Invincible God of War

Chapter 2256: Devil's Fall

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"Abolish him!"

The restaurant staff and the guests in the hall tremble physically and mentally.

Since entering the restaurant, this man has never said a word.

Everyone thought it was a low-key person.

Unexpectedly, this first sentence is to abolish the other party.

It ’s not amazing, and it ’s endless!

When the young man heard Qin Feiyang's words, his body shook suddenly.

Follow closely.

Then he ran out without looking back.

"you sure?"

Huo Yi is also somewhat stunned.

Qin Feiyang said: "No more nonsense, he will run away."

"rest assured."

"He can't run away."

Huo Yi smiled, got up and stepped out, and then disappeared in the restaurant instantly.



There was a painful scream outside.


Huo Yi dragged the young man into the restaurant.

The young man's lower abdomen had a blood hole, which was transparent from front to back.

Everyone's pupils are constricted, full of fear.

Even Tianyun Mountain is not in the eyes, really two lawless masters.


Huo Yi walked to the table, grinned at Qin Feiyang, and then let go, and the young man was lying on the ground like a dead dog, his eyes full of fear.

"Two sons, you guys ..."

The governor glanced at the young man and then looked at Qin Feiyang. The expression looked quite panic.

"Don't be afraid."

"One person does one thing and one person does not involve you in Tianxianlou."

Huo Yi returned to the seat, said lightly.

"Thank you."

The manager quickly thanked.

He was afraid that Tianyun Mountain would come to Tianxianlou to settle the accounts.

"Manage, the wine is coming ..."

At this time.

The man who went to get the wine, holding a hip flask, ran over and looked at the young man lying on the ground, his face suddenly changed greatly.

The hip flask in his hand was so frightened that it fell off.


The fire glared irritably, his eyes swiftly, and he swept past step by step, grabbing the hip flask.

The manager recovered, immediately looked at Huo Yi and said angrily: "How do you do things, what do you do if you fall on the ground?"

"sorry Sorry……"

A gangster, he knelt on the ground quickly.



"Yes Yes Yes."

The man got up and ran towards the counter, but his heart was tumbling.

Actually abolished the disciples of Tianyun Mountain in public?

This behavior is a provocation to Tianyun Mountain.

Why are these two people so brave?

The manager hurriedly looked at Huo Yi and smiled, "Son, I'm sorry, these people are clumsy."

"It's okay."

Huo Yi waved his hand, but stared at the hip flask, then turned and walked to the table and returned to the seat.

Guan Shi smiled and said: "This is the magic brew of our Tianxianlou, Tianxian drunk."

Huo Yi looked at him and opened the lid of the hip flask.

A strong scent of wine burst out like a tide and swept across the hall in an instant.

"Tianxian drunk!"

"Yes, that's the taste!"

The spirits of the people in the hall were shocked, and they all looked at the jug in Huoyi's hand, and their eyes glowed with hot light.

"How come the smell of Tianxian drunk?"

"Isn't today the beginning of the month?"

The people in the elegant room upstairs also smelt out the wine and crowded in the corridor, scanning the hall below.

When he saw the flagon in Huoyi's hand, he was all staring.


"What do you mean?"

"Isn't it early yet at the beginning of the month? Why did you take out the fairy drunk?"

"You do it unfairly!"

Everyone looked at the restaurant manager dissatisfied.

Reluctant to manage things, he grumbled: "Things are special, I hope you will forgive me."


The people upstairs looked at Huo Yi again.


Wasn't he the murderer who had been outside the city and forced the city owner to kill his son?

It turned out to be him.

No wonder!

and many more!

Why are you lying alone on the ground?


He is a disciple of Tianyun Mountain?

The disciples of Tianyun Mountain have been abolished by others?

People were shocked.

next moment.

Everyone looked at Huo Yi in unison, wouldn't this murderer do it again?

But at the moment.

Huo Yi had no mood to ignore them.

Because he was completely intoxicated.

In the past, he has also tasted a lot of peerless wines. Compared with the pot of Tianxian drunk in front of him, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Just the smell of wine has made him sink.

"Son, how?"

The manager looked at Huo Yi and asked with a smile.

"Give me a glass."

Huo Yi reached out.

The manager quickly grabbed the glass on the table and handed it to Huo Yi.

Huo Yi slowly poured a glass.

This fairy drunk, unlike other wines, was milky, milky, and shimmering crystal light.

Poured out, the wine is more intense.

The people upstairs and downstairs couldn't help but swallow.

