Invincible God of War

Chapter 2583: Zulong skeleton?

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Let's talk about Wu Baichuan several people.

Wu Baichuan has the supreme level of assistant magic tactics, as long as he leaves the enchantment, there is no problem to escape.

After a while, he took a few young women, threw away the blood demon, and hid in a valley.

"Fortunately, he blew himself up, otherwise we would have no chance to escape."

The young woman spread her hands and looked at the ray of soul in the palm of her hand, her eyes full of gratitude.

Several others were grateful.

But there was a sneer in Wu Baichuan's eyes.

I should have exploded long ago, and still rubbed my teeth.


He raised his arm, grabbed the ray of soul, and squeezed it into pieces.

"Brother Wu, what are you doing?"

The young woman looked at Wu Baichuan angrily.

"It's just a ray of soul. It's no longer useful. Why do you still keep it?"

Wu Baichuan said blankly.

"But he can rely on this ray of soul to reshape the body and soul!"

The young woman said angrily.


"Are you very opinionated?"

"Do n’t forget, your legendary artifacts have been destroyed."

"Without me, you are just like those three, only a dead end!"

Wu Baichuan drank coldly.

Several people shrank.

"So after this, you'd better be honest and obedient, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Wu Baichuan snorted.

These people still have to stay, and in case they are in danger again, there is also a shield.

"So what should we do now?"

One of the men in black asked.


"Then regroup and fight back."

"I must get the ancient city of Xuantian!"

Wu Baichuan's eyes were full of greed, and he looked at the young women and smiled to appease: "Of course, I will not forget you, then each of you will be a supreme artifact."

"Thank Brother Wu."

Several people said gratefully.

However, in my heart, there has been a gap.

It is because of the self-exploitation of the young men that they can escape from birth, but Wu Baichuan said nothing, smashing the only ray of the soul that the young men have left.

Being so cruel, you will be treated like this in the future.

It seems that in the future, you have to be careful to prevent it.


Wu Baichuan's abacus is very good, but he did not know that there is a person who is also very interested in the ancient city of Xuantian.

This person is naturally Qin Feiyang.


He stood not far from the gate and looked at the ancient city of Xuantian.

Supreme artifact, second only to the anti-celestial artifact.

In some respects, it is actually not much different from the anti-celestial artifact.

The only difference is the power of the law.

In other words.

As long as the power of the Supreme Artifact Law is given, it can logically evolve into an anti-celestial artifact.

Therefore, the supreme artifact is still very tempting.


Qin Feiyang now has no Supreme Artifact except Ding Soul God Pearl.

But the only effect of the Soul Soul Pearl is to protect the Soul Soul, and it has no lethality.

Therefore, in the battle, the role of the soul-fixing pearl is not great.

Therefore, there must be other supreme artifacts.


Xuantian Ancient City is the best choice.

Because this Xuantian ancient city is not only a supreme artifact, but also a half-space artifact.

People can live inside.

For example, he merges with the lunatic and the white-eyed wolf, who can stay in this ancient city of Xuantian.

While talking to the enemy, Qin Feiyang can greet the madman and the white-eyed wolf and kill the other party by surprise.

of course.

He is also very excited about other supreme artifacts of the blood demon clan.

Because in Pluto Hell, it is impossible to use the anti-celestial artifact, the supreme artifact after the anti-celestial artifact has become the top fighting power.

It is also the most powerful existence.

The more Supreme Artifacts, the more helpful he will face the Dragon Race in the future.


To get Xuantian Ancient City and these supreme artifacts, you must first defeat these blood demon tribes.

But the cultivation behavior of these blood demon tribes exceeds him too much.

With his current strength, there must be no way to deal with these blood demon clan.

It seems that it can't be snatched, only outsmarted.

"I'm driving a hidden decision, and I still bring the Shenyue jade pendant. Even if I enter the ancient city of Xuantian, it shouldn't be discovered by the spirit!"

Qin Feiyang muttered secretly, rose decisively, and flew towards the ancient city of Xuantian.

Wu Baichuan and others were making troubles, and now not only the city gates, but also the blood demon clan guards on the city walls.

Three steps and one post, seven steps and one whistle, the guard is extremely strict.


The cultivation of these blood demon tribes is very strong, and they are basically half-step nine heavens.

Qin Feiyang entered the ancient city of Xuantian, stood on the side of the wall, waited for a moment, and saw that the enchantment did not appear.

There was no disturbance in the city.

This means that the spirit of Xuantian Ancient City did not find his existence.

Qin Feiyang flew to the most central palace with confidence.

The perception of the artifact is also limited.

Moreover, Qin Feiyang also carried Shenyue jade pendant.

As long as it does not fall on the ground, and it is in close contact with the ancient city, the spirits of the ancient city should not find him.

The central palace is extremely magnificent!

This is also the first time Qin Feiyang has seen such a large palace in his life.

