Invincible God of War

Chapter 1950: Ge Yong!

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At the same time that Qin Feiyang disappeared, Feng Zijun came out angrily in the No. 1 room.

Peng An is still howling.

But outside the door, there was already a woman in red waiting.

This woman is a staff member of Baoge.

Seeing Feng Zijun come out, the woman in red immediately greeted her and smiled: "Feng Gongzi, please also check out in the VIP room."

Looking at the smile on the woman's face in red, the anger in Feng Zijun's heart burned again.

The woman's smile is actually very sincere, but in the eyes of Feng Zijun, it is like mocking him.

"Step aside."

Feng Zijun looked at the woman harshly and said.

The woman in red was stunned and patient, and said, "Bonson, you are a frequent visitor to my Baoge. Naturally, I also understand the rules of my Baoge. After auctioning items, I must pay my face to the face before leaving.

Feng Zijun's eyes were gloomy, his hands clasped together.

The woman in red lowered her head and said, "Son, please don't embarrass me."


Feng Zijun took a deep breath and said: "I don't have so many **** crystals on my body now. Wait for me to go back to Jiutian Temple and pay the bill."


The woman in red frowned, and it was difficult to decide.

See you.

The anger in Feng Zijun's heart was ignited again, and said angrily: "I Feng Zijun, the demon of the majestic palace of Nine Heavens, in this Dragon City, also has a great reputation, will it still fail?

"No no no."

The woman in red quickly waved her hands and said: "The son is a man, we Baoge believes, but this time the amount involved is too large, I really dare not be the master."

Feng Zijun said: "If you can't be the master, let Shangguan Qiu come."

"it is good."

"I'm going to be called the steward."

The woman in red nodded and shouted, "Come here."

An **** ran over.

The woman in red said: "You lead your son to the VIP room No.1, so you can entertain yourself."

"it is good."

The guard nodded, then looked at Feng Zijun and smiled, "Son, please!"


Feng Zijun snorted and walked towards the third floor of Baoge.

The woman in red quickly entered the auction house and ran to the auction platform, whispering in the ear of the woman in white.

"It's all as expected."

The woman in white chuckled and said, "You help me auction first, I'll go and see."


The woman in red nodded.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I have something to do, but the auction won't stop, everyone will continue."

The woman in white looked around the auction house, smiled, and then turned and walked away quickly.

"How did you leave halfway?"

"Does this need to be said? It must be because of Feng Zijun."

"Shenzhen 400 million God Crystal, even Feng Zijun, I'm afraid it won't come out."

"This time Feng Zijun is embarrassed."

"It doesn't matter if he loses face, the most important thing is his parents and grandpa."

"His parents are law enforcement elders in Jiutian Palace, and his grandfather is the master of the Jiutian Palace Resource Hall. When did he lose this kind of person?"

"When they receive the news, this Feng Zijun, there must be no good fruit."

Everyone whispered and whispered, and their faces were full of jokes.


The third floor.

VIP room one!

The woman in white pushed the door in and saw Feng Zijun sitting at the coffee table, her face green.

The guard stood aside, silently looking at Feng Zijun.

in fact.

This is surveillance to prevent Feng Zijun from leaving.

The woman in white looked at Feng Zijun and waved, "You go out!"


The guard responded respectfully, then turned and walked out of the VIP room and closed the door.

"Feng Gongzi, is my Baoge not entertaining well? His face is so ugly."

The woman in white walked over to the coffee table and sat across from Feng Zijun, laughing.

"Stop laughing?"

Feng Zijun raised his eyebrows, his anger was soaring.


The woman in white nodded again and again and said, "The following people told me, I don't have any opinions, but I need an IOU."


Feng Zijun suddenly couldn't sit still, got up and glared at the woman in white, and said: "What kind of person do I have in Feng Zijun, you don't know? Actually let me write a note, you are not humiliating me?

"Feng Gongzi rests his anger."

"This is Baoge's rules. I'm a public official. I also ask my son to understand."

The woman in white laughed.

"No room for negotiation?"

Feng Zijun raised his eyebrows.

"Feng Gongzi, don't make me difficult!"

"You know the rules of my Baoge. If this matter is changed to others, I am afraid today, don't want to step out of the Baoge door."

"And now, I just let the son leave a slip, which has already given you a big face."

The woman in white laughed.

Feng Zijun's face was uncertain.

The woman in white said: "If the son does not want to leave the debt, then I have to go to Jiutian Palace in person and ask Feng Lao for help."

Feng Lao in the woman's mouth is the grandfather of Feng Zijun.


Feng Zijun's anger was unstoppable.

The woman in white smiled and said, "Son, you have already given you the face, don't you have to be too insane!"

"you are vicious!"

Feng Zijun glared at the woman in white and returned to the chair, saying, "Be prepared for pen and ink!"

The woman in white chuckled, walked to the desk in person, took the pen, ink, and paper and placed it in front of Feng Zijun.

