Invincible God of War

Chapter 2120: Dragon family? Taboo!

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"How to say?"

Qin Feiyang was puzzled.

Although Shenlong is indeed noble and rare to see, it is not a big deal for Baoge!

Shangguanqiu remained silent.

Qin Feiyang observed the meeting and asked, "Is there any hidden words?"


Shangguan Qiu sighed and shook his head, saying: "It's not too difficult to say, but it's just about the Dragon race, many people don't know."

"Dragon Race?"

Qin Feiyang was suspicious.


"Dragon Race!"

"This is a super scary existence."

"Even if it's my treasure, I can't offend it."

Shangguan Autumn Road.

"Dragon Race ..."

Qin Feiyang frowned.

I heard this word for the first time.

"I am really inconvenient to disclose the Dragon race, and I don't know much about it."

"If you have a chance, ask the Deputy Lord Lord!"

Shangguan Autumn Road.

Qin Feiyang asked: "Does anyone in Jiutian Palace know this so-called dragon family?"

"of course."

"For example, my sister, Feng Yuan, the ten elders, the lord of the palace, and the vice lord of the palace, basically know.

"But you'd better not inquire about it, because the dragon family is also a taboo."

Shangguan Qiu said in a deep voice.


Qin Feiyang was startled.

It seems that this dragon family is really not terrible, otherwise Baoge and Jiutian Temple will not be so afraid.

Shangguanqiu pondered a little and suddenly said: "In fact, Dragon Soul is not without it."


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Shangguanqiu looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "I have a ready-made dragon soul in Baoge."

"Anything ready?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.


"After all, I have a long history in Baoge."

"Although I haven't hunted the Shenlong, there have been many people who came to trade with us with the dragon soul."

"And these dragon souls, we also bought."

"Treasure now in the treasure house."

Shangguan Autumn Road.

Qin Feiyang frowned and said, "Since there are ready-mades, you don't have to go hunting, what are you afraid of?"

"Because you are using Dragon Soul to make alchemy."

"This kind of offensive behavior will anger the dragons."

"Once they get the news, not only will it cause trouble for you, but even my treasure will be implicated."

Shangguan Autumn Road.

"It turns out so."

Qin Feiyang nodded suddenly.

Shangguanqiu thought for a while and asked, "Shall I ask the deputy cabinet master again?"

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang said.

Shangguanqiu took out the image spar.


An old man with crane hair appeared.

The old man was sitting on the seat, with a cane beside him, with a kind smile on the old face.

"I have seen the deputy patriarch Lord."

"Have seen seniors."

Qin Feiyang and Shangguan Qiu stood up to salute at the same time.

"You are there too!"

The Deputy Pavilion Master looked at Qin Feiyang and smiled.

Qin Feiyang respectfully said: "I disturb seniors to repair, and hope seniors to forgive me."

"It's okay."

The deputy pavilion waved his hand and smiled: "You asked Qiu girl to tell the old man, should it be for the sake of the dragon soul?"


Qin Feiyang nodded.

The deputy attorney was silent.

Qin Feiyang said: "If this matter really embarrasses the seniors, then the younger generation would not have said it."

The deputy cabinet chief smiled hoarsely and said: "This is indeed a bit difficult to handle, but the old friend can't bear to refuse the request of Xiaoyou."

Qin Feiyang was very happy.

The Deputy Cabinet said: "But the old man has a request."

"You say."

Qin Feiyang said.

The deputy pavilion said: "You can't mention the dragon soul alchemy to outsiders. Even if you die, you have to rot in your stomach."

"no problem."

"I can promise."

Qin Feiyang nodded without hesitation.

In fact, without deputy patriarch, he would not take out Dragon Soul to Yuanshen Pill.

Because of this immortality, it is too shocking.

Once exposed, there will inevitably be trouble.

The deputy attorney smiled and said: "The promise of the little friend, the old man is still trustworthy, Qiu girl, you can deal with him!"


Shangguanqiu responded respectfully.

The deputy patriarch looked at Qin Feiyang and said, "That's free, let's drink tea together."


Qin Feiyang laughed.

The phantom of the deputy patriarch disappeared.

Shangguanqiu put away the crystal spar and looked at Qin Feiyang.

"Is there anything on my face?"

Qin Feiyang puzzled.

"I'm wondering!"

"Did you give Ecstasy to the deputy patriarch, actually help you this way?"

Shangguanqiu frowned beautifully.

"Haha ..."

"This is charm."

Qin Feiyang laughed.


Shangguan Qiu glanced at him and said, "Since the Deputy Lord Lord has already spoken, let's talk about it!"

"No need to talk."

"The price is up to you."

"I only have one request, the more the better."

Qin Feiyang said.

"You think Dragon Soul is radish cabbage, can you find it on the ground?"

Shangguanqiu was extremely speechless.


"Ten million, ten million!"

"This Jiang Haotian is really magnificent."

Jiutian Palace, the outer door.

Inside a cave house.

Gao Xiaolong was amazed.

next to.

