Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2391: promotion time

Remember [New] for a second,! "Stop, hero Kenro, stop killing those demons."

Just as Kenlo waved the big axe in his hand and swept away the promoted demons in front of him, the words from the swordsman interrupted his movements.

Ken Luo, who was covered in demon blood, exuded a fierce aura that wiped out everything. After being blocked by the swordsman, he turned around abruptly, looked directly at the swordsman in front of him, and asked, "Elliot, why did you stop me?"

"Didn't you find that the reason why those demons were promoted is because of your current slaughter?" Feeling the brutal killing intent of a barbarian on Ken Luo, Rhode's expression remained unchanged, and he replied lightly, "No Killing those demons and incapacitating them is enough."

"So what?" Ken Luo snorted, obviously not taking the swordsman's advice to heart, "Just rely on those demons, I will kill as many as they come!"

Before he finished speaking, several abyss demon kings who had completed their transformation and flashed dark red all over rushed over, while Ken Luo let out a roar and waved his giant axe again to greet him.

Seeing this, Rhode shook his head helplessly. As a legendary hero, Kenlo obviously doesn't care about the opinions of other colleagues. He also has offensive skills, and at least it has reached the epic level. Offensiveness, once he becomes his enemy, will be met with devastating attacks by him.

"We're almost there!"

On the side, she felt that she was getting closer and closer to the target location, and Berry's eyes also shone brightly. She summoned people, and even found Lord Lord Rhodes, who was notorious in the mouths of other creatures. It was for this moment that she thought of the person who was about to take back the goods. The situation, her mood is also excited.

After hearing Berry's words, the brown-haired mercenary breathed a sigh of relief. Surrounded by such a large group of little monsters who were constantly advancing, his emotions were suppressed to the extreme, and he had to put all his hopes on the two s beside him. rank mercenary, while he and Berry hid under the protection of the swordsman.

Berry's words also made Rhodes feel at ease for a while. Maybe when she retrieved the goods, the real big demons would not be transformed from those little monsters.

What made Rhode puzzled was what kind of power was the source of the constant transformation of the little monster? Recalling the situation in his previous life, he couldn't help frowning.

In the previous life, perhaps it was to encourage players to actively participate in the battle of doomsday. In the third expansion, there was an event where the experience value was doubled, but this life has not appeared, is it related to this?

In addition, relying on the experience of falling into **** and becoming a little monster, Rhode was also keenly aware of the differences in those little monsters. They were covered with a faint red light. This kind of red light is not obvious, not even obvious. It will be revealed, and only when they have completed their promotion will the burst of red light cover them.

Rhodes had seen that kind of evil red light before, but he did not see it with his own eyes, but observed it through human eyes. If Rhodes remembered correctly, it was a trial in the depths of hell. The Vulcan statue in the final scene of the trial radiated that kind of light.

Rhodes knew very little about the Vulcan statue. He only knew that the huge demon statue seemed to have some kind of unique magic power, and it was also the core of the large-scale ceremony.

"Elliot what is that?"

At this moment, the exclamation of Inavin next to him interrupted Rhode's original thoughts, and following his voice, Rhode's eyes became solemn.

There was a sudden burst of turmoil among the demons that went on and on, accompanied by a dazzling red light. An abyss demon who had just completed his transformation was promoted again in a short period of time. A large demon bat wing was born behind him, and his momentum continued to rise. Finally, In the unbelievable eyes of a little monster, it came to the level of legend.

The thing that Rhode was most worried about still happened. What appeared in front of him was the most difficult big demon to deal with among all demons. In just a short battle, those little monsters had things that other creatures could not imagine. Transformation, from the lowest level of cannon fodder, promoted to the great devil who dominates hell.

"It's impossible." Berry obviously understood the horror of the big devil, and his face changed slightly at this moment, and he never thought that such a thing would happen.

"Not a comprehensive promotion, but an individual promotion?"

On the side, Rhodes glanced at the big demon, and then looked at the little monsters beside him who looked at him with reverence. He seemed to have some kind of enlightenment in his heart, and said slowly.

Rhode recalled that the experience-gaining specialty of little monsters would allow them to obtain the soul fragments of all the dead creatures in the battle on average, but from the current situation, it seems that they did not rely on experience to gain promotion, only a few lucky ones, to enjoy such treatment.

Compared with regular experience gain, random promotion will undoubtedly make Rhodes more difficult to handle. Even if he tries his best to eliminate the big demon in front of him, I am afraid that among the remaining little monsters, a new big demon will be born immediately. .

At this moment, Rhodes seemed to understand why, with the support of the angels from the City of Clouds, the Erathians were still demoralized by those demons, and the land was also lost one after another. is enough to keep those Erathians at a loss.

After completing the promotion, the new big demon is slowly moving its own body. The big demon is different from the small monsters in the past. Whether it is basic attributes or its own unique abilities, it is completely different from one level.

After trying his physical abilities, a hideous smile appeared on the face of the great demon. He began to shuttle in the flames. At first, it was just for testing, and he kept appearing among the little monsters around him, which scared those former companions. Enough, and he let out a satisfied laugh, then flashed his body, and rushed towards the hero Kenlo.

Seeing the way the big demon was attacking, Rhode shook his head. Although he had completed the promotion, the big demon that appeared in front of him was not a deep hell, the kind of big demon who had experienced hundreds of battles. He did not have a weapon in hand. The thinking mode of battle also follows the memory of the once little monster.

A big demon of this level, if Rhodes asks any big demon in the undead army to come, he can easily solve it without even effort. This is the crushing brought about by experience consciousness.

Relying on the power of the flame to hide, like him, rushing towards the hero Kenlo is undoubtedly equivalent to going to death in vain.

As Rhode expected, the next moment, the big axe in Kenlo's hand directly split it in half.

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