Invincible God of War

Chapter 4668: despair!

At the same moment!

Facing the third heavenly tribulation, the Skeleton King smiled and said: "Want to use the heavenly tribulation to kill this king? This king will let you know now how naive your thoughts are."


Evil forces flooded from all directions.

Her two shattered arms were reshaped in an instant.

Next moment!

She then killed the third heavenly catastrophe.

The arm shattered on the spot again.

And this time.

Even the whole shoulders were covered with flesh and blood.


The lethality of the robbery is gradually increasing!

This surprised the Skeleton King.

In this way, won't even the whole body be crushed by the catastrophe in the end?


Thinking of her own repair ability, she couldn't help but exhale.

As long as the repair ability is still there, there will be no life worry.


She turned to look at Qin Feiyang and others in the distance, as if showing off.


"It's really an eye-opener for us little people."

The lunatic laughed.

Thumbs up to the Skeleton King without hesitation.

"Thinking that if you flatter this king now, this king won't kill you?"

The Skeleton King sneered secretly.

A group of ants.

When this king succeeds in crossing the robbery and getting rid of the undead body, it will be your period of death.

"If you want to succeed in crossing the catastrophe, dream of you."

The madman also sneered in his heart.


Fourth way, fifth way...


Fifteen heavenly tribulations passed.

One is more terrible than one.

But the Skeleton King relied on its powerful regeneration ability, but it has always been shocking.

The sixteenth tribulation came.

The Skeleton King shook hard.

She can only shake it hard.

Because she couldn't find other foreign objects to help.


In the face of such a terrifying robbery, no foreign object can help her.

For example, dominate the gods.

Even if it is the supreme-level ruler of the sword ancestors, they can't hold a catastrophe.


The two suddenly met.

Half of the Skeleton King's body exploded on the spot, blood flowed.

"It doesn't matter!"

The Skeleton King laughed wildly.

The ability to regenerate makes her unscrupulous.

The awe of the tribulation at the beginning is now gone.

"Have you noticed?"

Lu Jiajin whispered.


Qin Feiyang nodded.

A group of people have been observing the Skeleton King.

Skeleton King's regeneration ability is indeed against the sky.

Compared to other skeletons, I don't know how many times stronger it is.


They obviously noticed that the regeneration ability of Skeleton King was gradually slowing down.

That's right!

Slow down.

In the beginning, no matter how severe the trauma was, the Skeleton King could repair it instantly.

but now!

Already need two interest.

Moment and two breaths are completely two concepts.

The time of two breaths is equal to the time of two breaths.

So compared to the initial recovery ability, it has almost become several times slower now.


Regarding this, the ecstatic Skeleton King didn't seem to notice it yet.

Even, she is still yelling at the robbery!


The seventeenth tribulation landed.

Half of the Skeleton King's body shattered again.

But soon, she was alive again.

By the time of the 20th Heavenly Tribulation, her regeneration speed had already become three breaths.




The fiftieth tribulation came.

Although I really don't want to admit it, the strength of the Skeleton King is indeed worthy of the word defying the sky.

Actually survived fifty catastrophes.

but now.

Her repair speed has changed to fifteen breaths.

Because of the following Heavenly Tribulation, the lethality is getting stronger and stronger, and its influence on her is getting bigger and bigger.


She still didn't notice this.

Obviously, she was completely overwhelmed, without paying attention to her own situation, constantly clamoring and clamoring, and she looked really domineering.


Heavenly Tribulation, one after another.

By the time the sixty heavenly tribulations, the Skeleton King instinctively wanted to raise his arm and blast towards the heavenly tribulation.

But the result!

She was stunned.

The arm, why hasn't it been repaired?

At this moment, she realized this.

"Why is this?"

For an instant.

She fell into a panic and hurriedly raised her other arm and blasted it towards Heaven.

The previous half of the body had not been repaired, and the other half of the body was shattered on the spot under the catastrophe.

at this time.

She has only one head left!

"what happened?"

The Skeleton King panicked to the extreme.

The regeneration capability is turned on.

The repairable speed is as slow as a snail.


The current repair speed is also quite fast.

It takes only eighteen or nine breaths at most to reshape it.


At this time, the time between eighteen and nine breaths is quite long.

"This is the price of complacency."

The lunatic smiled.

There is no disguise.

Skeleton King heard every word, glaring at the lunatic.

"What stare?"

"When the matter is up, I am not afraid to tell you."

"This is indeed a killing game we laid out, waiting for you to jump in by yourself."

The lunatic sneered.

Anyway, the Skeleton King had already guessed it, there was no need to hide.

The Skeleton King looked gloomy.

"Undead crossing the robbery, we have seen too many."

"If you don't make sufficient preparations in advance, it is impossible to successfully overcome the catastrophe."

"You just wait to be obliterated by the robbery!"

The lunatic laughed.

The Skeleton King was furious.


But at the same time.

Another tribulation fell, carrying the might of the world, ruthlessly plundering the Skeleton King.

