Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2075: Sword of the Sovereign

In the dense forest of Eri, the marching elf swordsman suddenly felt tight. He subconsciously pulled out the emerald green blade from his waist, but saw the golden light on the surface of the blade, which was extremely dazzling for a while.

"What's going on? Yves, what are you doing! Don't hurry up and put your sword away!"

On the side, Tamick was exposed to the golden light. The next moment, her body seemed to have fallen into hot oil, and her whole body was burnt to varying degrees. As her skin wrinkled, she also revealed a vampire. Real body.

Upon seeing this, she yelled and asked the elf swordsman on the side.

"I don't know, I didn't do it..."

The Elf Swordsman was also slightly puzzled. He raised the golden blade in his hand and stared at the weapon he was most familiar with, trying to see what had changed on it:

"I have never seen such a change in the Blade of Wind Chaser. Maybe I touched some mechanism? Or it was affected by the environment? After all, this is the weapon used by the hero Turalion. In addition to being able to control this Apart from a weapon, not much is known about its own characteristics."

As the elf swordsman was looking at the abnormality of the weapon in his hand, Tamick also screamed and hid in the shadows hidden by a side of the bushes. Only by avoiding the strong light released by the weapon can she feel good. Some, but the elven swordsman noticed that with the appearance of the golden light, some golden lines began to appear on the sharp blade, which seemed to be some kind of special text, and there was a powerful force in the simplicity.

"He is back."

Just as the elf swordsman was puzzled, there was a peaceful voice in his ear. Following the reputation, he saw a few men in white, headed by people, approaching him.

"He? You're talking about the hero Turalion? That once hero is back?" Yves seemed to realize something, and asked the man in white in surprise.

On the side, the Dragon Whisperer looked surprised at the man in white after hearing Yves' description.

"No. I'm talking about the person in charge of destiny, the incarnation of the gods of Elasia." The white-clothed man glanced at Jin Guangdafang's sword, then looked into the distance, his eyes seemed to penetrate the void and saw the distant place. What happened here.

"What does this have to do with the Blade of Wind Chaser?" The Elf Swordsman scratched his head and asked with some doubts. He didn't understand what kind of connection existed between the two.

"Wind Chasing Blade...In my time, this weapon was not called this name." The white-clothed man's eyes showed a bit of recollection, "'Sword of Divine Judgment', this is the real weapon of this weapon. The name was once mastered by a human saint. It is a weapon used by the Holy See to rule heretical and a blessing from the incarnation of the gods."

The elven swordsman looked at the blade in his hand in astonishment. He didn't expect this artifact to have such a profound history in addition to being used by the hero Turalion.

"Aren't you always looking for a way to completely kill evil creatures? Congratulations, with the return of the incarnation of the gods, the power of the sacred decree attached to this weapon has been activated, and you can use it to kill any enemy." In the swordsman's puzzled eyes, the white-clothed man congratulated.

On the side, the old Dragon Whisperer seemed to realize something. She tremblingly held the right hand of the white-clothed man: "Erich, you said he is back? How is this possible? Didn't he fall long ago? I saw it with my own eyes. When it's all there..."

"Don't worry." He comforted gently, squeezing Dragon Whisperer's hand tighter, "He won't affect our plan."

After comforting the elderly Dragon Whisperer, he took the Jinguang's generous blade from the hands of the Elf Swordsman. With his movements, the golden light released by the blade converged little by little, and finally just lingered on the surface of the blade.

As a result, Tamick, who was hiding in the shadow of the tree, dared to walk out again. She looked at the strange Wind Chasing Blade with a slightly frightened look, and she was slightly relieved in her heart.

"Erich, I thought that since you got that realm, as long as you stay by your side, you don't have to worry about the threat of death anymore. I didn't expect that sword blade still gave me this feeling." Tamick, who is in human form, said with lingering fear.

The white-clothed man shook his head: "Be careful. If you are killed by that weapon, even me, there is no way to wake you up again, you will really die."

"What? How could this be?" After learning the news, Tamick showed shocked eyes, couldn't believe what he had just heard, "This sword has this kind of ability? Even the domain's. Power, can it break?"

"You are wrong, if the Wind Chaser itself had this ability, I would have wiped out those **** undead creatures long ago, and won't keep it for now." On the side, the elf swordsman seemed to realize something, quickly Said, "I think that the abnormal changes that occur on the Wind Chasing Blade should be derived from the power of the sacred judge in your mouth and the incarnation of the god..."

Speaking of this, the face of the elf swordsman changed, and there was something inexplicable in the expression of the man in white clothes: "I remember the archangel said before that the fall of the incarnation of the gods seems to have something to do with you. What have you done in the inseparable relationship?"

The man in white did not answer or the Dragon Whisperer on the side took the words: "Rather than say that, you might as well ask, what have we done."

The elf swordsman was taken aback for a moment. He looked at the white-clothed man in the state of soul and the old elves beside him. When he was about to say something, the words were interrupted by the Dragon Whisperer: "Okay, I believe you are all tired. , Even if you are not tired, I can’t hold on anymore. We’re here."

Inadvertently, a few people have arrived in a quiet valley, and not far south from here is the location of the giant willow field. During the war, this place was once destroyed by the necromancer. The vegetation on the ground was leveled by the clouds of death. The nearby trees also decayed and died. No animals continued to live here. This place has completely turned into a dead place.

Within Eri, the druids and rangers are still in the process of rebuilding the forest ecology, but it will take a lot of time before they can completely complete all of this.

"This is it. Erich, the index finger of your left hand is in the depths of the earth buried under your feet." Looking at the white man not far away, the Dragon Whisperer said slowly.

The words of the Dragon Whisperer made the Elf Swordsman stunned for a moment. He looked at the ground under his feet and then at the white-clothed man, with a puzzled expression in his eyes.


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