Feng Zijun was holding the pen and was preparing to write.


An eight-foot tall, burly man in black appeared in the VIP room out of thin air.

There is also a flame pattern on the big man's chest.

Seeing this person, Feng Zijun was overjoyed, immediately put down the pen in his hand, and got up and shouted: "Uncle Yong."

The burly man waved his hand, looked at the woman in white, and smiled: "Shangguanqiu, it's been a long time."

"It's been a long time since I saw you."

Shangguanqiu got up and smiled.

With a word of greeting, the burly man said: "I have heard about the Thunder Fire in Jiuyang, so I specially asked me to deal with it. I don't know how much the Thunder Fire in Jiuyang ultimately auctioned?"

Shangguanqiu glanced at Feng Zijun and said with a smile: "Feng Lao actually let you run this trip in person. It seems that I really love this grandson. The transaction price of the thunder fire in Jiuyang is 400 million **** crystals.

"400 million!"

The burly man looked dumbfounded, turned his head to look at Feng Zijun, and shook his head, saying: "You are really nonsense."

Feng Zijun bowed his head, his face full of regret.


The burly big man sighed, took out a golden card from his arms, handed it to Shangguanqiu, and said with a smile: "You take it!

"it is good."

Shangguanqiu nodded, took the card, and said, "Come here."

The door opened, and the guard who had left before ran in again.

Shangguanqiu said with a smile: "Take this card, go to the account room and deduct 400 million Shenjing."


The **** took the card and turned to walk away quickly.

When the guard walked out of the VIP room, the burly man withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Shangguanqiu, and said, "Can I have a few words with Feng Zijun in private?"

Shangguan Qiu was stunned and said with a smile: "Of course, you can talk, I will let someone send the card later."

He just turned and walked outside.

"and many more."

"Nine Yang Thunderfire?"

Feng Zijun shouted.

"Look at my memory, I almost forgot."

Shangguanqiu patted his head, and then waved his hand, Jiuyang thunder fire suddenly appeared out of thin air, flew in front of Feng Zijun, and then Shangguanqiu left.

The burly man immediately stepped forward, closed the door, and immediately turned to Feng Zijun, looking at the thunder fire of Jiuyang, helplessly said: "The 400 million **** crystal, just took such a thing, son, not Yong Shu said you , You are a real loser! "

Feng Zijun bowed his head and guiltily said: "Uncle Yong, don't you say anything?"

"Good, don't talk about it."

"However, you don't have to worry, someone will pay for this Thunder Fire in Jiuyang."

The burly man laughed.

"What do you mean?"

Feng Zijun was surprised.

"This time I came, on the one hand, to send Shenjing over to help you out, and on the other hand, to help you find this place."

The burly Dahan Road, the cold light flashed in his eyes.

Feng Zijun's eyes lit up and asked, "What do you mean?"

"People who dare to fight against us have never ended well, and this time is no exception!"

The burly man sneered.

"So what are you going to do?"

Feng Zijun asked.

"kill him!"

The burly Dahan Road.

"Is this grandpa's order?"



The burly man nodded and asked, "Do you know that person's identity?"

"do not know."

"However, dare to shout at me, I think his identity should not be simple."


"What does it look like?"

The burly Dahan Road.

Feng Zijun asked: "I don't know, but Peng An knows."

"it is good."

"You go and call Peng An up, I have to understand it well."

The burly Dahan Road.


Feng Zijun nodded and was preparing to put away the Jiuyang Thunderfire.

But at this moment, Jiuyang Thunderfire disappeared without a trace.


The faces of Feng Zijun and the burly big man suddenly rose in a look of surprise.

Follow closely.

Overwhelming thoughts appeared, but in this small VIP room, they found nothing.

"Why is this true, really true, who dare to make trouble under my nose, who is it? Get me out!"

The burly man roared like thunder.

In an instant, the entire Baoge was shocked.


Elegant Room Nine.

With a happy smile, Qin Feiyang strode into the elegant room and closed the door.

Huo Yi looked at Qin Feiyang suspiciously and asked, "Brother Jiang, have you encountered any happy events?"

"Brother Huo knows everything, so why not ask again?"

Qin Feiyang smiled, walked to the fire lotus, sat on the seat, his face full of comfort.


Huo Yi shook his head and smiled.

But this kind of dude must be cured.

Qin Feiyang took a sip of tea, turned his head to look at Huoyi, and said, "Brother Huo, I still heard them talking, as if it would be against us!"

"All in expectation."

Fire easily sighed.

Qin Feiyang asked: "Do you know who the uncle Yong is?"

"Uncle Yong?"

Huo Yi was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "You said the man who roared before?"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"This person is not easy!"

"He is a close disciple of Grandpa Fengzijun, named Ge Yong, and his strength has reached Xiaocheng Shenjun, and won the trust of Grandpa Fengzijun."

"Even Feng Zijun's parents respected him by three points."

Fire is easy.

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