Invincible God of War

Chapter 5066: Senior Brother Wan is out!

"What kind of creation is it?"

Fu Wenzhuo came to be surprised.

It actually allowed him to comprehend the two supreme profound meanings within five thousand years, and step into a half-step eternity.

There seemed to be no such means in his memory.

"You answer me first, are you willing to serve me sincerely?"

Qin Feiyang said lightly.

"I don't know what this creation is, how do you let me decide?"

"If I really make an oath and sincerely serve you, then I will betray the great world of Xuanhuang."

"You have to let me know first, and then let me make a choice!"

Fu Wenzhuo's expression was full of embarrassment.

Although now, he has signed a master-servant contract with Qin Feiyang, but Qin Feiyang also said that when he leaves the gate of God in the future, he will consider helping him cancel the master-servant contract.

Until then, he will still be a disciple of the Heavenly Rank in Shenmen, and there will be no change.

but if!

He makes a choice now, that is to follow Qin Feiyang forever.

It's just two properties.


The two people in front of them are still the enemies who killed his younger brother.

"Just take it as a bet, bet this chance, bet whether I lied to you."

Mo Wushen smiled lightly.

Not in a hurry at all.


Fu Wenzhuo lowered his head, his face full of struggle.

Long Chen also sat silently beside him.

For Fu Wenzhuo, this is a fateful choice, so don't bother him.

Time passes silently!



Fu Wenzhuo clenched his hands, looked up at Qin Feiyang, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll follow you!"

In order to become stronger, in order to become a half-step eternal supreme powerhouse, he chose to give up his younger brother's hatred and chose to betray this world ruled by the upper world.

"Your choice is wise."

"If you continue to follow the Xuanhuang Great World, there will be no way out in the future, because the upper world will restrict you."

"But it's different with us."

"You can play whatever you want, and you can get everyone's respect."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly.

Secretly ask Pill King Cai to take out a pill that opens the door to potential.

A pill, including all pills below the Nirvana state.

As for the potential door of Nirvana, there is nothing he can do, because he has not opened it himself.


A pill appeared in front of Qin Feiyang.

The strong medicinal fragrance filled the entire cave in an instant.

And a dragon-shaped pill danced in the cave, with an amazing spirituality.

"This is a medicinal pill?"

Fu Wenzhuo looked surprised.

The so-called good fortune is these elixir?

What are you kidding?

Although these pills are all ten dragon-shaped pills, what effect can they have on a powerhouse of his level?


He felt like he was being tricked.

"Don't underestimate these pills."

"How many people want, and none of them."

Long Chen shook his head.


When Fu Wenzhuo heard this, he looked at these medicinal pills seriously again.



He found something wrong.

These pills have never been seen before.

"No way!"

"Is there any other medicine I haven't seen before?"

Fu Wenzhuo was surprised.

After confirming again and again, I found that I had never seen these medicinal pills.

"These medicinal pills are used to open the door to potential."

Long Chen opened his mouth.

"Open the door to potential?"

Fu Wenzhuo was taken aback.


His eyes trembled, he looked at Long Chen suspiciously, and asked, "What did you just say? Can you say it again?"

Qin Feiyang and Long Chen looked at each other.

Long Chen smiled and said, "I said, these are the medicinal pills that open the door to potential."

"Open the door to potential..."

Fu Wenzhuo murmured.

With a swipe, his eyes fell on those medicinal pills again, his face was full of disbelief.

The first time he heard it, he thought he heard it wrong, so he asked Long Chen to say it again.

When he heard it for the second time, he was stunned.

In the world, is there such an elixir?

how can that be?

Can't the door of potential be opened only by one's own ability?

Are there any medicinal herbs that can be activated?

Did you really not have fun with him?

I can't believe it.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know after a try."

Qin Feiyang smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the three of them and those pills immediately appeared in the Devil's Land.

"Here again?"

Fu Wenzhuo glanced at the Devil's Land suspiciously.

"My world, the Xuanwu world."

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.


"You still have a world?"

Fu Wenzhuo trembled physically and mentally.

Eyeballs almost popped out.

Qin Feiyang's world? Does that mean that Qin Feiyang is still the master of the world?

Oh my God.

Possessing a world, as well as a medicinal pill that opens the door to potential, and even raises his physical body to the level of half-step eternity, who is he?

this moment.

In his eyes, Qin Feiyang is like a mystery that people can't see through.


Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and as his mind moved, an old man in black robe appeared.

It is the seal of all evil.

When he saw the old man in black robe, Fu Wenzhuo's eyes trembled, and his face was full of vigilance.

"take it easy."

"If the deity wants to kill you, it's useless for you to be vigilant."

The Devil's Seal smiled disdainfully, then looked at Qin Feiyang and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Release your coercion and help him open the door to his potential."

Qin Feiyang smiled lightly.


"And help him open the door to potential?"

"A waste that integrates the true meaning of profound meaning, does he have any value for this?"

The Seal of All Evil was full of disdain.

"What did you say?"

