Invincible God of War

Chapter 1946: Huo Yi

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Fire Lotus secretly said: "This man is annoying."

Qin Feiyang said: "But he is also a wise man."


Fire Lotus frowned.

Why did it boast?

Qin Feiyang said with a smile: "I can think of so many things from a drop of dragon's blood. Isn't this smart?"

"What do you think of?"

Fire Lotus is suspicious.

"Then what do you think I want to do with this person?"

Qin Feiyang asked back.

"I never thought about it."

Fire Lotus shook his head.

"Actually, I also want to ask him about the source of Dragon Blood."

"You think, the dragon blood on his body cannot come out of nothing, it must be obtained from a certain dragon."

"Although ordinary dragon blood doesn't have much appeal to everyone, the real dragon, but everyone will be envious."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"It turns out this way."

Fire Lotus nodded suddenly.

Qin Feiyang said again: "Of course, Shenlong is more valuable to us."

"How to say?"

Fire Lotus is suspicious.

"Dragon Soul to Yuanshen Pill."

"The first medicine of this medicine is the spirit of the dragon."

Qin Feiyang said.

Fire Lotus was shocked and secretly said: "Are you going to hunt the Shenlong?"

Qin Feiyang laughed: "If there is this opportunity, I will definitely not let go."

"Hunting the Dragon ..."

Fire Lotus' mind was incredible.

This guy really dares to think.

Qin Feiyang said: "I really hope that the dragon that this person knows is a great perfect God of War."

"Why is the Great Perfection God of War?"

Fire Lotus is puzzled.

"Because the dragon soul needed by the Dragon Soul to Yuanshen Pill, at least the Great Dragon Soul must be completed."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

"More and more crazy!"

Fire Lotus shook his head.

The great dragon of the Great God of War is only one step away from the half-step god!


Huo Yi Men and Peng An are still deadlocked.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows, stepped forward, and pushed away Peng An, saying, "Are you still a man?"

"Dare you push me?"

Peng An looked at Qin Feiyang in disbelief.

"Who do you think you are?"

"The disciples of Jiutian Palace are amazing? Don't dare to push? Don't take yourself too seriously."

Qin Feiyang snorted, ignored Peng An, and looked at the Huoyi man with a smile: "Xiongtai, let's go!"

Huoyi laughed loudly, and then strode down.

Qin Feiyang also turned around and walked away, never seeing Peng An at all.

"Fuck, shit, it's unforgivable!"

Peng An gritted his teeth and smoked over his head.

The disciples of the Nine Heavens Palace actually let the two unknown people ignore and humiliate?

It is unbearable!


He raised his fist and dived, blasting at Qin Feiyang and Huoyi Men.

Qin Feiyang frowned.

This man, although a little clever, is very uninteresting.


"This is the Pavilion, and no one is allowed to mess around."

But just as Qin Feiyang was ready to shoot, a staff member ran out and watched Peng An shout.

Peng An stopped with a sudden brake, his face turned red and blue.

Qin Feiyang didn't shoot again, and followed the Huoyi men to walk in front of Huolian.

Peng An shouted: "Listen to the three of you, this time you provoke people who should not provoke."

Fire Lotus said with a smile: "I really can't see, how big are you?"

"I have nothing to start with, but there is a person who can scare you as long as he says his name!"

Peng An sneered.

Qin Feiyang stared at each other for a moment, looked at each other, and turned to look at Peng An, who was standing above him.

The Huoyi man smiled and said: "It's interesting, then tell me, who is this person?"

"Feng Zijun!"

Peng An said one word at a time.

"Feng Zijun!"

Upon hearing the name, the man in the firecoat suddenly shrank slightly.

Qin Feiyang noticed the change in the look of the men in Huoyi, and there was a doubt in his eyes.

Who is this Feng Zijun?

Actually let this person change the smell?


Peng An sneered at the three.

"Haha ..."

"Afraid, of course. Afraid of Fengzijun's name, who doesn't know Tianlong City?"

"But even Fengzijun can't be so overbearing?"

Huo Yi laughed loudly, and turned back to the first floor without looking back.

Qin Feiyang looked at Huolian and quickly followed.

"Why not?"

"You wait and see for me!"

Peng An growled and ran towards the first floor.


Auction house.

Located on the ground floor of the first floor, there are two floors in total.

The first floor is the auction hall.

The second floor is the elegant room.

After entering the auction house, the men in Huoyi took Qin Feiyang and entered the No. 9 elegant room.

The space between the elegant rooms is not large, about five or six meters, but the decoration is luxurious and expensive.

The man in fire clothes pointed to the seat next to the coffee table and smiled: "Please sit down."

Qin Feiyang and Huolian sat side by side in a double chair, looking up outside.

In front, there is a transparent floor-to-ceiling window.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can clearly see the auction house outside.


On the high platform of the auction stood a woman in white, about twenty years old, but the breath exuded was terrible.

According to Qin Feiyang's judgment, it should be comparable to Yuan Bo!

In other words.

This girl is a half-step god!

