Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 549: Mutation 1

Facing the Ice Blue Magic Academy with a large number of wizards stationed, the Cyclops who came to attack did not use their long-range offensive methods of throwing boulders. Instead, they approached the Ice Blue Magic Academy together and launched towards this position. charge.

The existence of the mage made the Cyclops give up the method of long-range attacks. No matter how the Cyclops threw the boulders, the damage caused could not be compared with the spells cast by the mage.

For this, as the commander of this group of cyclops, the heroic one-eyed king naturally has a full understanding. The cyclops will charge towards the ice blue magic school, and it is precisely the order of the heroic one-eyed king.

The charge initiated by many cyclops together brought a deafening sound, and all the mages who watched this scene could feel the momentum of the sky rising from the cyclops.

As the Cyclops approached, the wizards in the Ice Blue Magic Academy could all feel an obvious vibration coming from them, and the wizards who were above the barrier felt even more profoundly.

Some wizards who are low in strength and have never experienced war, just feel the aura generated by the arrival of the cyclops, they are at a loss, and the knowledge they have learned before can not be remembered at this moment, let alone Cast a spell to deal with it.

In addition to these wizards, a few wizards reacted at the moment the Cyclops launched a charge, and began to cast spells toward the location of the Cyclops. It's just that because the distance is still far away, these spells haven't achieved any results, they turned into magical elements and dissipated. The actions of these mages are just venting their inner fears.

In this process, the mana fluctuations generated by these wizards when they cast spells undoubtedly have an impact on the surrounding environment. Any wizard in the Ice Blue Magic Academy can feel this.

And those truly powerful mages, not at all affected by the aura of these cyclops, still stayed on the barriers of the Ice Blue Magic Academy, calmly watching these arriving cyclops.

In the eyes of these powerful wizards, there is only chaos in the charge initiated by the cyclops.

Just like a beast that charges a hunter, in this process, the beast may have the upper hand in aura, but what it does not know is that it has already entered the trap of the hunter.

By charging, the Cyclops can quickly narrow the distance with the wizard in order to attack the wizard, but in this process, the Cyclops also enters the wizard's casting range.

Some extremely powerful spells also have considerable restrictions when they are cast, and cannot cause damage to creatures at a distance. If the Cyclops is still far away, it may not be affected by these spells. Once the distance is reduced, The first thing to worry about is these cyclops.

Chaos is the only evaluation made by these high-level wizards on the charge of the cyclops. As these cyclops approached, these high-level wizards raised their hands one after another, and only waited for a large number of cyclops to reach the casting range, and then displayed their best spells.

In this process, just like the high-ranking mages around him, Thok raised his hand and prepared to cast the fourth-order **** flame magic towards the upcoming cyclops, causing a devastating blow to them.

As each high-level wizard prepares before casting, the magic elements around the entire Ice Blue Magic Academy seem to have solidified, and there is no longer any sign of flow, even in the process, there are some low-level wizards. The spell is being cast, and it can only have an extremely subtle effect on the surrounding magic elements.

Any mage in the academy can clearly feel this. Regardless of the strength of the mage, after feeling this point, he understands in his heart that a series of extremely powerful high-level spells will soon come. And it acts on this group of cyclops.

Although these spells have not yet arrived, even the low-level mages who have just begun to face the charge of the cyclops, and seem to be panicked, are relieved at this time.

Feeling the magical elements condensed around them, these wizards believed that under the effect of many high-level wizards casting spells together, these cyclops would be instantly killed by these spells.

Among these high-ranking wizards, Thok, who was about to cast the flames of hell, also had this idea in his heart. In Sock's view, the crisis caused by the arrival of the Cyclops could undoubtedly be resolved smoothly.

At this time, Sock's gaze once again looked at the hero one-eyed king among the group of cyclops. In Thok's view, facing the spells cast by many high-level wizards, even if the heroic one-eyed king is powerful, there is no solution.

Thok noticed that in the face of the condensed magic elements around and the upcoming spell attack, the heroic one-eyed king showed disdain for it, and even the one-eyed hero on the head of the heroic one-eyed king showed a trace of mockery. Look.

This discovery undoubtedly surprised Sock. Thok has already realized that the heroic One-Eyed King obviously has some special methods to deal with these upcoming spells.

Before Thok gave a prompt to the surrounding high-level mages, the heroic one-eyed king immediately took action.

The heroic one-eyed king lifted the hand he had been holding tightly, and slowly opened it, revealing what he had been holding in the palm of his hand.

The in the hands of the heroic one-eyed king is a small piece of red crystal with a special brilliance. Compared with the palm of the heroic one-eyed king, the volume of this red crystal is almost negligible, but any Mage who noticed this red crystal would be deeply attracted by it.

Following the action of the hero one-eyed king, this special red crystal slowly rose, just floating in the air.

When Thok noticed the actions of the hero One-Eyed King and discovered the appearance of this red crystal, Thok realized that the situation was not good.

The sense of crisis in his heart made Thok unable to wait any longer. Even if these cyclops did not enter the best range of **** flames, Thok planned to cast this spell immediately.

Before Thok showed off the flames of hell, the red crystal that the heroic one-eyed king took out had an amazing change.

After the red crystal floated in the air, without any warning, a red barrier, centered on this crystal, diffused towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

In an instant, whether it was the Cyclops who came to attack or the wizards in the Ice Blue Magic Academy, they were all shrouded in this red barrier.

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