Gao Xiaohui said with a smile: "Brother Jiang was originally a very generous person, otherwise he would not help us."

Gao Xiaolong glanced at Gao Xiaohui and found that Gao Xiaohui's eyes had a trace of inexplicable emotions and said, "Xiaohui, are you Jiang Haotian interesting?"

Gao Xiaohui froze for a moment, and said, "Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Girl, you grew up watching me. You can't hide me from the thoughts in your heart?"

Gao Xiaolong Road.

"I do not have."

Gao Xiaohui lowered his head, his cheeks could not help flushing.

"No, why are you blushing?"

"But think about it too. A capable person like Jiang Haotian really attracts your girl's attention."

Gao Xiaolong laughed.


Gao Xiaohui's face was even redder, especially when Gao Xiaolong looked at her, making her uncomfortable.

"It seems that my girl is really thinking of spring!"

Gao Xiaolong smiled.


Gao Xiaohui was waiting for Gao Xiaolong.


"No kidding, no kidding."

"But there is a saying, I must say to you, you like Jiang Haotian, it is your power, I can't control it, but I want to say, don't hold too much hope."

"Because Jiang Haotian is not a person in the world with us at all."

"His future achievements are something we can never achieve."

"do you understand?"

Gao Xiaolong Road.

"I know."

Gao Xiaohui nodded, and could not help climbing a trace of loss.

"Just know."

Gao Xiaolong nodded and comforted: "Of course, this kind of thing depends on fate. If you have this fate with him, then no matter how big your gap is, you can finally come together."

"Anyway, just let it happen!"

Gao Xiaohui's mouth narrowed.


"Now let it happen, don't force it."

Gao Xiaolong Road.


Gao Xiaohui nodded.


Time flies.

in the afternoon.

Qin Feiyang followed behind the guard and walked out of the Pavilion quickly, as Mu Chunfeng smiled.

The guard said curiously: "Mr. Jiang, what have you talked with the manager, so happy?"


Qin Feiyang smiled mysteriously and said, "Where is the lunatic?"

"In a restaurant, Yi Rong became an old man, and our people always stared at him."

Guard the road.

"it is good."

"Open the altar immediately."

Qin Feiyang said.

"Open the altar?"

The guard froze for a moment and shook his head: "It's not necessary, it's very close."

Qin Feiyang laughed: "With the power of a lunatic, you people in the Pavilion can't even look at him, so we have to fight for time."


The guard nodded, opened a teleportation altar, and smiled: "Since it was teleported directly, then I won't need to lead the way, and I won't bother you."

"Okay thank you."

Qin Feiyang set foot on the altar.

The guard smiled: "You're welcome, Master Jiang walks slowly."

When the words fell, Qin Feiyang disappeared.

"Sure enough, as rumors say, treat people with humility and easy-going attitude. Such a person is too difficult to find in this world today."

"It's no wonder that even the manager is so polite to him."

The guard shook his head and smiled, and turned back to Baoge.


Dongcheng Area.

Inside a small restaurant.

Four young men and women, lying on the ground, have a blood hole in their eyebrows, blood flowing.


A white-haired old man and a teenager stood side by side.

There were many people inside and outside the restaurant, looking at the old and young, with awe on his face.

The old man with white hair glanced at the four young men and women and asked the teenager beside him, "Boy, are you used to it?"

"got used to."

The teenager nodded, looking at the blood on the floor, without any fear.

"I got used to it so quickly, it seems that you little guy is really a material to make."

"Go, continue."

The white-haired old man smiled, pulled the teenager, and turned to walk outside.

The crowd blocking the gate hurried back to the side.


But at this moment.

A voice sounded.



"Dare you let the lunatic wait?"

People are surprised.

Although the madman changed his face, the people present basically guessed his identity.


"How did he find it?"


The madman also frowned, pulling Long Tianyu and said: "Boy, go quickly, don't let him destroy our Yaxing."


Long Tianyu also heard Qin Feiyang's voice and was a little unhappy with the madman's attitude.

How can I see Brother Haotian just like seeing the **** of plague?

"Nothing is okay."


The madman dragged Long Tianyu towards the outside.


At this moment, Qin Feiyang appeared in the restaurant and immediately annoyed: "What are you running? I have something!"

"It turned out to be Jiang Haotian!"

"This kid, I like it more and more."

"Yeah, if you want to change to someone else, who cares about you? But he gave those four guarding family members, ten million soul stones."

People talked immediately.

Looking at Qin Feiyang, it was all friendly and admirable.

Looking at this scene, the lunatic could not help but deflated his mouth, turned to look at Qin Feiyang, frowned, "Why are you?"

Qin Feiyang glanced at the four young men and women lying in the pool of blood, then looked at the madman and said, "Follow me back to Jiutian Palace."

"are you crazy!"

"Unable to distinguish the situation?"

The lunatic raised his eyebrows.

Others don't know what the lunatic is talking about, but Qin Feiyang knows everything.


The madman also realized that it was not good and did not want to take Long Tianyu back.

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