The Skeleton King hates to go crazy!

Because at this time, her body was only half repaired.

"As the true body of all evils, I am too aware of Heavenly Tribulation's restraint against evil forces."

"You want to cross the catastrophe successfully, unless a miracle occurs."

The lunatic smiled.

I can finally speak unscrupulously.

These days, they are going crazy.

Obviously, I was full of anger, but I didn't dare to vent it.

The Skeleton King didn't pester the madman.

Because now, there is no time.

Heavenly Tribulation, is already close at hand!

Can't avoid it, she can only bite the bullet and wait for the catastrophe to come.


For an instant.

The power of the black thunder drowned her, and her head was also annihilated on the spot, leaving two groups of flames.

This is her consciousness!

The power of thunder drowned the two flames, making her panic to the extreme.

Because her consciousness is being wiped out by the power of thunder a little bit!

More critical.

These thunderous powers are entwined with two groups of flames, such as bone gangrene, they can't be thrown away.

"Do not!"

The Skeleton King roared sharply.

With a swish, rushed out of the thunder and fled frantically.

At the same time, the regeneration capability is turned on.

The lost body immediately began to repair.

But now, the repair speed is even slower!


The 62nd Heavenly Tribulation came, and the aura was firmly locked in two groups of flames.

"Ha ha…"

"You will slowly die in despair!"

The lunatic laughed.

Smiles finally appeared on the faces of other people.

"Isn't it very prestigious?"

"What are you running now?"

"Don't be afraid, continue to yell at the robbery."

Li Feng mocked mercilessly.

Seeing the Skeleton King being chased by Heavenly Tribulation, I felt very happy in my heart.

"damn it…"

As the Skeleton King ran away, listening to the ridicule of the lunatic and others, he was extremely angry and roared: "Help me, as long as you help me, I will give you all the treasures of Seven Star Island."


A group of people were astonished.

I thought I was going to curse them, but I didn't expect to ask them for help?

This skin... is thick enough.

When she was still in the inner surrounding area, the woman wanted to kill them.

After entering Seven Star Island, he showed no mercy to them.

If it were not for the temptation of the Undead Breaking Barrier Pill, they were afraid that they would have become the dead souls in this person's hands long ago.

Even before, he threatened to kill them.

But in a blink of an eye, he actually asked them for help?

Isn't this thick-skinned?

Do not!

Normally thick-skinned people can't do this kind of thing.

"Believe me."

"I will abide by my promise and give you all the gods of Seven Star Island."

The Skeleton King's tone was full of pleading.

Because the 63rd Heavenly Tribulation has also come.

In other words.

She is being chased by two heavenly robbers right now.

"Ha ha…"

"Are you telling a joke?"

"We need you to keep your promise?"

"Wait for you to be bombarded and killed by the robbery, isn't the entire Seven-Star Island fetish still ours?"

"Could it be that you think that other skeletons can stop us?"

The white-eyed wolf laughed.

Back then.

When the lunatic was forced to helplessly and took the initiative to hand over the true form of all evils to the Skeleton King, didn't the Skeleton King also say something similar?

That's one report for another!

"You must die."

"Moreover, I have to make up the last blow to avenge my grandma!"

Dong Yuexian stared at the Skeleton King coldly, his eyes full of hatred.

"You are looking for death!"

The Skeleton King was angry.

at this time!

Her body has been reshaped.

But at the same time, the 64th Heavenly Tribulation had also come.

Faced with the chase of the three heavenly tribulations, she did not dare to go head-to-head.

Because of the current tribulation, a single one is enough to severely inflict her on her!

"Still crazy?"


"We are just looking for death."

"What can you do with us?"

"But actually, you don't need to be so angry."

"Because of our strength, even if we want to help you, we won't be able to help."


The madman was joking.

The latter words are indeed true.

In the face of the Skeleton King's calamity, they have nothing but to hide.

What the power of the origin, what the three thousand incarnations, what the devil war god, what the double will of heaven, all can only be reduced to cannon fodder.


Seeing that the 65th Heavenly Tribulation was about to come, the Skeleton King no longer dared to drag it on.

Because if it drags on any longer, she will face four, five, and even more chasing and killings.

She decisively blasted one of the catastrophes!

Most of the body is directly annihilated!

And at the same time.

The other two tribulations also rushed forward.


Skeleton King, Setsuna was overwhelmed by the power of thunder.


The screams followed.

The remaining half of the body was naturally without suspense, and was wiped out on the spot.

The two flames were also partly wiped out in an instant.

At this moment, the Skeleton King was completely panicked.

There is hopelessness!

If the regenerative ability is not affected, she has the confidence to survive this catastrophe.

But now, it takes at least 20 breaths to reshape the body.

In other words.

Her regenerative ability is no longer comparable to the speed at which the catastrophe descends.

What made her most desperate was that it was only the 65th Heavenly Tribulation now.


There are thirty-four ways!

One after the other was horrible, and no one helped her, how could she survive this disaster?

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