Invincible God of War

Chapter 2111: This slap really hurts!

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Mutian Yang was furious and said, "You are crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. I really regret it. At first, you were in control. It is no wonder that Ge Yong will betray you. A sinister villain like you is not worth our time."


After Mu Tianyang finished speaking, Feng Yuan got up angrily and slapped it on Mu Tianyang's face fiercely.

A **** slap mark appeared.

Mu Tianyang's mouth also spewed blood.

Feng Yuanyin smiled and said, "Do you believe the old man will destroy you now?"

"Of course."

"But kill me, you never want to get rid of Jiang Haotian."

"It's not that I look down on you, you don't have this ability at all."

Mu Tianyang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sneered.

Feng Yuan was angry and angry, and raised his arm again, but he froze in the void and did not fan.

Mu Tianyang did not show any fear, and even looked at him provocatively.

"Haha ..."

Feng Yuan laughed suddenly, lowered his arm, and returned to the seat, saying, "You really have some value, it's a pity to kill."

"Just know."

Mutianyang Road.

Feng Yuandao: "Then how do you get rid of Jiang Haotian?"

"I have said long ago that this matter cannot be worried."

"To deal with Jiang Haotian, it is necessary to go through it step by step."

Mutianyang Road.

"That line."

"The old man won't shoot at this time, you look for opportunities!"

"The old man has something to do, let's go back!"

Feng Yuan waved.

Mu Tianyang's eyes flashed and said, "I still have a question."

"what is the problem?"

Feng Yuan looked at him puzzled.

Mu Tianyang said: "Who assassinated Ma Guang and those killers?"

"Is this about you?"

Fengyuan frowned.

"Of course."

"This person can kill Ma Guang under the eyes of a madman without knowing it. I can imagine that his strength is definitely strong.

"If you can let him help me, you can definitely do more with less."

Mutian Yang channeled himself.

Feng Yuan was stunned and asked, "You mean, want him to follow you? Listen to your orders?"


Mu Tianyang nodded.

"Haha ..."

"You are getting more and more inflated, but you still want to order the old man?"

Feng Yuan smiled back and forth and looked at Mu Tianyang as if he were looking at the jumping beam clown.


"It's you who killed Ma Guang?"

Mu Tianyang was suspicious.


"It's an old man."

"Who made that horse talkative? Didn't he seek death?"

Feng Yuan sneered.

"You actually shot it yourself?"

Mu Tianyang was shocked.

"Go on!"

"If you want the old man to continue to train you, come up with your real strength and means."

Feng Yuan's indifferent opening.

Mu Tianyang glanced at Feng Yuan deeply, and turned to leave the lounge.

The video will stop here.


"Actually, he really made out his words, great."

Qin Feiyang gave thumbs up to Mutianyang.

"It's all mean."

"But that slap really hurts!"

Mu Tianyang touched his face, his eyes flashed with a sense of murderous murder.

Qin Feiyang said: "Sooner or later, he will be returned."

"And a hundredfold repayment!"

Mutian Yang smiled coldly, put away the crystal spar, and said, "It's better to say that as a lunatic, this evidence is not enough."

"I know."

"It's not a hurry, take it slowly."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Mu Tianyang nodded and took out another Qiankun ring.


Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

Mutianyang said: "Soul Stone."

When Qin Feiyang heard it, he quickly grabbed the Qiankun ring, and after checking it, it was really full of soul stones.

Mutianyang said: "A total of 350 million."

"350 million?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

"Although the first four-elephant Promise Divine Pill won a billion-dollar price, it was because the madman and Fengzi were fighting."

"When the second piece was auctioned, Huo Yi and I also played with Yu Zijie."

"But Yu Zijie seems to have heard the wind and knows that we are bidding for Feng Yuan, so he also exited consciously."

"The second one was only auctioned at 400 million."

"As for the third one, Huo Yi and I did not take action, and Feng Zihan did not take action. Only Yu Zijie competed with others, and finally Yu Zijie got his hand for 200 million yuan."

Mutianyang Road.

"Only 200 million?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"Has 200 million already been a lot?"

"After all, from the Great Constellation of God of War, cultivation to the half-step god, only 100 million soul stones are needed."

"In other words."

"The price of the Four Elephants Promise Divine Pill has doubled."

"Speaking of this northern area, how many have the ability to take out hundreds of millions of soul stones at once?"

Mutianyang Road.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

"One billion, four hundred million, two hundred million, add up, the three four-elephant Promise Divine Pills auctioned yesterday were a total of 1.6 billion soul stones."

"We are divided into 800 million."

"Then deducting Huoyi's sealing fee, we have only 700 million left."

"So the two of us can only get 350 million each."

Mutianyang Road.

"You really gave him a sealing fee?"

Qin Feiyang couldn't help but feel a pain.

Huo Yi's sealing fee is 50 million per person.

That is to say.

Huo Yi didn't do anything, so he took away 100 million soul stones from him and Mutianyang.

"What if I don't give it?"

