Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 1912: 2nd Ace

"It's a pity that although I can summon him in his heyday, I have to sacrifice a huge number of legendary creatures with sacrifice rituals. If only ordinary sacrifices are used to summon him, his strength is not even 100% of the heyday. One."

Rowling's answer interrupted Rod's thoughts. Even if Rowling used the sacrifice ceremony to summon that person out, the strength he could exert was extremely limited and could not bring much help.

"However, I didn't intend to let him fight. Compared with his strength, his identity is more valuable." Rowling showed a smile that grasped everything.

"Identity? You mean to use his identity to draw on the power of other forces..." Rod heard her meaning, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

For Rhode, who is a necromancer and resisted by other forces, without this card, it is undoubtedly difficult to use the power of other forces. Hell can fight for it, but Rhode has just offended him. The hero Moriel has no way to borrow.

However, with this card, things immediately ushered in a turning point. As long as the person on the card reappears in the world, the situation will change immediately. Rod has the opportunity to obtain a powerful ally that can compete with Sally of the Thieves Guild.

"How do we contact those people?" Rhode asked if something seemed to have come to mind.

"Don't worry, as long as we open the two-way monument on the island, they will soon find the door by themselves." While talking, Rowling took out an envelope decorated with golden patterns from the space ring.

That was a letter from Master Brakada. The letter threatened Rowling, who manages the island, and asked her to open the two-way monument on the island for the Master of Brakada to seek refuge on the island when the end came.

The letter also threatened that if Rowling refused, the legendary mage from the headquarters of the Magic Guild would level the island and eradicate everything on the island.

"It seems that you have planned it a long time ago." Seeing that letter, Rod finally realized what, Rowling wanted to bet, it seemed that he was not angry for a while, but was already prepared.

"Of course." Rowling stared at Rod after retracting the envelope. "Is this trump card enough for you to change your plan?"

After thinking for a moment, Rod nodded readily: "You won this bet."

Not far away, Inota looked at the two in a puzzled manner. She was still wondering why Rowling had won: "Wait, what are you talking about just now?"

"That's not important, Inota, what's important is that my brother has personally admitted that I won the bet." Rowling smiled and glanced at the purple-haired girl. Whenever he thought of all the actions of Rhode, he had to tell himself in advance, and Rowling's heart was hot.

"Okay! Rod, don't have tentacles for my one hundred magic eyes, make the eyeballs more flexible!" Soon, Inotta put all the doubts in his mind behind his head and cheered.

Rod stretched out his hand and stroked his forehead, always feeling that losing the bet was more troublesome than he thought.

"It's not too late, let's prepare as soon as possible."

After resolving the gambling agreement with Rowling, Rod quickly became serious.

"Inota, you go try the power of the artifact to see if you can get rid of Yusia's bloodline control, and then start meditation as soon as possible to restore the mana in the body to full. Agrand, after your flame escape is finished cooling, Take a trip to the Shadow City of Diya for me, contact the King of Diya over there, and then return quickly. I will also use your flame to escape."

As the orders were given, everyone around Rhode quickly mobilized. Even Inota knew that this was an important preparation for retaking Rhode’s body. Without the usual sloppy, his eyes became focused.

Only Rowling stood quietly beside Rod, listening to his orders one by one, until the last one was her turn.

"Rowling, summon the person in the trump card, open the two-way monument on the island, and we will go to meet the mages from afar." Luo said in a deep voice.

If it were before the change, I learned that the group of Brakada’s mages had dared to attack the island while they were away, and threatened to shovel everything on the island if Rowling and his party dared to resist. Rhode would definitely not Will easily let go of them, and will leave them a bitter lesson.

But now, after possessing that trump card, it is hard to say that the other mages of Brakada, but the Magic Guild is no longer an enemy of Rhodes, but has a chance to become an ally of Rhodes.

Any mage in the magic guild, seeing the person on the trump card, will be respectful, and Rhodes can also use this trump card as the hub and draw on the core power of the Bracada mages.

The person drawn on the trump card, he was born in the golden age of Bracada, and led the magical trend of the era. His name is permanently circulated in Bracada, no one knows, no one knows, even for countless years In the past, it was never forgotten.

He is the founder of the Magic Guild and the immortal ruler of Brakada. He is revered as the **** of wizards by all wizards. He is the author of countless bards, and he is Gwen Magnus.

Rhode was not surprised to see Gwen the **** of the wizard among the six trump cards of the prophecy card.

Rod, who was once a mage, understands Gwen's influence even more. Perhaps only a great hero with a reputation like Gwen, who has the best strength in an era, is qualified to be called an ace.

If enough creatures are sacrificed, Rowling can even summon Gwen in his heyday and see the power belonging to the **** of wizards, but it is foreseeable that the number of legendary creatures that need to be sacrificed will far exceed Rhodes’s. Imagine.

Rod recalled that when he was in **** and met Mesika in the magic dock, he heard some rumors about Gwen from her.

According to the ancient prophet, Gwen, like her, participated in the battle to kill the gods in ancient times, which eventually led to the fall of the stigmata. Without the source of the stigmata’s power, the Holy See could not continue. The powerful sacred kingdom Elasia has never recovered, replaced by the rise of Bracada, and the golden age of the wizard empire has arrived.

Regarding the wizard **** Gwen, Bracada only recorded all the great deeds he made during the golden age of the wizard empire, but did not mention what he did before the golden age came.

If it hadn't been for Mesika's reminder, Rhode wouldn't have known that Gwen had participated in the battle to kill the gods. Even the headquarters of the Thieves Guild had no record of this.

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