Invincible God of War

Chapter 5050: Nether, connect the dots!

"What exactly is going on?"

Long Qin frowned.


The voice did not fall.

Ahead, a lightning bolt appeared, shattering the darkness.


Thunder and lightning are getting more and more dense.

Moreover, these lightnings contain extremely terrifying lethality.



The entire dark void is full of lightning.

Qin Feiyang and several others were submerged by lightning.

Too many, it can be described as airtight.


The lethality of each thunderbolt is enough to kill the powerhouse of Nirvana in seconds.

"What the **** is this place?"

Long Chen's heart was ups and downs.

At first, it was the turbulent white fog, which contained the lethal power that could crush the powerhouse of Nirvana.

Now it is the power of thunder and lightning, and it also has the lethal power to kill the powerhouse of Nirvana.

It's just a purgatory!

Without the strength above the law of heaven, it is impossible to survive here.

Count down again!

The scene in front of them changed again.

The dark void disappeared, and the thunder and lightning disappeared.

A beautiful landscape of mountains and rivers appeared under their sight.

The mountains and rivers are ups and downs, and the ancient trees are towering!

The whole earth is endless and full of energy to the extreme.

Even today's Xuanwu world can't compare with this place.


There are huge cities on the ground.

Countless creatures live here, and between the mountains and rivers, there are countless beasts.

"Where is this?"

"It's not a hallucination!"

Long Qin was surprised.

Under the sky, is there such a vast continent?

Not to mention Long Qin, even Qin Feiyang, Long Chen, Angel Sword, and Heavenly Divine Sword once suspected that what they saw was an illusion.

And directly below them, there is an ancient altar.

This altar is hundreds of feet in size.

On it, the totems of dragons, phoenixes, and various mythical beasts are engraved.

Around the altar is a huge square.

But there was no one in the square.

And below the square and the altar, is a tall giant peak.

That is to say.

The square, the altar, on the top of a giant peak!

This giant peak, more than ten thousand feet tall, towers into the sky like a sword.

There are also mountains all around.

But in comparison, they are all shorter than this giant peak.

It is like a king, standing among the mountains, overlooking all directions.

On the top of a giant peak on the opposite side, there is an ancient palace, surrounded by green trees, almost blocking the palace.


At the moment Qin Feiyang's five people appeared, an old figure came out of the palace.

This man had white hair and white beard, with a hunched body and a cane in his hand. He walked tremblingly, as if he would fall over when the wind blew.


His eyes are sharp.

He walked under a big tree on the edge of the cliff, holding the crutches in both hands, as if he could not stand even without the crutches.

And his eyes looked directly at the five Qin Feiyang standing above the altar on the opposite mountain.

"who are they?"

"So unfamiliar."

"However, the breath is very strong."

The white-haired old man grumbled, and then stepped out, stepping on the void, and walked towards the opposite mountain.

the same moment.

Qin Feiyang's five people landed on the square, and looked suspiciously at the altar, and then looked at the sky above the altar.

And over the altar, all the thunder and lightning and the sea of ​​clouds disappeared, replaced by a blue sky.

What about Tianyuan?


Tianyuan is gone.

Nothing but the sky and white clouds.

If it wasn't for the fact that they had experienced it personally, they would have thought it was an hallucination.



Qin Feiyang turned his head to look at the void, and saw the white-haired old man with a cane in his hand, walking slowly step by step.

"Momentum, a little strong!"

"Half-step eternity!"

Long Chen's pupils shrank.

As for Long Qin, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

No matter where this is, but who the other party is, as long as it is a person from the fantasy world, it should be damned.

But just as Long Qin was about to let the Angel Sword take action, a terrifying aura emerged from the sky.

It is the breath of Nalan Tianxiong, Nalan Tianpeng, the three eternal divine soldiers!


Dare not to hesitate.

The Heavenly Divine Sword took a few people and fled away without looking back, disappearing like lightning at the end of the world.

"what's the situation?"

The white-haired old man looked a little confused when he saw this scene.

After regaining his senses, he looked up at the sky above the altar and muttered, "This breath..."

next moment.

His face changed greatly, and he hurriedly flew to the square and bowed to greet him.


Nalan Tianxiong and the four eternal gods descended on the altar, as if they appeared out of thin air.

That is to say.

When they appeared, there was no vision in the sky.

"Little man Di Changan, meet the two adults."

The white-haired old man bowed and saluted.

Nalan Tianxiong asked, "Have you seen Qin Feiyang, Long Chen, and Long Qin?"

"Qin Feiyang?"

"Long Chen?"

"Long Qin?"

Di Changan was stunned for a moment, looked at Nalan Tianxiong suspiciously, and asked, "Dare to ask your lord, who are these three?"

Hearing this, Nalan Tianxiong's brows suddenly rose with a trace of anger.

"Brother, calm down."

