Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1847: Dark space

One month...

The passage of time in the dark space continued, and the entire illusion had no intention of ending.

When the time was almost a month in the system log, Rod had a little expectation in his mind. In his opinion, this kind of integer time is likely to be the end of the illusion.

However, the facts disappointed Luo Luo. One month later, the illusion had no intention of stopping. This pitch-black space seemed to last till the end of the world.

There was a slight disappointment in his heart, but Rod quickly noticed the negative emotions in his heart.

The lonely dark space can easily amplify the negative emotions in the heart. If the slight disappointment is not detected in time, in the end, it is likely to turn into discouragement and even cause collapse.

After adjusting his state, Rod's eyes became firm.

After lying in the damp coffin for a month, the body of the walking corpse is beginning to rot. There was no light around, and although Rod could not see the process of decay, he could clearly feel this with his previous mastery of spiritism.

Death energy has a delaying effect on decay, but it cannot be completely antiseptic, especially since this walking corpse has been inactive for a long time.

From time to time, Rod felt itchy under his skin. He stretched out his hand to scratch, and was always able to catch a few moving insects under the skin of a walking corpse.

Feeling the few worms that can be called a living thing in the dark coffin, Rod felt kind, but he soon realized that this was a trap in the illusion.

The long-term loneliness trapped in the dark coffin made it inevitable for Rod to have a cordial affection for other living creatures. Rod recalls that the death knight Kane he once served was like this.

Feeling the creeping worm in his hand, Lot sneered and pinched it to death.

After staying in the dark space for a month, Rod was not idle during this time, he was feeling the death energy produced by the decay of his body.

The first step for a Necromancer who studies spiritualism is to feel the existence of death energy, and then to use death energy. Rod once mastered God-level spiritualism, even if he lost that special skill due to the separation of the soul, but the various experiences of using God-level spiritualism remained in Rod's mind.

The existence of death energy, in Rhodes's perception, is actually a more intimate thing.

Five months, six months...

As time went by, Lord's consciousness gradually became dull, no longer the sharpness of the original illusion.

In the dark coffin, Rohde thought clearly about a lot of things. Some things that he had neglected in the past. In the illusion with sufficient time, Rohde also thought clearly about it. For Rohde, this was also considered helpful.

And Lord's ability to use spiritism has also been further improved, but it is a pity that the walking corpse in the coffin does not possess the power of spiritism, so he can only try after he leaves.

During this period of time, the skin and flesh of the walking corpse began to gradually fall off. Not only that, a group of flying insects with fireflies appeared in the coffin, providing a little light, allowing Rhode to see his state better.

Luo Luo slightly raised his head and looked at his body. There were only bones left. The original flesh and blood had already rotted and was eaten up by a large number of small insects crawling out of the coffin.

Rod does not believe that the emergence of this group of flying insects is a coincidence. It is most likely the design of the illusion itself. The purpose is to allow the demon entering the illusion to see their current state better, so as to give the demon and the soul in the illusion. Bring greater suffering.

The existence of pain naturally does not only exist on the body. Compared with physical pain, it is more unbearable, and it belongs to the pain in the soul.

If it were replaced by those succubus, lying in the coffin, feeling a little bit of decay of the once-beautiful body, even being eaten by insects, leaving only a skeleton behind, I am afraid that I can't bear it, and I will break away from the illusion. , But for Rod, this is nothing at all.

The former Lord, under the effect of the endless long night ritual, had a skeleton body for a period of time, and now he returned to the skeleton body again, and he could not even trigger his mood swings.

His will remains unchanged, and he wants to see how long this illusion can last.

Outside of the illusion, the giant hand did not move for a long time, which also attracted the attention of the demons outside the door of pain.

"The giant's movements have stopped." Abyss Demon King Lenis commented to Dolana beside him.

Before that, the appearance of the giant hand breaking through several painful illusions in succession has been seen by the nearby demons, which has aroused constant discussion among the demons.

Many succubus exclaimed at the speed of the giant hand, and when they looked at the giant, they also showed a different look. Some have a look of admiration, thinking about learning about his past deeds, some are worried, worried that his appearance will be detrimental to other succubus, and some have a calm face, just like the legendary succubus Dolana. .

Listening to the discussion of the nearby succubus, Dorana, who looked like a lady, took out a transparent lens studded with pink lace and placed it in front of her own eyes. Through the lens, she stared at the giant's body not far away.

"He came to the illusion of darkness and decay...Well, this is one of the most difficult illusions of all the painful illusions. It seems that he is going to stop here."

Seeing the information in the lens, Dolana shook her head and quickly made her own evaluation.

"Is it the illusion that no succubus can pass through? He was unlucky, and he actually encountered that illusion." Listening to Dolana's account, Lenis also realized something, with a smirking smile on his face, "Painful illusion. Once confirmed, even if you step back temporarily, the next time you come to the same position will not change the result. Hmph, I thought that the giant could come within 20 steps to share the pressure of the door of pain for us, no Thinking of him is not good enough. Thirty steps is his limit."

Dorana didn't say much, but from the look in her eyes looking at the giant pityingly, it could be seen that she agreed with Lenis very much. The giant seemed to be unable to move on.

"Master Elott..."

With the giant hand approaching in the direction of fifty steps, there was also the wounded Tess. She had just finished the first painful illusion and came to the position of forty-five steps.

At this moment, Tiss listened not far away. Those succubuses, especially Dorana and his party, couldn't help but become nervous about the discussion about the illusion where the giant was.

Ignoring the sound of the surrounding succubus, Tiss looked firmly and moved on.

(End of this chapter)

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