"Brother, I have a billion **** crystals, can you do it for me?"

"I have two billion."

"I have three billion."

"I'm paying 5 billion, just a drink, man, can you see it?"

The restaurant with a very dignified atmosphere was instantly active.

Qin Feiyang looked at those people with a stunned expression.

Five billion **** crystals, actually only drink a glass, is it so exaggerated?

Look at Huoyi again.

Staring at the wine glass intently, deaf to the sounds around, it was like a stunned stare.

Qin Feiyang shook his head silently.

It seems that he can never understand the thing of wine.

In his view, this kind of fairy drunk is no different from ordinary wine, except that the color is different.

No longer ignoring Huo Yi, he looked down at the young man.

"You will regret it!"

The young man stared at Qin Feiyang with full of energy.

"This threat is useless to me."

Qin Feiyang opened his expression blankly, and then his hands were sealed.

"What do you want to do?"

The young man got up and stepped back in horror.


A strange breath emerged,

A blood-red mark appeared before Qin Feiyang.


The cultivation behavior of the young man is not very strong. He became a prince at first, so it is easy to control him.

As for why Qin Feiyang wanted to control him, he was naturally reading his memory.

This person is a disciple of Tianyun Mountain.

If Mozu, or Dong Zhengyang is really in Tianyun Mountain, there may be news of the two in this person's memory.

Why do you say it is possible, not sure?

This is because when Mozu and Dong Zhengyang entered the ancient world, their cultivation practices were relatively weak, so they were not necessarily famous.

of course.

This is just speculation.

Perhaps after the two entered the ancient world, they also had some adventures, their strength has long been different.


Devil Ancestors also have anti-celestial artifacts.

Unless he keeps a low profile, he will be more or less famous.

As for Dong Zhengyang, although he doesn't know much, he, who has the eye of destiny, certainly does not lack powerful artifacts.

"What it is?"

"What the **** do you want to do to me?"

The young man stared at the puppet mark, his eyes full of panic and surprise.

"Don't be afraid."

"It won't kill you."

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and the mark of the puppet fell into the youth's celestial cover with lightning.


The young man suddenly cried his head in misery.

"Master, are you?"

The restaurant manager looked at Qin Feiyang in surprise.

"It's okay."

Qin Feiyang smiled faintly.

After controlling the youth, he immediately read the youth's memory.

The governor stood aside and could only hurry.

It was at this time.

Huo Yi finally grabbed the wine glass, put it under his mouth under the countless desires, and took a sip gently.

For an instant.

The pores all over his body spread out.

A scent of wine scented along the limbs, and flowed to the whole body.

The whole person immediately became floating.

This wine, beyond his imagination, has no pungent taste, and is as smooth as milk.

"I have tasted countless wines in my life, and this is the first time I have encountered such a wine."

"The best, it really is the best!"

He murmured, intoxicated, and then he looked up and drank the glass of wine in one sip.


Put down the wine glass and laugh loudly, Huo Yibian hugged the hip flask directly and drunk.

"Violently, violently!"

Other guests swallowed and snarled in their hearts.

How can such a peerless brew be eaten like this?

Too rude.

Too wasteful!

But at the same time, they were envious.

They have never tried this method of drinking a whale.

Because it is difficult to bid Tianxian drunk.

Even if you are lucky, you will be treasured like a baby when you get the auction, and you can taste it every day.

Or give it away to please others.

Drinking like this person is simply a luxury.

A long time passed.

Qin Feiyang finally read the memory of the young man.

A glimmer of light also appeared in his eyes.

In the youth's memory, there is really news about the Mozu and Molong!

Mozu, now in Tianyun Mountain!

And in Tianyun Mountain, it is still famous.

Tianyun Mountain, like Jiutian Palace, has outer and inner doors, as well as heaven and earth lists.

four years ago.

Mozu is the first person on the earth list.

Two years ago, he left Dibang and became the core disciple of Tianyun Mountain.

The core disciples of Tianyun Mountain are equivalent to the disciples of Shengfeng in Jiutian Palace.

But in the next two years, he rarely appeared, so young men did not know much about his situation.


In this young man's memory, there is only news of Mozu and Molong. There is no news about Dong Zhengyang.

Is Dong Zhengyang in Ximo, or Nanhuang?

This is the result that Qin Feiyang is most reluctant to see.

Because of this, he had to take a trip to Ximo and Nanhuang.

"Let's meet the Devil Ancestor first!"

"Maybe, he knows Dong Zhengyang's whereabouts."

Qin Feiyang rubbed his forehead.

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