Invincible God of War

Chapter 2245: Provocation to the dragon race!

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"You have to be clear, Xuanwu Realm is not that kind of flowers and plants, it can grow very high in ten days and a half months."

"This is an independent world."

"The growth of a world, even an idiot, he knows that the process must be very long."

"Aren't you even an idiot?"

The little boy scolded.

Qin Feiyang looked black.

Ask if you do n’t understand. Is n’t that what it should be? Why are you still scolding him?


Qin Feiyang asked: "How long will Xuanwu Realm grow up?"

"Another stupid question."

"The growth of a world is endless."

"That is to say, he will continue to grow until the day of destruction."

Said the little boy.

"Never-ending ..."

Qin Feiyang murmured.

"of course."

"The growth of a world is inseparable from other things."

"For example creatures, plants, essence, elemental power, etc."

"Especially Jingqi."

"A strong spirit can accelerate the growth of a world."

Said the little boy.

Qin Feiyang curiously said: "So how can the spirit of Xuanwu Realm become more intense?"


"A lot of crystal veins."

"The energy contained in Jingmai is Jing Qi."

Said the little boy.

"Jingmai ..."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

The little boy said: "If you have a chance, you can get more crystal veins to come in."

"it is good."

Qin Feiyang nodded and asked, "Can the current Xuanwu Realm stop the Divine God?"

"Although it hasn't grown much, it's no problem blocking it to God."

"But it's better to avoid it."

"Because it is divided according to human life, Xuanwu Realm is still in its infancy."

Said the little boy.

Qin Feiyang said: "What about the nine heavens?"

"Are you talking about dreams?"

"How can a strong man at the level of Jiutian Realm, Xuanwu Realm at an early age, withstand it?"

The little boy said angrily.


Qin Feiyang smiled helplessly.

Today I really asked a lot of stupid questions.

But don't blame him.

Because he does not know anything about such an independent world.


About half an hour later.

Shangguan Fenglan finally sent the soul stone.

Qin Feiyang rejoiced and went directly to the castle to retreat.

I don't care about anything else, I'll shock Xiaocheng Divine Monarch first.

As for Huoyi, I did n’t follow the castle, but I did n’t tell Qin Feiyang, where would I go?

Qin Feiyang didn't care either.

Because Huo Yi is only a friend relationship with him, Huo Yi is going to be his freedom, he can't control it.

About one year.

Qin Feiyang finally made his breakthrough to Xiaocheng Shenjun.

The white-eyed wolf is about the same speed as him.

As for Fire Lotus.

I didn't see how she practiced, but she also broke through to Xiaocheng Shenjun.



A year has passed.

Once destroyed, the Tianlong Mountain Range has recovered a lot of vitality, and you can see traces of fierce beasts everywhere.

Qin Feiyang stood high in the sky, glanced around his eyes, and took out the image spar.


A ghost appeared.

It is Huo Yi.

But at the moment Huo Yi and Yi Rong looked like a big man, and seemed to be drinking in a restaurant.

Qin Feiyang said: "It seems that you have been very moist this year!"

"of course."

"I'm not like you, I know cultivation all day long."

Fire is proud.

Qin Feiyang rolled his eyes and said, "If I had you cultivated, I would run every day to be happy."

"Then you have to work hard!"

Huo Yi laughed.

Qin Feiyang was annoyed: "Don't get rid of it, tell the truth, is there any news from the Dragon Clan?"


"This year, it was quite calm."

Huo Yi shook his head.


Qin Feiyang frowned and asked, "Did they give up?"

"Giving up is not the style of the dragon."

"I estimate that they may be brewing a bigger conspiracy."

Huo Yi said.

"Whether they have a conspiracy or not, we can only take the courage to take it."

"What about Jiutian Palace and Baoge?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"Everything is back to normal."

"And Jiutian Palace recruited another disciple, and this time it seems that there are still a lot of terrible evildoers."

Fire is easy.

"The Northern Territory is so big, it is normal for several evildoers to appear."

Qin Feiyang said.


Huo Yi nodded and joked: "You don't ask Shangguan Qiu what happened this year?"

Qin Feiyang froze for a moment and said, "What about her situation?"

"I need to remind you to ask. It seems to you that you really have no feelings."

"Since you hurt her a year ago, she has become a workaholic and is focused on Baoge."

"Because of her efforts, Baoge's profit this year is several times that of the previous year."

"This year, no one has ever seen her laugh."

"It feels like turning into a machine, constantly busy."

Fire easily sighed.

Qin Feiyang said: "It seems that she doesn't know yet, this is a play we played."

"It must not be known to her."

Fire is easy.

"That can only wrong her first."

"I am going to Tangling, do you want to go?"

Qin Feiyang said.

"So fast?"

Huo Yi was stunned.

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly: "If you don't want to go, I won't force you."

"go with."

"Surely go."

"Because I have long wanted to visit Dongling, Ximo and Nanhuang."

"But this is too sudden, and there is no time to get together with Lan'er."

Fire is easy.

Qin Feiyang said silently: "Can you not be affectionate, do people say they like you?"

"Even if she doesn't like me, she can't stop me from liking her, the feelings must be paid!"

Fire is easy.


"Gather with her slowly. I will go to the deputy attorney now."

After Qin Feiyang finished speaking, he closed the image spar, and then looked at the depths of the sea, his eyes flickering.


The corner of his mouth lifted, his big hand caught in the sky, and a huge rock surfaced out of the sea with a loud crash, and landed on the beach.

Follow closely.

He raised his arm, his index finger sprayed thinly, and with a wave of waves, there were three large lines on the boulder.

The first sentence is, the dragon is a dog!

The second sentence is, see Dongling, Ximo and Nanhuang!

The third sentence is, Qin Feiyang stays!

This is what deliberately provoked the dragon.

When people of the Dragon clan see these two sentences, they will be absolutely mad, and their attention will naturally be on him alone.

"Want to kill me, then follow me!"

Qin Feiyang smiled, then recovered the crystal spar and sent a message to the deputy palace master.


To the southwest of the northern region, there is a large mountain.

The mountain stream is lush and the beasts are rampant.

In a certain valley, there is a simple small courtyard.

In the yard, cooking smoke lingered, and a scent of food could be smelled from afar.

Around the courtyard is a vegetable garden.

A verdant wild vegetable exudes vitality, swaying in the wind.

On the left side of the yard, there is a small pond.

In it, the lotus leaf is standing and the lotus is in full bloom.

It seems that it is like living in an ordinary family, everything seems plain and plain.

[PS; Chapter 3 may be late. 】

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