slap on Mu Qing's face, and a **** red slap appeared immediately.

Mu Tianyang was furious, raised his big hand, and slaped toward Yan Shenhou.

"It's really shameless to you!"

Yan Shenhou's eyes were cold, and the power of the false **** was like a wave, rushing towards Mu Tianyang.


Just then.

There was a full voice, a majestic voice, suddenly sounded.

Follow closely.

A middle-aged man wearing a dragon crown and a dragon robe appeared beside the three men out of thin air.

"Meet the emperor!"

Yan Shenhou shuddered and bowed to the middle-aged man immediately.


This is the emperor of Xuanwu Realm Tianyang Empire.


Facing this emperor, neither Mu Tianyang nor Mu Qing paid any respect.

The middle-aged man glanced at Mu Qing, then looked at Mu Tianyang, and said blankly: "We can't help this matter, you can figure it out for yourself."

Mu Tianyang Huo Ran got up, his hands clenched, staring at the middle-aged man in a stern manner.

"In addition, you have to understand that this is Xuanwu Realm, not the outside world."

"Here, it is the Emperor Ben who has the final say."

"If you want to seize power from the emperor, take out your skills."

Middle-aged man said.

Mutianyang faced down like water, saying one by one: "You will regret your decision today!"

"is it?"

"This emperor will wait and see."

"As for now, you still think about it, how can you escape Qin Feiyang's robbery?"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he waved his hand, even though Mu Tianyang and Mu Qingdang appeared outside the desert.


Mu Tianyang was indignant.

Mu Qing's face was also full of anger, saying: "I originally thought that these people should be able to help us, but I didn't expect that they wouldn't put us in their eyes."

"If I were still at my peak, would they dare to treat me like this?"

"I'm too late to **** up."

"In the final analysis, it is still strength."

"With sufficient strength, you can be respected no matter where you are. Without strength, even the tribe can't be trusted."

Mutian Yang sneered.

Mu Qing nodded and said comfortingly: "The road to heaven has no way, we can definitely think of a way, and the Lord should not be too angry."

"The humiliation they gave me today, I will remember."

"Look at Qin Feiyang's whereabouts right away, did you really go to the river of bone erosion."

Mutianyang Road.

Mu Qing immediately opened his eyes.

After a little.

Mu Qing nodded: "He is indeed already evacuating."

"Then hurry up and try to get ahead of him and enter the devil's land."

Mu Tianyang said with a deep voice, and with Mu Qing, he walked away with lightning.

Inside the space fetish!

Looking at the disappearing backs of the two, Yan Shenhou frowned and looked at the middle-aged man, saying, "Emperor, what shall we do?"

"Since Qin Feiyang and others have already evacuated, then we will go and see if there is a chance to rescue Mu Xingkong."

The middle-aged man said, with a killing flash in his eyes, he then drove the space fetish, followed Mu Tianyang and flew outside.


Time flies!

at last.

Qin Feiyang left the desert in a mighty way, and appeared over the mountains of the undead.

"You **** monsters, let me go!"

Far away.

They had already heard Zhuge Mingyang's roar.


"Still struggling?"

Willow was surprised.

A group of people flew past.

Thousands of cedars are still gathered together, forming an iron barrel-like prison, trapping Zhuge Mingyang.

Qin Feiyang joked: "We all went to battle with the Vanguard League, are you still here?"

"Qin Feiyang?"

Suddenly, Zhuge Mingyang quickly looked up at Qin Feiyang and shouted, "Brother Qin, I'll have a friend anyway. Help me!"


"You friend, I can't afford to climb high."

"Do not disturb, you continue."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Where are you going?"

Zhuge Mingyang shouted.

"The river of bone erosion."

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he took a group of people and left without looking back.

"Qin Feiyang, you are a bastard, I will not let you go!"

Zhuge Mingyang roared angrily, shaking the mountains and the earth.


A group of people swept out of the Undead Mountains and stood above the entrance.

Qin Feiyang looked at the main palace of Fengtian Palace and said, "Hurry up."

The Lord of Fengtian Palace nodded, waved his hand, and a woman appeared.

It was his wife, deputy lord of Fengtian Palace.