Fu Wenzhuo looked at the Seal of All Evil unconvinced.

"You're a waste, why? I'm not convinced!"

A murderous look flashed in Old Seal of Evil's eyes, and a terrifying coercion enveloped Fu Wenzhuo like a tide.

For a moment.

Fu Wenzhuo felt trapped in an abyss, as if facing a god.

"Don't mess with him."

"His body is an eternal divine weapon."

"And it is still the eternal magic weapon of your Xuanhuang Great World."

Qin Feiyang laughed.

Hearing this, Fu Wenzhuo was like a thunderbolt, and his mind rumbled.

It was actually transformed by the eternal magic weapon!

Most critical.

Or the eternal magic weapon of their mysterious yellow world.

Why did the eternal magic weapon of the great world of Xuanhuang appear in Qin Feiyang's world? And he threatened to obey Qin Fei.


This eternal divine weapon has been surrendered to Qin Feiyang!

At this moment.

His heart couldn't help but feel bitter.

Even the eternal gods surrender to Qin Feiyang, let alone a person who is not even half-step eternal.

Qin Feiyang waved his hand, and a Potential Pill flew in front of Fu Wenzhuo, and said lightly, "Calm down and start opening the door to Potential!"


Time passed quietly.

About half an hour passed.

With a loud bang, the door of Fu Wenzhuo's potential to dominate the realm was successfully opened.

Fortunately, he is strong enough.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to open so many doors of potential in half an hour?

"It really is the door to potential!"

Peeling off his clothes and looking down at the potential mark on his chest, Fu Wenzhuo was extremely excited.

This is indeed creation!

He can clearly feel that at this moment, he has been reborn.

Both the body and the spirit have reached an unprecedented state.

Over the years, he has realized that nothingness is supreme, and he has been stuck in one place, unable to go further.

But this moment.

With the opening of the door of potential, the places that were not understood before, the mysteries that could not be understood, were suddenly realized in an instant!

Now his comprehension can be said to be far greater than before.

"What about opening the door to potential?"

"The final achievement is only half a step of eternity."

The Devil's Seal took back its coercion, took a step forward, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

For this, Fu Wenzhuo did not dare to refute.

Don't dare to be arrogant anymore.

After all, it is an eternal magic weapon, and he cannot afford to offend it.

"Still satisfied?"

Qin Feiyang asked with a smile.


Fu Wenzhuo was stunned for a moment, looked up at Qin Feiyang, and said with a wry smile, "Can you still be dissatisfied with opening the door of the legendary potential?"

"What about your brother's hatred?"

Long Chen asked.

Fu Wenzhuo lowered his head and fell silent.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and said firmly: "I will work hard to live, with his share."

Although there is no proof of the answer, it has been considered a voice.

Do not want to pursue further.

Besides, he also knew that he did not have the strength to pursue it.

The more he knew about Qin Feiyang, the more afraid he was.

Revenge, that's pure suicide!

Long Chen nodded with satisfaction, then turned to look at Qin Feiyang, and said with a smile, "Go out!"


Before Fu Wenzhuo had time to take a good look at this strange world, he followed Qin Feiyang and Long Chen to the cave outside.

"I need your help with something."

Qin Feiyang spoke.

"what's up?"

Fu Wenzhuo was suspicious.

"Help me convince other Tianbang disciples."

"If you are willing to follow me, help them open the door to their potential."

"But, don't reveal my identity yet."

Qin Feiyang exhorted.

When Fu Wenzhuo heard the light in his eyes, he asked, "Do you want to start from the lower realm? Let the lower realm and the upper realm conflict, and then you can benefit from it?"

"very smart."

"Now, I not only need time, but also talent."

"When I say talent, I mean people who can step into half-step eternity in a short period of time."

Qin Feiyang said.

As long as a large number of half-step eternal supreme powerhouses are cultivated, they will truly have the capital to fight the upper realm.

And the six thousand dark guards, the disciples of the church, although they are working hard in their cultivation, they will definitely be a lot slower than people like Fu Wenzhuo.

Most critical.

Bringing people from the lower realms under his command is equivalent to weakening the power of the Xuanhuang Great World.

While enhancing your own strength, you can also weaken the strength of the other party, why not do it?

"I'll try my best!"

Fu Wenzhuo pondered a little, but did not make a deal.

Because not everyone is like him.

This kind of thing, just try as much as possible.

"Do your best."

Qin Feiyang smiled and waved: "Go ahead, I look forward to you stepping into half-step eternity, and convince other Tianbang disciples to wait for you to step into half-step eternity, which will be more attractive."


Fu Wenzhuo nodded and turned to leave the cave.

But before leaving the cave, somewhere outside, a monstrous weather suddenly erupted.


Fu Wenzhuo was surprised.

This breath...

"It's Senior Brother Wan!"

He quickly ran out of the cave.

"Senior Brother Wan?"

Qin Feiyang and Long Chen looked at each other and walked out quickly.

They have long been full of curiosity about this legendary number one in the sky, and even known as one of the most terrifying and promising evildoers in the lower realm.

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