In front of the woman in white, there is a long iron box with a three-foot war sword in it.

Although the War Sword did not recover, the sharp edge released from there can be judged at a glance, it is a superb artifact!

The people around the auction stand, as well as the people in the second floor of the elegant room, are competing to bid on this matter.

"There is a good saying, no traitor."

"Generally precious things, Baoge will be brought here for auction."

"So, if you want to find something good, you have to come here."

Huoyi Men laughed while making tea.

Qin Feiyang nodded his head, withdrew his eyes, looked at the Huoyi man, and said with a smile: "Under Jiang Haotian, this is a sister-in-law, Jiang Huolian, I do not know Xiongtai, can you tell us the name of the high name.

"Huo Yi."

"Fire in flames is easy."

Huo Yi laughed.

"Huo Yi ..."

Qin Feiyang murmured, this name is also very strange, it seems that he has never seen this person before.

Huo Yi poured two cups of tea, retreated to Qin Feiyang and smiled, "The two should be the first time in Tianlong City!"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

Huo Yi held the teacup and sipped gently, saying, "Dragon City, but the dragon and the snake are mixed this day, so the two of you should be careful!

"Brother Xie Huo cares."

"Brother Huo, dare to ask who this Feng Zijun is?"

Qin Feiyang asked curiously.

"This Feng Zijun, but there is a great future!"

"I don't know Brother Jiang, have you ever heard of the owner of the Jiutiangong Resource Hall?"

Fire is easy.

"Resource Hall Lord?"

"Isn't this the grandfather of the son?"

"and many more!"

"Young Master Bong?"

"Feng Zijun?"

"It's impossible ..."

Qin Feiyang sighed in his heart, smiling at Huo Yi, "Heard and heard."

Huo Yidao: "This Feng Zijun is the grandson of this resource hall master."


Qin Feiyang muttered secretly.

The two are brothers.

And this Fengzijun should be the big brother said in the mouth of the son.

"Feng Zijun, not only has a strong family background, but also talented."

"Do you know what he did?"

"Early God!"

Fire is easy.

"So strong!"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

He became a monarch at first, but he was even more terrifying than Yuanbo.

"Because of his strength and background, there are a lot of disciples in the Jiutian Palace."

"The Peng An just now should be one of them."

Fire is easy.

Qin Feiyang asked: "That is to say, this Peng An is looking for news for Feng Zijun?"


Huo Yi nodded, and then shook his head again, saying: "Don't talk about these first, talk about my purpose!"

Qin Feiyang smiled and said: "Brother Huo is so smart, he should have thought of it!"

"Sure enough, what I expected."

Huo Yi smiled, only slightly pondered, and then said: "Brother Jiang can tell the whereabouts of the dragon, but Brother Jiang must agree to the next condition."

"You said."

Qin Feiyang said.

Huo Yidao: "I wonder if Brother Jiang knows about recruiting disciples in Jiutian Temple?"

"Slightly know one or two."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to enter Jiutian Palace?"

Fire is easy to ask.

"Having this idea."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Huo Yi smiled and said: "This is good, the next condition is that when the time to participate in the assessment, Brother Jiang can help the next one."

"You also want to enter Jiutian Temple?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Huo Yi smiled and said, "Jiutian Palace is like a holy place for cultivation. Whoever does not want it!"

"This is also true."

Qin Feiyang nodded, pondered for a while, and said with a smile: "It's too polite to say help, we care for each other and support each other."

Huo Yi was stunned for a while, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, care for each other and support each other."

Qin Feiyang said: "What about the dragon?"

Huo Yidao: "In the depths of the Tianlong Mountain Range, there is a place called Heilong Lake. There is a black dragon lurking there. My dragon blood is obtained from it."

"Black Dragon Lake ..."

"Black Dragon ..."

Qin Feiyang murmured and asked, "How about its strength?"


"Half step god!"

Huo Yisheng said.

"it is good!"

Qin Feiyang was overjoyed.

The dragon soul of the half-step **** has exceeded the minimum standard of dragon soul to Yuanshen Pill.

Huo Yi looked at Qin Feiyang's reaction and frowned: "Brother Jiang, aren't you going to hunt it?"

"It depends."

Qin Feiyang smiled.

Even if Shenlong finds it, there are still two other herbs, the flower of the Dragon God, and the Yuanshen Lotus.

Therefore, it is not urgent to hunt the Black Dragon.

Moreover, a dragon with a half-step **** is not so easy to hunt.

During the conversation between the two, the auction of the War Sword outside was also over.

The final transaction price is 30 million Shenjing.

An excellent artifact, only auctioned 30 million yuan, which made Qin Feiyang a little speechless.

It seems that in this Dragon City, the best artifacts can only be considered ordinary.

"This strange treasure to be auctioned next, I believe many people will not be unfamiliar."

The woman in white standing on the high platform smiled slightly, and as the jade hand waved, a slap of purple flames appeared out of thin air.

Looking at the purple flame, Qin Feiyang was refreshed.

The fire lotus on the side also glowed with radiance.

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