Invincible God of War

Chapter 3521: You are about to face disaster!

Hearing what Yun Zhongtian said, the old man with black beard and others looked at each other, if they were really compensated, at least it would not be a loss!

Yun Zhongtian waved his hand, and a black spear appeared. It could be more than three meters long. The whole body shone with divine light and exuded great power. He smiled and said, "This is also a supreme-level heaven-defying artifact. I will give you this thing. As a compensation."


A group of people looked at the black spears blankly.

Originally, they thought that Yun Zhongtian might have given them a Legendary Heaven-defying artifact, or something else, but they never wanted to fight, and they actually had a supreme Heaven-defying artifact of the same value.

The black spear is a supreme-level heaven-defying artifact, and the Monument of Killing God is also a supreme-level heaven-defending artifact. It seems that there is no need to exchange it?

Could it be that this monument to Killing God is really not an ordinary supreme-level god-defying artifact?


Yun Zhongtian asked.

The old black beard waved his hand and said, "This is too expensive. How embarrassed we are to ask your supreme level god-defying fetish."

"It's okay."

Yun Zhongtian smiled and decisively erased the blood contract and handed it to the old man with black beard.


The old man with black beard hesitated for a while, and smiled hoarsely: "Since Mr. Yun is kindly sending him off, then we are not welcome."

After speaking he took the black spear.

Yun Zhongtian smiled, turned around and walked to the Monument of Killing God, preparing to confess the Lord with a drop of blood.

boom! !

But at this moment!

Not far away, accompanied by strong breaths, the sky was full of dust.


Follow closely.

More than a dozen artifacts rushed out from under the desert, carrying a piercing edge, and killed Qin Feiyang and others.


Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian were shocked, thinking that the old man with black beard and others were sneaking on them, but only when they turned their heads did they know that someone was lying in ambush here beforehand.

at the same time.

The old man with black beard and others were also taken aback for a moment. When he looked at the dozen or so artifacts, his pupils suddenly shrank.

They are all Supreme-level Heaven-defying artifacts!


After regaining his senses, the old man with black beard shouted violently, and the twelve immediately retreated.

Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian looked at each other, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

Really reckless!

Don't look at who is the target of the sneak attack?


As soon as Yun Zhongtian waved his hand, the Law of Destruction rolled out, and a huge idol was born in an instant. It was the supreme meaning of the Law of Destruction, the **** of destruction!

The **** of destruction is like a demon king, slapped with a palm, containing the power of destroying the sky and the earth, accompanied by a series of clicks, the dozens of artifacts shattered, and the fragments were flying!

"This is the lethal power of the Supreme Profound Truth!"

The old man with black beard and others looked at this scene with a look of astonishment in their eyes.

Fortunately, they suppressed the greed in their hearts before, otherwise Yun Zhongtian alone could easily kill them in seconds.

"Who, get out for the old man!"

The sky in the clouds swept towards the desert and shouted.

"It turns out to be Senior Yun, I'm really embarrassed. I didn't know that it was your old man. If we knew it, we would never dare to do it."

Accompanied by an apologetic laugh, fifteen people walked out of the desert.

There are men and women, old and young.

Without exception, Dzogchen dominates the realm.

The speaker was a middle-aged in white, about 40 years old, seven feet tall, with a gentle smile on his face.

As soon as these people appeared, they waved their hands one after another, and the dozens of broken heaven-defying artifacts disappeared in their bodies.

Yun Zhongtian scanned the past one by one, and finally looked at the middle-aged in white, suspiciously: "You are?"

"Get off the horse."

"An unknown person."

The middle-aged in white gave a smile.

Yun Zhongtian sneered and said: "The unknown people have the courage to attack the old man?"

The white-clothed middle-aged smiled awkwardly and said, "Don't you just say it, you didn't recognize that it was your old man. I hope the old man Wan Wan Haihan is offended."

Yun Zhongtian frowned. He couldn't believe this kind of nonsense, and asked: "When did you come here?"

"Just not long ago."

"Those of us, have always been in the Central Region."

"A few days ago, we saw this stone monument in the distance, so we came over to take a look curiously. Just before, when we rushed, we found that there was already someone in front of the stone monument, so we lurked over quietly, but we didn't expect You are old."

Ma Zheng laughed.

Yun Zhongtian looked at Ma Zheng and was silent.

Ma Zheng had a very magnanimous appearance, then looked at Qin Feiyang on the side, and said, "If you want to come, your brother is the famous Qin Feiyang!"

"It's under."

Qin Feiyang nodded.

Seeing Qin Feiyang nodded and accepted, the pupils of the other dozen people beside Ma Zheng shrank slightly.

Today, in the cloud world, you may not be who Yun Zhongtian is, but you definitely have to know the name Qin Feiyang.

Ma Zheng looked at Qin Feiyang and smiled: "I am lucky to have a good time. I didn't expect that not only did I meet Senior Yun, but also Brother Qin."

"Neither did I expect that there are so many people in the central region."

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.

"Ashamed and ashamed."

"Although we have been wandering in the central area, we haven't even found a decent artifact so far. We are wasting our time!"

