Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1513: King of Diya

After bringing Vera back to the abode of the Elemental Plane of Water, a lot of time has passed. Rhodes thought for a while, did not disturb Rowling and Inota on the island, ready to embark on the journey to Diya .

According to Lord’s order before leaving, Rowling and Inota are constantly discussing the defensive rituals around the island. One of the most critical items is to prohibit all space spells that reach the island and let the teleportation monument become entry. The only entrance to the island.

However, due to the unique environment of the Elemental Plane of Water, it is not enough for the defensive ritual to cover the island alone. The nearby sea must be wrapped in it to effectively prohibit the enemy's surprise attack.

It is not a simple matter to arrange this level of magic ritual, and Rhodes’s talent in magic rituals is not as good as his other aspects, so he handed it over to Rowling and Inota. Responsible, it seems that during this time, they have a lot of things to be busy.

As the foundation of Rhodes's development on the Elemental Plane of Water, the defense on the island is undoubtedly the most important matter.

In Rhodes’s prediction, the area of ​​the island in front of him is far from enough. After waiting for his ability to cast spells to be completely improved in the future, he will follow the island and raise more land from under the ocean. Expand the area of ​​the island.

Whether doing so would destroy the existing defensive rituals on the island is also something Rowling and the others need to consider. This also places extremely high demands on the ritual decorators.

Rhode went back to Diya alone, preparing to solve the problem of insufficient population on the island as the death knight Kane said.

In Standwick’s trial ritual, many Liches belonging to Diya died in the Doomsday Judgment that Rhodes descended. This provided Rhodes with enough experience points. In addition, a large number of Liches The death of Diya also plunged the entire Diya into chaos.

Since Diya was founded, there has never been such a tragic loss in any period, and even the foundation on which Diya relies is no longer stable.

Without the guards of the powerful Lich inside Diya, the creatures in other areas that were deeply injured by the Necromancer would not miss such a good opportunity, all gearing up to seek revenge from the Necromancer.

The first stop Rhodes chose was the City of Shadows as the King City of Diya.

In Rhodes’s memory, in the previous lich rally, Kathrie, the King of Dia, did not appear, which also allowed him to escape the control of the Dark Word, and did not accompany the other lich to Stander. Wick.

Now, when Rhodes intends to control Diya, the nominal king of Diya is the first object Rhodes has to deal with.

The fire flashed under his feet, and the next moment, Rod appeared in the palace of the Shadow City.

"Who are you and how did you come here?" As soon as Luo Luo appeared, his figure was spotted by the guards on patrol and he was questioned.

Rod glanced at the guards around him. He didn't mean to hide at all. He just slowly said, "Take me to see your king."

After hearing what Lord said, the nearby guards looked startled, and no more thoughts could come up in their hearts. They put down the weapons in their hands and brought Lord to the main hall where King Catherine was.

Noting Rod's appearance, in the main hall, the originally calm Catherine's expression changed, and a team of skeletons quickly rushed out of the side hall nearby and stood in front of him.

Facing the final resistance of the King of Diya, Rhode showed a trace of contempt in his eyes. Even the immortal witches could not resist the power of the dark word, and all the attempts made by Caesare were only in vain.

"Let go of resistance and be loyal to me."

No effort was taken, and no conflicts occurred, just this sentence, as the King of Dia, Catherine could no longer have any thoughts of resistance in his heart, and completely loyal to Rhodes.

Relying on the power of the Dark Word, Rhode changed Catherine's mind and easily subdued it. At this time, Rhode was already the real King of Diya, and all creatures who mastered spiritism could not escape his control.

Not only Caesare, but other human guards nearby, looking at Rod's eyes are also full of loyalty and enthusiasm. As long as Rod's word, they are ready to sacrifice their lives.

Passing the people in front of him, Rod came to the center of the palace, in front of the huge bone throne, and then sat on it.

"I don't know what Lord Lord Rhodes came to the Shadow City to solve?" After being controlled by the Dark Words, Caytheri bent down and asked respectfully.

"I need a large number of Necromancers. I need you to tell all the Necromancers, the holders of the artifacts, are in the palace of the Shadow City, waiting for their arrival. All the Necromancers who follow me, I will give them supreme The power of the necromancer, and the glory of the Necromancer." Rod raised his hand and said loudly.

"This..." Hearing what Rod said, Caytherie seemed extremely hesitant for a while, "What if those necromancers refuse to come?"

"There will always be Necromancers coming. Without those Lich Queens, the situation of those Necromancers is getting harder and harder. I don't believe they can resist the temptation of power." Rod crossed his hands and said in a deep voice.

"Your command is the common creed of all of us. Come here! Please tell all the necromancers in Diya! If you dare to be lazy, or distort Lord Lord's command, I I must not spare you!"

Catherine loudly conveyed Rhodes's order to The nearby guards took action. For a while, the entire palace of the Shadow City was boiled over by Rhodes's order.

Sitting on the tall throne made of white bones, Rod calmly looked at everything below, hoping to gain enough advantage in the third expansion. The Necromancer in Diya is undoubtedly a powerful force. Using this power well, even the devil in **** is not enough.

Soon, under Rod's gaze, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

This person is Noth. He inherited the power of Erich the Reveler. What makes Rhode feel strange that he did not see Noth appearing in the previous Battle of Standwick.

At that time, due to the urgent situation, Rhodes had no time to find out where Noth had gone, so he took the remaining liches and launched an attack. This also allowed Noth to escape. He did not die in the Doomsday Judgment, and he did not receive the true word of the word. Impact.

At this time, after sensing Lord's arrival, North, who was still affected by the Dark Word, came to Lord for the first time.

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