Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1496: Intelligence and Treasures

"Kane, what happened?"

Seeing the appearance of Death Knight Kane, Rod released Inota for the first time, got up and asked.

Inotta curled his lips, stood up as well, and immediately grabbed Rhode again.

"A death knight belonging to Vera returned to the island. He was seriously injured and is not a human being. None of us understood what he said." Kane said respectfully.

"Take me to see." Rhode was a little bit interested. It happened that he had a traveler's ribbon gifted by Inotta on his body, and there was no difficulty in communicating with non-human creatures.

Crossing the cliff and coming to the corner of the bay, among the packages of necromancers, Rhodes saw the death knight in Kane's mouth.

It was a wounded male mermaid with a strong human upper body and a fish-like lower part. He held a rough stone harpoon in his hand and looked at the surrounding necromancers vigilantly.

"Who are you? Where is Vera?" Rod stepped forward and asked actively.

The mermaid looked at Rod warily, and subconsciously lifted the harpoon in his hand and pointed towards Rod.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet." Luo Luo said in a deep voice, and the large cloak behind him shook suddenly, and the dark breath instantly enveloped the celebrity fish.

Soon, the black mist dissipated, and the mermaid fell to the ground, as if he had just escaped from suffocation, breathing heavily.

"Now, you are my death knight." Rod slowly said, relying on another effect of the ghost king's cloak, he seized control of this celebrity fish.

"Answer my question." Luo Luo said in a deep voice, with a certain magic in his voice, directly penetrating the mermaid's ears.

The mermaid looked sluggish for a while, and in a weird language that no one else could understand, only the mermaid said: "I am Volo. Vera is fighting with the incarnation of the god, and was swallowed by him in one bite."

Hearing the words of the mermaid Volo, Rod was stunned for a moment. He didn't know when such an existence appeared on the Elemental Plane of Water: "What is the incarnation of God? To be specific."

"That is a huge sea snake. It has many heads and one or two long horns. It is the most noble in the whole world. No creature knows how long it has lived. In the memory of those long-lived elemental creatures In, the sea snake has existed since they were born, and it must be the incarnation of a god..."

"I warned Vera not to provoke the incarnation of the gods, but he just refused to listen, saying he wanted to make up for his fault, and was eventually swallowed by it..."

Facing Volo's flustered explanation, a flame ignited in Rod's eyes.

With the help of the vision given by the demon form and the peeping eye, Rod saw all the thoughts in his heart. What Rohde can confirm is that the incarnation of the **** in his mouth is the ultimate hydra in the depths of the ocean.

Just like the creatures of Taitalia, they will regard the nine-headed monster and the poisonous dragon as totems. The celebrity fish in front of them, and the tribe he once lived in, undoubtedly worship the ultimate hydra as a god. But in Rod’s eyes, even though the ultimate hydra is only one step away from being promoted to a god-level creature, it is still just a legendary creature and not worthy of such worship.

"The incarnation of the **** you mentioned, why is it so like the sea snake I met?" Next to Rod, Inota also found something wrong and asked actively.

"It's the same as you think, it's the hyrax." Rod explained. After finishing speaking, he looked at the mermaid. "It's just a hyrax, but it's a bit powerful, and it's not the incarnation of a **** at all. , You shouldn’t worship it at all, you should worship me.”

Rhode’s words were heard in his ears, and Volo was taken aback. When he looked at Rhode again, there was already a certain kind of enthusiasm in his eyes, and he was willing to give his life for him.

"I can feel that Vera's spiritual imprint is not completely silent. In other words, he is still alive in the belly of the Ultimate Hydra. If he arrives in time, he may have a chance to rescue him." Rod felt it. Then said.

"Great! I was almost swallowed by it when I was exploring underwater, Rod, help me teach it!" On the side, Inota cheered.

Luo Luo said helplessly, “Don’t worry, we can’t just go into the water like this. After all, it is a creature that stands at the apex of the legend. The marine environment restricts my strength. I rushed to fight it underwater. Our chances of winning are not great. It will be very dangerous."

Hearing this, Inota nodded: "You are right, what should we do now?"

"let me see……"

Rod fell into deep thought. After a while, he said, "There are two treasures that can help us now, but they are not so easy to obtain..."

Hearing what Rod said, Inota suddenly became interested and asked, "Which two treasures, I can't wait to find them!"

"One of them is called the'Moses Scepter', which can completely separate the ocean, leaving the body of the ultimate hyrax completely exposed on the land deep under the sea. Another treasure is called the'water spirit ball', which can greatly enhance the water system. Magical power, and allows the user to be free from the influence of the marine environment, and freely use all the abilities of the body. As long as we get one of the treasures, we can immediately set off to find the ultimate hydra."

Inota tilted her head, her eyes a little confused: "I understand the first treasure, but what does the second treasure mean?"

Rod thought for a while, and explained in a language that Inota could understand: "For example, after you come underwater, even if you breathe out dragon’s breath, you will be immediately submerged by the surrounding sea water, almost unable to ignite anything. With the water spirit ball, you can freely breathe dragon's breath underwater and cast all kinds of spells without being restricted by the environment."

"Wow." Inota nodded seemingly.

"These two treasures are not so easy to obtain. I remember that the'Scepter of Moses' was always housed in the cloud city by angels, and no one could obtain it, and the treasures such as the'Water Spirit Orb' were deeply left behind. The underground world hasn't heard from it for a long time."

In Lord's mind, he quickly calculated various events related to these two treasures.

After the Standwick incident, the angel’s vigilance in Cloud City has reached the highest level. Rod believes that as long as he appears, he must face unimaginable enemies. If the angel is determined to kill himself, The Doomsday Judgment is not easy.

In contrast, the defense of the underground world is much more relaxed. According to the memory of Rhode’s previous life, at the end of the second expansion, the water spirit ball will appear at the rally of wizards in the underground world.

In addition to these two treasures, Rowling's "Heart of the Sea" also has a similar effect, but the Heart of the Sea can only provide basic underwater activities. Once fighting, Rhodes is still controlled everywhere, no matter it is in the form of the great devil or the arrow of the Titans, it is difficult to exert its power.

Finally, he made a decision and looked at Inota and said: "We go to the underground world to find the water spirit orb. As for Vera, we can only let him wait in the belly of the sea snake for a while."


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