Invincible God of War

Chapter 3665: The eye of life and death against the sky!

Under these eyes, he felt that there was no secret in him.


A hint of surprise appeared in Qin Feiyang's eyes.

Li Feng was in front of his eyes at this moment, like a transparent person.

The power of the law in the body, the soul, and even the space gods hidden in the body, can actually be seen clearly.

Li Feng now has a total of six laws.

Respectively, the law of killing, the law of darkness, the law of power, the law of swallowing, the law of death, the law of time and space...


Qin Feiyang was shocked.

This kid actually masters the three strongest laws? It was far beyond his expectations.

to be frank.

Although he treats Li Feng as his younger brother, Li Feng's talent is really not very good.

But now.

He actually opened the three strongest laws, is this luck too bad?

Even he and the lunatic had not had such good luck before.

and many more!

Could it be related to the blood ancestor?


The three strongest laws were not comprehended by Li Feng himself, but inherited?

Qin Feiyang continued to observe.


He actually relied on the eye of life and death to distinguish the strength of these six laws of Li Feng!

The law of devouring, the law of death, the law of time and space, and the law of power, these four laws have all reached the fifth profound meaning.

The law of killing has reached the highest strength.

As for the law of darkness, it has only reached the strength of the third profound meaning, and there is still a distance from the fifth profound meaning.

In other words.

Specifically, the last time he met in the northern continent, Li Feng broke through a small state.

Because at the time in the Northern Continent, Li Feng's cultivation was only the Dacheng Domination Realm, but now he is the Consummation Domination Realm.

It's only one step away from Dzogchen's dominance.

When he realized the fifth profound meaning of the Dark Law, he would formally step into the pinnacle of the Sky Cloud Realm, comparable to the existence of Wang Changyuan.

Because he has mastered a kind of supreme profound meaning.

"Not bad."

Qin Feiyang muttered in secret, and looked at the space fetish hidden between Li Feng's eyebrows.

The space fetish that was originally like a grain of dust is completely displayed in front of his eyes of life and death at this moment, and even the rank can be distinguished.

This is a space fetish shaped like a stone tower, not high in grade, very ordinary.

"Can you see through the things in the space fetish?"

Qin Feiyang's heart suddenly moved, and the black and white Tai Chi patterns in his eyes burst out with a strong light.


The space fetish has also become transparent.

The things in the space fetish were unobtrusively displayed under Qin Feiyang's sight.

"Can this be done?"

Qin Feiyang was shocked.

Seeing through the secrets of heaven and peeking into the vain eyes of life and death, it would be too bad!

At this moment, Li Feng felt more real, as if he was stripped of his clothes, a panic involuntarily emerged in his heart.

Qin Feiyang looked at Li Feng's space fetish silently.

Although prying into other people's privacy is a bit innocent, he is really curious about Li Feng.

Li Feng's space fetish is not big, about a hundred meters away, it is like a secret room.


There are two futons.

I think it was used by Li Feng and the blood ancestors.

Beside, there is a coffee table and three stools. There are six wine jars on the table, all of which have not been opened.

"Unexpectedly, this kid also likes to drink."

Qin Feiyang grumbled.

In addition to opening, there is a small cabinet, placed in the corner next to it. The cabinet is not covered, and there are things like Qiankun Ring and Qiankun Bag inside.

It should be Li Feng's private treasure house.

Then, there is nothing else.

Qin Feiyang looked at Li Feng's sea of ​​Qi again. There were two artifacts in the sea of ​​Qi, an armor and a magic weapon, both of which were supreme-level heaven-defying artifacts.

This is Li Feng's possessions.

"Brother Qin?"

Li Feng really couldn't bear the pressure brought by the eye of life and death, and shouted.

Qin Feiyang returned to his senses and closed the eyes of life and death, feeling quite excited.

I didn't expect the Eye of Life and Death to be so powerful.

What secrets will others have in front of him in the future?

It can be said.

Now the Eye of Life and Death has become his biggest killer!

So everything has nowhere to hide.

Seeing Qin Feiyang who was silent, Li Feng gradually began to panic, and suddenly turned around and left as if to flee.

"come back!"

Qin Feiyang shouted.

Li Feng stiffened and turned to look at Qin Feiyang in awe.

"What are you afraid of?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

Li Feng hesitated and summoned the courage to say, "Your previous eyes made me a little scared."

"Are you scared too?"

Qin Feiyang snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Don't you hear me calling you over?"

Li Feng lowered his head and walked to Qin Feiyang, like a child who did something wrong.

"Why did you come to Tianzhong Shenzang?"

"Where is the blood ancestor?"

Qin Feiyang asked.

"I only came in after you entered the heavenly burial gods."

"As for the blood ancestor."

"I don't know where the blood ancestor is?"

"Because I am the only one left when I enter the Tianzhong Godzang. When I heard the blood ancestors say, it seems that this is a random transmission."

Li Feng said.

Qin Feiyang asked, "Do you know that Little Rabbit and Yuhuang know you are coming in?"

Li Feng thought for a while and said, "The Dragon King, the Phoenix Queen, the Kylin Lord, and the little rabbit and the feather emperor. They were all there at the time. I should have seen them!"