It was like a heavenly palace, towering into the sky.


The door was not closed.

Standing outside the gate, you can hear the sound of breathing and heartbeat.

The blood demon clan is not only huge, but also breathing and heartbeat like thunder, especially loud.

"It must be a cyclops."

Qin Feiyang grunted.

Because the twenty blood-eyed giants went after several people in Wu Baichuan.

Qin Feiyang floated in the void and walked into the palace.


But I saw the Cyclops, sitting alone on a throne deep in the hall.

The throne is made of stone.

It is hundreds of meters wide.

Cyclops sat on it, propped his forehead with his right hand, tapped the armrest of his seat with his left hand, and lowered his head, what seemed to be thinking

Qin Feiyang condensed his breath to the extreme and carefully looked at the palace.

In the palace, there are no decorations, except for the stone chairs on both sides, it looks extremely empty.

and many more!


Qin Feiyang looked behind the Cyclops, his face suddenly startled.

The wall behind him was inlaid with the skeleton of a dragon!

Not wrong!

That is the skeleton of the Shenlong, and even a hint of dragon might be sensed.

And the bones are extremely complete, hundreds of meters long, and Bai Sensen's looks a little scary.

"How could there be a skeleton of a dragon?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"No way!"

Qin Feiyang suddenly looked at the keel of the keel.

On the bones of Bai Sensen, there seems to be a cluster of godlike patterns!

Qin Feiyang flew silently and observed carefully.

Sure enough, it was a cluster of Shenhuo patterns!

But because it is too vague, it is almost difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

Shenhuo pattern ...

Is n’t this Zulong ’s logo?

Is it possible that the owner of this skeleton is Zulong?

Not right!

He has seen the ancestral dragons of the dragon family, and now they are all living well.

But this godfire pattern is indeed a symbol of Zulong.

"It's really strange."

Qin Fei Yang mumbled, suppressed his doubts, and turned his eyes to the cyclops.

This guy is definitely stronger than the other twenty blood-eye giants who have consummated nine heavens.

Because he found that the stronger the blood demon clan's strength, the larger the size.

Fifty meters tall, how strong is this strength?

Although Pluto Hell has rules and restrictions, the Great Constellation Nine Heavens is already the strongest existence, but be aware that there are also strengths and weaknesses in the same realm.

These blood demon clan, who have been living in Pluto Hell, will definitely find a way to enhance their own strength.


This improvement is not a breakthrough.

Because even the blood demon clan can certainly not break the rules and restrictions of Pluto Hell.

And this so-called ascension should be divine power, strength, and physical body.

Raise divine power, strength, flesh continuously.

In this way, the true strength of the blood demon clan will naturally surpass humans in the same realm.

in short.

Although the cultivation of the blood demon clan has always stayed in the Nine Heaven Realm of the Great Dzogchen, in fact, the real combat power has exceeded the Nine Heaven Realm of the Great Dharma.

Boom! !


Accompanied by a shocking footsteps, the twenty blood-eyed giants entered the hall one after another.

Qin Feiyang quickly stepped aside to avoid being hit by these big guys.

Although concealment can make him concealed in the void, it can't make him truly void.

Without being void, the other person will naturally be able to touch his body.

Once he meets him, the blood demon clan must know that someone is lurking in.

"how is it?"

The Cyclops raised his huge head, looked at the twenty giants, and asked.

"That human being, who holds the supreme level of auxiliary gods, we have not caught up."

One of the blood-eyed giants answered respectfully.

"Supreme level auxiliary **** tactic ..."

The Cyclops pondered a little and said, "It seems that they should not be ordinary humans yet."


"Ordinary humans, how can there be such a magic formula?"

"We also counted that there were more than a thousand people who died in their hands."

Twenty blood-eyed giants all rushed to the crown.

"These **** robbers!"

"Not only rob us of the treasures of Pluto Hell, but also kill our blood demon clan."

"Never let them go easily!"

"And Lord Yu King has also been ordered to order us all the ancient cities, be sure to kill these invaders!"

Cyclops is also furious.

"Master Youyou!"

Hearing this name, the look of the twenty blood-eyed giants was full of awe.

"You King?"

Qin Feiyang was somewhat suspicious.

Who is this ghost king? It sounds amazing.

"On the horse's order, all the tribes above Jiutianjie were dispatched to search for human beings on a large scale."

"Especially the dragon race."

"The ten **** ancestral dragons must have come to Hades!"

"This time, they will never be allowed to escape again!"

Cyclops sneered.


Twenty blood-eyed giants nodded respectfully, and the whole hall was filled with an air of killing.

The cyclops waved their hands again, and ten jade jades appeared.


Qin Feiyang stared at the ten jade jades, his face suddenly rising up incredibly.

The breath of these ten jade jade pieces actually reached the level of supreme level magic formula!

That is to say.

These are ten kinds of supreme-level magic tricks!

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