Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2421: Great Wisdom

Remember [New] for a second,! "I made a decision."

Perhaps because of the unwillingness to keep those giant dragons waiting for a long time, Inota didn't think about it for too long, and soon made a decision and returned to them.

"I am willing to accept your allegiance, and I will lead you to fight to the end with Moriel, who enslaved our fellow clan."

Listening to Inota's answer, Rhode couldn't help but glance at her. He was very familiar with Inota's character. He never thought that Inota, who advocates freedom by nature, would take the initiative to take on the responsibility of being the Dragon King, and the powerful The ultimate hero Moriel fights.

Maybe it was the words of the hero Tanan that worked, or maybe it was the influence of the power of the holy female dragon, Rhode felt the change in Inota, a kind of will condensed in her heart, and unconsciously, She is also growing up, and she might have refused without even thinking about it.

For Rhodes, it is a good thing to accept the help of those giant dragons. The giant dragon can resist the magic of the mage, which also makes it a lot easier to divide the troops into battle. After all, there is only one Tanan, and his forbidden magic It is impossible for the realm to cover every battlefield in Brakada. If battles break out at multiple locations at the same time, even if a large number of teleportation monuments are erected, it is difficult to ensure timely support, and the anti-magic ability of those giant dragons can be of great use.

After receiving Inota's affirmative answer, Golden Dragon Lacante bent down slightly and called respectfully, "Dragon King Inota."

"Dragon King Inota." The surrounding dragons also called out at this moment.

"What happened here should have already passed to Moriel. She has a variety of powerful magicians under her command. Among them, the hero Ajiet, who is responsible for detecting intelligence, can use the power of the evil eye to peep into us. Every move." Lacante quickly analyzed, "Lord Dragon King, how should we deal with Moriel?"

Inota was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was addressing herself, and she seemed a little unaccustomed for a while.

What makes Inota even more embarrassed is that despite the following of these giant dragons, she doesn't know how to arrange these giant dragons, and she has never considered such a thing before.

"We..." Inota looked contemplative, "Let's eat your stomach first and then make plans. Are you hungry?"

Rhode hurriedly interrupted her words: "Lord Dragon King means that we have to keep the same and respond to changes. Moriel has joined forces with the demons in **** and is ready to occupy a place in the doomsday battle. She will lead the giant dragon. The legion and the army of sorcerers have captured the Mage Empire Brakada, and what we have to do is to take the advantage of Brakada before that, and wait for the arrival of Moriel."

Following Rhode's narration, Lacante also turned his attention to the small human being in front of him. In front of the huge size of many giant dragons, if he didn't pay attention, he would be ignored. Before that , La Cante has never seen him in his eyes. But at this moment, when looking at the human man carefully, Lacante's face changed.

From the human man, Lacante felt a terrifying power, which was more terrifying than any dragon that Lacante had ever seen. Under that seemingly small body, there was no less than The destructive power of the giant dragon can only be faintly equaled by an existence like Moriel.

"Who are you? What's your relationship with the Dragon King?" General Jinlong scolded, how could he keep ignoring such terrifying existences, fortunately, judging from the actions between him and the Dragon King, they seem to have a close relationship.

"Me... You can understand that I am the translator of the Dragon King." Rhode stretched out his hand to rest his forehead and said casually.

On the side, Rowling looked at this scene and couldn't help but snickered, but Lacante seemed to really believe it and said, "It turned out to be Your Excellency Translator. What Lord Dragon King said is very reasonable. According to your plan, we will go down. What do you want to do next? Please ask the Dragon King to give instructions."

Inota nodded: "It seems that you are hungry too, then go and catch the mages to eat, I have always wanted to taste them. Do you see the huge waves below? Although there are some fish there, but all It's bones, it's not tasty at all, and if you want to eat fish, I know there's a good place."

Rhode's translation with a black line on his head said: "Lord Dragon King needs you to hunt down mages, the huge waves below are what we raised, what you have to do is to destroy all the mages remaining along the way, and you can't let any of them go. One, don't touch the sea undead in the waves, they are our companions, unless you also want to become undead creatures, then just try."

Hearing this, looking at the monstrous waves below, Lacante also showed a bit of shock. In front of that gigantic wave, all creatures seemed incomparably small, even giant dragons would be crushed by life, and that The initiator of the giant wave seems to be the Dragon King and his party in front of him.

After listening to Rhode's translation, Lacante couldn't help taking a deep breath: "I didn't expect that everything was planned by the Dragon King long ago, and the Dragon King is really wise and foolish. In a short sentence, there are so many things that we listen to. For the information that cannot come out, it is fortunate that with the help of Your Excellency the translator, we can understand the meaning of Lord Dragon King."

After speaking, the general Lacante shouted to the nearby giant dragon: "Have you heard the order of the Dragon King? Now let's go to the area where the waves pass by to hunt the wait. Moriel's offensive is coming!"

Under the leadership of this quite famous golden dragon, the nearby giant dragons responded to the call one after another, and according to the orders of the Dragon King, jumped towards the location where the giant waves passed.

Inota, who stayed in place, showed a somewhat puzzled look. Although she didn't understand what Rhodes and Lacante were talking about, she could hear one thing, that is, Lacante was boasting. Her command was appropriate, and even she did not expect that she had such a talent in commanding other giant dragons.

At this moment, Inota couldn't help but sigh: "I'm so smart!"

Behind her, Rowling couldn't help laughing out loud, while Tanan on the side sighed deeply: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have given you that kind of advice, it's just embarrassing you."

"What's wrong with you?" Inota showed a puzzled look, "Are you jealous of my talent in commanding? It's useless to be jealous of this kind of thing, it's an innate ability, are you right? Rhodes?"

Rhodes didn't answer, just stretched out his hand and stroked Inota's purple skin, which also caused her to giggle.

Chapter 2421 Dazhiruoyu

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