"They didn't stop you?"

Qin Feiyang frowned.

"As soon as we appeared, we entered the Tianzhong Shenzang. They wanted to stop it."

There was a hint of pride in Li Feng's expression.

"Don't be proud."

Qin Feiyang glanced at him faintly, and suddenly looked blank, and asked: "You just said that the blood ancestor knows that this is a random transmission?"

"That's what he said."

"Also, let me be more careful. Before entering the Tianzhong Shenzang, I will go through the first test."

Li Feng nodded.


"Does he even know this?"

Qin Feiyang was surprised.

To know.

In the first test of entering the Tianzhong Shenzang, even Little Rabbit and Yuhuang didn't tell him in advance, it should be because he wanted him to pass the test with his true ability.

And how did the blood ancestor know?

"To be honest, although I have followed the blood ancestor for so long, I don't know anything about the blood ancestor."


"He seems to be very familiar with the Sky Cloud Realm."

Li Feng frowned.

"Familiar with?"

Qin Feiyang was taken aback.


"Also, he seemed to know the existence of Tianzhong Shenzang from the beginning."

"Because at that time, when Tianzhong Shenzang appeared, he didn't go to Tianyun Island to see it with his own eyes, so he told me directly that it was Tianzhong Shenzang who appeared."

"And let me prepare to enter the Tianzhong Shenzang and tell me a lot about the Tianzhong Shenzang."

Li Feng said.

"Actually know that Tianzhong Shenzang..."

Qin Feiyang's eyes flickered.

It seems that the blood ancestor is really related to the Sky Cloud Realm.

And the origin is not small.

Qin Feiyang asked, "Then what has he done with you over the years?"

"Except for cultivation, nothing else."

Li Feng shook his head.

"Why does he ask you to practice?"

Qin Fei raised his eyebrows.

"I do not know either."

"But he told me that when I break through to the Dzogchen dominance, he will tell me all the truth."

Li Feng said.

"the truth……"

Qin Feiyang murmured, eyes full of expectation, what is the truth? Looking up at Li Feng, he said with a faint smile: "The Law of Darkness has reached the Third Profound meaning, and Dzogchen's dominance is not far away."

"how do you know?"

Li Feng looked at Qin Feiyang in surprise.

"The law of darkness, the law of power, the law of killing, the law of time and space, the law of devouring, the law of death..."

"These are your six rules."

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

"Do you still know so much detail?"

Li Feng was extremely surprised.

Could it be that Brother Qin has been spying on himself secretly?

"Don't think too much, I don't have the energy to monitor you."

"But I hope, no matter what happens in the end, you'd better stay away from the blood ancestor."

Qin Fei said.

"When I step into Dzogchen's dominance and learn the truth, I will consider it."

Li Feng nodded.

I was extremely puzzled.

How did Brother Qin know the power of these laws he mastered?

Because even if he was face to face with the white-eyed wolf in Death Glacier last time, he just showed the law of time and space and the law of killing.

"Then what's next for you?"

Qin Feiyang asked.


Li Feng hesitated.

Qin Feiyang raised his eyebrows and said, "Just say what you want."

Li Feng lowered his head and said: "This is not dangerous alone, so I want to talk to Brother Qin..."

"Come with me?"

Qin Feiyang asked.


Li Feng nodded and looked up at Qin Feiyang nervously.

Qin Feiyang glared at him and said, "According to my previous violent temper, let alone going with me, I will slap you to death when I meet."

Li Feng's neck shrank.

Although his strength is not weak now, in front of Qin Feiyang, that is really not enough.

And he also has this self-knowledge.

Seeing this little fellow who only promised, Qin Feiyang couldn't help but feel amused.

A murderous demon actually has such a side?

"You can follow me."

"But don't hold me back."

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

Li Feng was stunned, suddenly ecstatic, nodded and said: "I will work hard."

Qin Feiyang shook his head and laughed, turning his head to look at the two clusters of ghost fires trapped in the thunder barrier.

"Do not kill me……"

You Huo is still wailing.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, preparing to smash the ghostly fire.

Li Feng hurriedly said: "Brother Qin, give it to me!"

"Give you?"

Qin Feiyang was stunned.


Li Feng nodded.

Qin Feiyang frowned, and with a wave of his hand, the thunder barrier dissipated.

Two clusters of ghostly fire are about to flee immediately.


Li Feng snorted coldly, and a **** whirlpool appeared between his eyebrows, exuding a **** breath.

Just after the appearance of the **** vortex, a piece of blood gushed out from the vortex. It turned out to be a big **** hand, like a ghost hand from hell, grabbing the fleeing ghost fire, and then this big **** hand took it with him You Huo, returned to the **** whirlpool.

The whirlpool also disappeared.


Qin Feiyang looked at Li Feng's eyebrows, his face was full of surprise.

What does it mean to swallow two clusters of flames?

Li Feng closed his eyes after swallowing two clusters of quiet fire, and his face seemed to have a hint of enjoyment and intoxication.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feiyang became more and more strange, the eye of life and death opened again, and he was in Li Feng's body right now and saw an extremely strange scene.

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