Ma Zheng waved his hand.

The old man with black beard walked up to Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian and looked at Ma Zheng and said, "Ma Zheng, don't be humble. Look at you now. You have a supreme-level god-defying object. Is this not enough?"

Ma Zheng was taken aback, looked at the old man with black beard and smiled: "You are here too!"

The old man with black beard turned dark, dare to always treat him as air?

"You know him?"

Qin Feiyang asked secretly.


The old man with black beard nodded and said, "Brother Qin, Mr. Yun, you have to be careful, don't look at his polite appearance, but his heart is very gloomy."

"How to say?"

Qin Feiyang was curious.

"Most of the people who wander in the land of the heavy domain know this person's virtues."

"Burning, killing, looting, humiliating the weak, it can be said that he is a villain who does no evil, no, he is a despicable villain."

"Moreover, he is still an older brother named Ma Shan, who is said to have mastered a kind of supreme meaning."

"Both of their brothers have the same virtue. If the medicine is used up, and the resources are used up, they are also directly robbed. If you encounter a god, let alone, you will never give up if you don't grab a hand!"

"Anyway, it is to achieve the goal, do everything to the extreme."

"But because of this, many people want to follow them to pick up the bargain. It's like the fourteen people around Ma Zheng, who are all brothers to Ma Zheng, and the head of the horse is looking forward."

The old black beard explained in secret.

Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian looked at each other after hearing this, and they were almost confused by Ma Zheng's appearance.

"and many more!"


The old man with black beard looked at Ma Zheng and the others, frowned and said, "Where is Ma Shan? Why didn't he see him? The two brothers have always been inseparable."

Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian couldn't help but look at Ma Zheng.


at this time.

The dust under their feet was surging, and a black figure jumped out, holding a dagger in both hands, and the gloomy light flickered like two poisonous snakes, and went straight to the sea of ​​Qi Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian.

This scene was too sudden.

I didn't know that Qin Feiyang, even the old man with black beard and others, did not expect that someone would lurk under their feet without knowing it.

Yun Zhongtian couldn't react, and the dagger immediately sank into the lower abdomen, blood flowing.


Qin Feiyang's body was slightly tilted at the moment of his attack, and when the dagger was submerged in his body, it happened to pass by the sea of ​​Qi!

He looked at Yun Zhongtian, his face immediately sank, grabbed Yun Zhongtian's shoulder, and violently retreated.

The wound on the lower abdomen is bloody!


Ma Zheng on the opposite side burst out laughing immediately.

The other fourteen people looked at Qin Feiyang and their faces were full of mockery.

But the person who sneaked on Qin Feiyang and Yun Zhongtian lowered his head, looking at the blood on the dagger, his eyes were filled with surprise.

This man, about 1.7 meters tall, was skinny, with long black hair, and narrow eyes, like the fierce eyes of a pair of poisonous snakes.

"This blood is actually purple and gold..."

This person is Ma Shan!

He looked at the purple-gold dragon blood on the dagger, and gradually a trace of surprise appeared on his face, not only the purple-gold blood, but also a very pure dragon power.

"Ma Shan, this matter has nothing to do with us, don't kill us."

The old man Blackbeard looked back, and retreated to the side of the big man and the others as if running away.

Not only the old man with black beard, but the big man and others looked at Ma Shan with horror.

Ma Shan looked up at the old man with black beard and others, his eyes were full of disdain, then his gaze turned and fell on Qin Feiyang.

"Big brother, good job."

Ma Zheng walked to the side of Ma Shan, laughed loudly, waved his hand, and the fourteen men immediately came forward and surrounded Qin Feiyang and Yunzhongtian.

When the two Qin Feiyang saw this, there was a killing in their eyes.

Ma Shan's gaze finally fell on the wound on Qin Feiyang's lower abdomen, frowning and said: "Are you transformed by a dragon?"


Upon hearing this, Ma Zheng and others looked at Ma Shan suspiciously.

Transformed by Shenlong?

What do you mean?

"Look at his wound."

Ma Shan Road.

Ma Zheng and others immediately looked at Qin Feiyang's wound, and they were stunned.

I hadn't noticed before that this person's blood was actually purple and gold.

The strangest thing is that he still carries Longwei.

No wonder Ma Shan would ask, is he transformed by a dragon?

Qin Feiyang scanned a group of people and said with a smile: "I don't know if I was transformed by a dragon, but I know that you are about to face disaster."

"A catastrophe is imminent?"

"Your qihai has been abolished, and you dare to speak wild words?"

Ma Zheng raised his head and laughed.

"That's not it!"

"The famous Qin Feiyang, Yun Zhongtian, the deputy master of the hall, I thought how powerful it is. Turns out they are all such fools."

"When you kill you, our group of brothers can be regarded as famous."

Other people also laughed.

They thought that Qin Feiyang's Qi Hai had also been abolished.

Not only them, but even the attack on Qin Feiyang's Mashan, and even Yun Zhongtian, thought that Qin Feiyang's sea of ​​energy was abolished.

Because the previous stab did not enter Qin Feiyang's abdomen, and it is still bleeding!

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