"If it leaks out, the Four Elephant Promise Pill is made by us, then it will be a lot of trouble."

"It's better to spend some money and block his mouth."

Mutian Yang was helpless.

Qin Feiyang couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Mu Tianyang said again: "But this man is also very interesting, guaranteeing that he will not blackmail us again in the future."

"If you are not content, you will be killed. He is a smart man and he can certainly think of this."

Qin Feiyang said.

Mu Tianyang asked: "Then I plan to plan, and then set off to the sea of ​​Tianlong?"

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded, then took Mutianyang and the gray castle, left Xuanwu Realm, and appeared in the cave house.

Mu Tianyang turned around and left without delay.

Qi Ling looked at Mu Tianyang's back and preached: "This man is not easy."

Qin Feiyang was stunned and curiously said: "How to say?"

Qi Lingdao: "In him, the deity can sense a dangerous breath."

"Your insight is amazing!"

"This person is really not simple, because he also has a god-resistant god."

Qin Feiyang said.


Qi Ling was surprised.

When did the anti-celestial being become so worthless?

Qin Feiyang suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked, "Yes, ask you something, is the madman's space fetish, is it also an anti-sky artifact?"


Qi Ling should say.

Qin Feiyang looked blank.

He was just guessing, but he didn't expect it to be.

"And according to the deity's guess, the space artifact should also carry the time circle."

"And it is not a low-level time array."

Qi Lingdao.

"No wonder he wants to hide from me, afraid I will go in. It turns out that there is time to form a circle."

Qin Feiyang nodded suddenly.

"and many more!"

"Low level?"

"Time array, there is a distinction between low and high?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Of course."

Qi Lingdao.

"How to distinguish?"

Qin Feiyang immediately became interested.

"High Medium Low."

"Low-level time phalanx, time rules that can be changed, up to ten years."

"Ten years to one thousand years, it belongs to the intermediate time circle."

"And more than a thousand years, it belongs to the advanced time circle."

Qi Ling explained.


"One day equals one thousand years?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

"You can never imagine what is happening in this world."

"A thousand years is nothing."

"It is said that there are some time phalanxes, and the time rules that can be changed are as long as ten thousand years."

Qi Lingdao.

Qin Feiyang was dumbfounded.

One day equals 10,000 years, which is too terrible!

I dare not even think about it.

Qin Feiyang asked: "What will it take to set up a time circle?"

Qi Lingdao: "Mastering the law of time, you can lay the law of time."

"Master the law of time?"

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment, suddenly thinking of Mu Tianyang's blood blade, and asked, "At that time, the light backed up, was it the law of time?"

"of course."

Qi Ling should say.

"That said, can the Blood Blade also be able to set up a time circle?"

"In this case, why did Mu Tianyang go to Chijin God Tower?"

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows tightly.

"Of course, things like artifacts cannot set up a time circle."

"Like a deity, there is no such ability."

Qi Lingdao.

Qin Feiyang was stunned and asked, "Why?"

"Because the power of the law contained in the artifact is given by those who refine the artifact."

"That is to say, an instrument like ours does not have the power to understand the law itself."

"Without the power of enlightenment laws, it is naturally impossible to set up a time circle."

Ji Ling tirelessly explained.

"It turns out this way."

Qin Feiyang nodded suddenly.

Then this can be explained.

Although the Blood Blade can display the laws of time, it is not fully understood, so it is impossible to lay the time circle.

Then Mu Tianyang can only think of other ways.

Before, he thought that Mu Tianyang might be conspiracy again, but in the end, it was just that he was more concerned.

This suspicion is too serious, and it is not a good thing!



Qi Ling was surprised, and said: "Someone comes, the deity first avoids!"

Not to mention, the gray castle flew into Qin Feiyang's air like lightning.

Qin Feiyang froze, looking at Shimen.


Within three breaths, the stone gate was pushed open, and a woman dressed in light purple walked slowly into the cave.

Qin Feiyang quickly stepped forward and bowed: "Disciple Jiang Haotian has seen Master Lord."

That's right!

The person coming is Shangguan Fenglan!

Shangguan Fenglan looked at Qin Feiyang and was annoyed: "This lunatic is really too arrogant. He actually took you to the extreme west. Fortunately, there was nothing serious."

Qin Feiyang laughed: "Brother Madman also wants to take me to meet the world!"

"Did you see anything then?"

Shangguan Fenglan asked.

Qin Feiyang said: "We have investigated the cause of death of those law enforcers. It is the hand of the ice ape who died in the extreme west."

Shangguan Fenglan said: "You should know that this temple is not asking this."

"what is that?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.

"Long Tianyu has been brought to Jiutian Palace by you, don't you know?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid in front of this hall."

"This hall must know the reason why Long Tianyu's talent has changed."

Shangguan Fenglan said.

"The Lord asked this!"

Qin Feiyang suddenly realized that he immediately lowered his head and said: "Do not hide the master, in fact, we did not find out this matter."

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