Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1461: Ritual and flame

"Master Carnathon, all the materials are ready, just wait for your order, the ceremony will begin!"

On the scorched ground, a harpy screamed.

The scorching heat floods this land, and the harpy must wave its wings at all times to avoid scalding its claws by the ground.

"Bring the sacrifice here!"

In front of the harpy, a snake-haired banshee commanded loudly. Behind her, the sturdy tail dragged across the ground, leaving a trail of white smoke on the ground.

After receiving the order, the harpy screamed, and the same scream came in the distance in response.

Soon, several cavemen slowly stepped forward with a female human whose hands were tied.

"Pure blood..." Looking at the person in front of him, Karnason licked his lips, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

The female human raised her head numbly, without a trace of expression in her eyes. The rough twine had already strangled her wrists.


She whispered blankly, in exchange for just a blow and whipping, all over the back of the scar, and a fresh blood stain appeared.

"Bring her to the altar." Carnathan ordered.

The cave people followed the word and tied her horizontally to a simple marble altar with a strong rope.

Without resisting, she recognized her destiny, like a fish lying on a chopping board to be slaughtered.

"Don't be afraid, you will be reborn in the flames, then you will be accompanied by glory and power..."

Karnason came to the woman's side, brushed her cheek lightly with his hand, and finally stopped on her forehead.

"The **** of flames in the dark, the original first ray of madness, I, the Judge, Kanathon Eddieus, offer you a pure sacrifice, come, descend on this pure body let's go……"

Profound and unclear prayers continued to spread from Kanathon's mouth.

Following Carnason's words, the woman's body kept trembling, her lips pursed, and tears of fear flicked across her eyes.

"...Her eyes will serve as evidence for your consciousness to travel in the flames; her body will become your container, carrying the glory of the flame..."

Under the horrified sight of the human female, Karnason took out a ritual dagger.

There was a flash of cold light, and the eyes of human women went dark, followed by severe pain.

Blood splattered around the altar and stained the ground below. The pain caused her body to struggle constantly, and she wailed in her mouth.

Kanathon watched this scene indifferently, reached out his hand to fix her head, and then took out two red coins, covering her eyes gushing out of blood.

Slowly, the pain went away from her body, followed by waves of warm heat.

The flame melted her consciousness, wrapped her body, and burned the ropes that bound her. Apart from warmth, she could not feel anything.

Along with the occurrence of the mutation, a powerful breath also descended on her.

Sensing the sharp rise in the temperature around the altar, Karnason squirmed back wisely.

"Who dared to call me? You better have the most important things! Otherwise, I swear to take your soul away and let you suffer the fire of **** forever!"

The human woman who was wrapped in flames slowly stood up, making a arrogant female voice in her mouth.

The intense heat wave spread out from her body, and the moisture around her quickly evaporated, and even the marble altar below showed signs of melting.

"The great King of Fire, Flam Ifrit Sultan, the Judge Karnathan is here to look forward to your arrival."

Away from the hot source of heat, the Gorgonette said in a deep voice in the distance.

"Kanason? I've heard of this name. You should be the subordinate of Beamon." As she said, she rolled her eyes around, and finally stayed on the ground in the distance.

"We need a volcano as the foundation to open the gates of hell. Please show off the power that belongs to the Flame King and bring our army here."

However, facing Carnason's request, she made a hissing gesture.

The flames continued to burn on her body, covering her face. The only difference Carnason could see was in her eyes.

Two blazing light spots like the sun existed in her eye sockets. If you look directly into them, you will even be blinded by this light.

"From your body, I feel an uncomfortable breath. This breath is so obstructive that people can't help but want to get rid of it."

Flames soaring to the sky surged from her body, and even the sky was dyed red.

"I remembered, this kind of breath belongs to those nasty Necromancers. The last time I came, it was destroyed by the Necromancer, which made me silent for hundreds of years! Your body, why, why is there such a thing? Breath?"

The body in the flame yelled frantically, and Karnason responded calmly.

"The Necromancer of the surface world now has a power that cannot be ignored. According to the requirements of the presiding judge, I will unite with the Necromancer to further weaken the power of human forces."

Kanathon's answer was met with the flame figure's disdain.

"The breath on you really disgusts me, let me purify you!"

Karnason was stunned, and the ground under her feet suddenly shot up a hot lava column.

Unprepared, Karnason was sent into the sky by this flame column, and the intense flame burst from the midair where she was, and the entire sky was filled with flames.

With black smoke enveloped, the flame figure seemed to have discovered something, showing an expression of dissatisfaction.

In the distance, Karnason's body fell to the ground again. Now she, her body swelled in a circle, her body was covered with dark red lines, and flames were burning at the same time.

Dark scorch marks are all over Karnason's Even if the demon form is activated, she can't resist the burning of this flame.

Looking at the figure in the distance, flames emerged from under Kanathon's body. When the next attack came, Kanathon was nowhere to be seen.

"Tsk, have you escaped..." Seeing Karnason quickly fleeing, Flam tutted and looked at the land under his feet.

"If you are lucky, I have more important things to deal with."

As he said, Flam slowly bent his body and covered his hands on the ground.

In an instant, the big earthquake trembled, and cracks spread under her feet, exposing the hot lava below.

A huge pillar of flame rose up into the sky, dyeing the entire sky a blazing red, smoke and dust scattered, and unburnt sparks fell towards the surroundings.

She raised her head and laughed wildly, and the flame reflected in her eyes was like the most beautiful scene in the world.

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