Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 2445: Offensive setback

Kanso opened his eyes again.

The memories before his death still lingered in his mind. When the city of Trith was attacked, the mages used reckless sacrifice to pave the way for him to face the hero Tanan and turn the tide of the war.

However, he lived up to the high expectations of the mages. Even the crystal dragon was cut off by the hated Tanan, and Kanso could only end up dead.

In the boundless darkness, Kanso only felt that his soul was falling apart, he was no longer himself, his consciousness, and all the proofs that he had survived, would completely dissolve in the darkness, but at this time, he listened. A voice came, an evil whisper that awakened his soul again.

"In death, I give you new life."

So, Kanso woke up from the darkness, and many sacrificed mages also got up at this moment, and looked in one direction.

There, Kanso saw the master of darkness, the necromancer Rhodes above death, who was also the initiator of this great battle. The reborn Kanso has unknowingly changed his mind in his heart, but he himself has no idea.

After finishing the journey to the Candy Plane and taking the teleportation tablet back to the city of Sau, Rhodes came to the captured city of Triss, and used the power of the Death Domain to awaken those mages who died in battle as a supplement to the members of the legion.

"Master, he is Kanso, and he is also the only variable in this operation. In a desperate situation, he still found an opportunity for the Jedi to counterattack. The hero Tanan almost suffered a big loss in his hands, but he was still the immortal. Heroes are better."

The succubus Friss, who was staying here, enthusiastically introduced to Rhodes, and Rhodes also put his eyes on the magic mage who was desperately resisting.


Looking at Rhodes in front of him and feeling the incomparably warm aura of death on him, Kanso slowly bent down.

"I heard about your deeds from the commander's report before. Although you are an enemy, you have done a very good job." Rhode said slowly.

Kanso said with sincerity and fear: "I almost ruined the master's affairs. You gave us such a beautiful death, but I don't know how to cherish it. I hope the master will forgive my sins."

Rhode waved his hand: "That's a thing of the past. Now I appoint you as the lord of Tris City, and you are in charge of the other undead in the city. I need you to monitor the movement in the east. In case of emergency, you can also Ask other Legion members for help."

The improvement of his status made Kanso look happy. If he was the city lord before, he would undoubtedly be able to organize the resistance of the mages better and stick to it for a longer time, but that would also ruin the master's plan.

"I will definitely not live up to the master's expectations." Kanso solemnly assured.

Rhodes looked to the east, where, opposite the city of Triss, was the city of the Mage's Golem, which had now been captured by the army of the hero Moriel.

The hero Moriel, she was the biggest obstacle for Rhodes to take down Brakada. After seeing the power of the Destruction Ball and the ability of the Dragon King Inota, she still dared to appear in Brakada with great fanfare. It shows that she still has a support that Rhode does not know.

Due to the tight fighting on the southeastern sides of Brakada, in order to better deal with the mages, Rhodes put Moriel at the end, and currently only captures Tris City as an anchor for monitoring and blocking Moriel's actions.

At this moment, a group of bats flew over and turned into human figures in front of Rhodes: "Master, the city of golems sent a messenger to ask for a negotiation."


Rhode's eyes narrowed slightly. If the Brakada side asked for negotiation, he might still consider it. Rhode did not think that Moriel would let go of the hatred of the two artifacts being robbed, and was willing to calm down and negotiate. It was more like a trap.

"Let the messenger tell Moriel, she'd better be careful, so that even the dragon skin on her body will not be robbed." Rhode said slowly.

After dealing with everything in the city, just when Rhode was going to visit the Shanzel Snow Mountain, the sound-transmission conch he was carrying rang, and Faarezer's eager voice came from it: "Master, our eastern troops met by the icy lake. When trouble comes, the top mages of the Magic Guild join hands, causing the members of the legion to struggle hard, and now they are in urgent need of support."

"Where is Tanan now?" Rhodes asked calmly after learning of the unfavorable news of the battle.

"The mage on the academy side dragged us down in the southern war zone. Tanan is needed here, and he can't be free for the time being."

The report from Fraser also made Rhodes understand the current situation. The Undead Legion is now divided into two main troops. The southern team is composed of Tanan and the vampire king who is not good at magic and wins all close There are also allies of the Thieves Guild, and Continuing to advance in the east is the corpse witch brigade, which is good at using magic, and the dragon allies liberated by Inota as cover.

After a brief setback, the mages of Brakada quickly figured out the decision of the undead army, and quickly made arrangements. In the icy lakeside area east of Brakada, they organized a strong counterattack and cooperated with the south. On the side of the academy acting in concert, the corpse witch army's advance was restrained, and the undead army's offensive was frustrated for a time.

Rhodes took a deep breath. If the enemy is replaced by Eli, I am afraid that the battle will be much easier. Those mages are as tough as ever, and even if they know the power of Tanan, they are not willing to retreat easily. After losing the seat of Rhodes, it is difficult for the undead army to exert its real power. It can only be regarded as a stronger undead army, and it is difficult to threaten the real legendary mages.

"I will rush to the east... No, the southern theater. You ask the big devil to transfer Tanan to the eastern theater. With Tanan, those guild mages are not a threat." As if thinking of something, Rhode changed his words at the last moment. road.

On the other side of the conch, after hearing Rhode's decision, Faarezer was taken aback for a moment. Tanan's strength is not in line with the army of corpse witches advancing in the east. This is not a good choice and will inevitably disrupt the original arrangement. , it is impossible for the owner not to know this.

However, Fareze didn't say much, he believed that the master must have his own arrangement: "As ordered, master."

After putting away the conch, Rhode took a deep breath, and his eyes became sharp. From the mage's actions, he felt a familiar aura, which was a deep malicious conspiracy that even Farezer could not detect. .

Although there was no fact to support Rhodes' speculation, the suspicion in his heart made Rhodes change his original plan.

(End of this chapter)

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