"Have seen Brother Qin."

The woman salutes.

After this period of cultivation, her qi sea has also been restored.

"Senior is polite."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

The Lord of Fengtian Palace waved another hand, an ancient city with a big slap, flew out of his eyebrows, and flew to the woman, saying: "Madam, this space **** will be kept by you first, wait for the people of the Tianyang Empire to come, You must be careful. "

"I know."

The woman nodded, grabbed the ancient city, and led a group of two elders into the ancient city.

Qin Feiyang also immediately opened the portal to the River of Bone Erosion.

The next moment.

Qin Feiyang, the main lord of Fengtian Palace, and the Emperor, descended on the bank of the River of Bone Erosion.

Qin Feiyang stood at the bridge head, looking out at Taoyuan City.

The original bustling and prosperous Taoyuan City not only turned into nothingness at this moment, there was not even a ghost shadow, and there was still silence.

"It's a pity that Taoyuan City, which has existed for so many years, has just turned into a ruin."

The lord of Fengtian Palace sighed deeply, turned his head to look at Qin Feiyang, and asked, "Brother Qin, do you know, who did this?"

Qin Feiyang said: "In addition to Zhuge Mingyang, who else can there be?"

"It's him?"

The master of Fengtian Palace was surprised.

Qin Feiyang withdrew his eyes and turned his head to scan the river of bone erosion, saying: "This river of bone erosion, can even the hypocrisy be wiped out?"

"of course."

The Lord of Fengtian Palace nodded, very determined.

Qin Feiyang frowned: "Why did Zhuge Mingyang fall and didn't die? What magic skill is he practicing now?"

You Huang glanced at the dark river of bone erosion, and his eyes were full of suspiciousness.

"Young Master, come to the castle."


Liu Mu's voice sounded in Qin Feiyang's mind.


Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, looked at the Emperor You and the Palace Master of Fengtian Palace, and said, "You stay here first, and I will go to the ancient castle."


Qin Feiyang disappeared without waiting for one person and one animal to react.

Inside the castle!

As soon as Qin Feiyang entered, he looked at Ling Yunfei and Liu Mu, and the six elders standing together. Liu Mu firmly grasped a crimson broad knife in his hand, and a group of people glared at the opposite Ning Minghe and others.

This knife was the Fengshen knife handed over from Ning Minghe.


Because he wanted to surrender to Ning Minghe and others, he put the Shenfeng sword in the old castle.


Qin Feiyang looked at Liu Mu and Ling Yunfei and asked.

Liu Mu said angrily: "As soon as this popular sea is repaired, he wants to recapture the Phoenix Divine Sword. I don't agree. He is still going to shoot me."


Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows.

Ning Minghe hurriedly looked at Qin Feiyang and begged: "Young Master, this Phoenix Divine Sword is inherited from all the leaders of the past generations. I can't lose it. Please also ask the young master to look at the fact that we have surrendered to you and give me back ?"


"Now your little lives are masters, not to mention artifacts."

Willow sneered.

Ning Minghe stared angrily at Liu Mu, watching Qin Feiyang pleading: "Young Master, please."

Qin Feiyang said: "Now I can't give you this artifact."


When Ning Minghe heard this, he suddenly became paralyzed.

"of course."

"If you perform well in the future, it's another matter."

Qin Feiyang said again.

Ning Minghe came to the spirit again, got up and looked at Qin Feiyang, solemnly said: "Young Master, rest assured, I must perform well."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly and said, "Tell me about your current heritage. How many pseudo-gods are left? How many artifacts?"

"There are a total of 52 pseudo-gods and my son Feng Yiyang. The artifacts are removed from the Phoenix Divine Sword, and now there are ten pieces in the hands of the deacon of the Ninth National Congress and Zhao Tailai."

Ning Ming Hedao.

"so much?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

Fifty-two pseudo-gods, plus the six elders, Youhuang, and Liumu, does that mean that there are already sixty pseudo-gods by his side now?

This is really a big harvest!

Qin Feiyang laughed: "Hand over all artifacts!"


Zhao Tailai, Deacon II and others heard his words, and his face suddenly paled.

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