"People from the lower realms don't know the existence of Qin Feiyang and others at all, so even if they see it, they won't recognize it."

Nalan Tianpeng pressed Nalan Tianxiong's shoulder.


In contrast, Nalan Tianpeng is more reasonable than Nalan Tianxiong.


Nalan Tianpeng waved his hand, and with the emergence of the power of the law, the phantoms of Qin Feiyang and the three people manifested in the void.

"It's them?"

"I saw it just now."

"They went in that direction."

When Di Changan saw the phantoms of the three, he immediately pointed to the east and said.

Nalan Tianxiong looked up, and there was no trace of Qin Feiyang and others. He was instantly furious and shouted, "Since you saw it, why didn't you stop them?"

"Little man..."

"The villain thought that they were sent by the upper realm to inspect, so they didn't dare to stop them."

"My lord, did they do something wrong? Are they avoiding your pursuit?"

Di Changan looked surprised.

He knew very well the strength of Nalan Tianxiong and the powerhouses of these four eternal weapons, so when he heard these things, his heart was inconceivable.


When Nalan Tianxiong heard this, he was furious.

If Nalan Tianpeng hadn't stopped him, Di Changan might have splattered blood on the spot.

"It seems that I can't catch up with them."

Nalan Tianpeng looked up at the direction where Qin Feiyang and the others disappeared, shook his head and sighed: "With the speed of those two eternal divine weapons, the skill of speaking alone is enough to throw us off."

"If you can't catch up, look for it!"

"You must find them, otherwise my Xuanhuang Great World will be disturbed by them!"

Nalan Tianxiong is full of rage.

Di Changan stood aside, shivering, not daring to let out the air.

Nalan Tianpeng pondered for a while, looked at Di Changan, and said: "These three people are from another world, and they have a deep hatred with our Xuanhuang world. The specific reason is unclear for a while, so you can treat them as intruders. So you have to find them."


Di Changan was surprised.

"You immediately ordered to go down, let all the forces in the lower realm, the major sects, search for these three people with all their strength, as long as they find these three people, and report to us in time, reward a half-step eternal magic weapon!"

Nalan Tianpeng said.

"Half-step eternal magic weapon!"

Di Changan was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the reward is so amazing.

Even he is longing for the half-step eternal divine weapon.

Because of the Eternal Divine Weapon, he could not get it, and the only chance to get it was the Half-Step Eternal Divine Weapon.

"all in all."

"These three people must be found."

"Put it all out!"

Nalan Tianpeng ordered.

"Understood, the villain will arrange it immediately."

Di Changan bowed in response, then turned and left.

"Who the **** is helping them?"

"Even Tianyuan knows it."

Nalan Tianxiong was furious.

How could a person who has just entered the great world of Xuanhuang know the existence of Tianyuan?

Not to mention the coordinates of Tianyuan!

"Could it be the ice dragon and the swallowing beast?"

Nalan Tianpeng pondered a little and frowned.


"Although they came to our Xuanhuang Great World, they didn't wander around, and they were accompanied by us all the way, so they didn't know the existence of Tianyuan at all."

"I deduce that it must be ours!"

"At that time, someone secretly tipped off Qin Feiyang and the others!"

Nalan Tianxiong said solemnly.

"No way!"

"If there is such a person, then he is betraying our Xuanhuang Great World."

"Who can bear the price of betraying us?"

"No one should dare to do this!"

"Besides, most of the people in the upper realm are our own clansmen, so they can be completely trusted."

"Even a small group of foreigners signed a master-servant contract with us."

Nalan Tianpeng frowned.

He did not believe that there would be spies in the upper realm.

"Then how did they get the coordinates of Tianyuan?"

"I don't believe they can predict!"

Nalan Tianxiong snorted coldly.


Nalan Tianpeng was also confused.

What exactly is going on?

"Second brother, you and the four great soldiers will stay in the lower realm. You must find them out, and immediately kill them when you find them!"

"And I'll go back and investigate first to see who is secretly reporting?"

"When I find out this spy, I must let him die without a burial!"

Nalan Tianxiong said with a grim expression.


Nalan Tianpeng nodded, and immediately warned: "After you go back, don't make a sound first, so as not to startle the snake, it will be even more difficult to investigate."


After Nalan Tianxiong finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the power of the huge law poured into the altar beside him.

The altar began to vibrate and hum.


next moment.

At the center of the altar, a ray of blood shot up into the sky, reaching the sky.

After that, Nalan Tianxiong landed in the center of the altar in one step, and the whole person followed the blood light and disappeared into the sky.


The blood on the altar disappeared, and it returned to its quaint state.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that this altar is the connection point of Tianyuan.

"Hope you don't fiddle too hard."


Nalan Tianpeng retracted his gaze, glanced at this vast expanse of land, and let out a low sigh.

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