Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 878: Arrival 2

Rhode was shocked when he heard Vidnina's words. The meaning contained in the words made Rod suddenly understand that the situation was not as smooth as he thought.


In order to confirm to Vidnina, Rhode turned sideways before asking and placed his gaze on Vidnina.


There was a sneer on the face under Widnina's hood.

Widnina's answer, and the look she showed, undoubtedly made Rhode realize the seriousness of the problem.

Earlier, in the conversation with Sandro, Rhodes had just mentioned Eric's name, hoping to use this legendary mage to prove from the words that he also came from Bracada.

Just like the mages from Bracada, who have more or less understood the name Eric, in the words spoken by Rhodes, no substantial information is revealed, and they are most likely to be suspected. This is why the mountain Follow-up after Drew.

What Rhode did not expect was that after only a while, the situation had changed so much. The Eric he had talked about earlier appeared directly in front of him, and he looked at Eric’s appearance. Obviously he intends to use his full strength to deal with Sandre on the top of the tower.

At this moment, Rod also realized the problem in his own words. According to what Rod said before, he obviously knew Eric, but Rod at this moment did not want to be caught by Eric so early. Ke recognizes and loses the advantage of hiding in the dark.

In Rhodes's opinion, Sandreu would choose to see himself at such an important moment. In addition to the possibility of seeing an abnormality in his body, more importantly, there is also a great connection with the Eric he mentioned.

Without letting Vidnina continue to urge, after a short silence, Rod immediately recovered, adjusted his body shape, and walked towards Sandro's position at the same time.

Upon seeing this, Vidnina immediately followed behind.

In the process of marching, Rod noticed that many corpse witches had also passed the original stairs to the top of the tower, but compared to other creatures, corpse witches did not have an advantage in number.

Recall that Saili mentioned when he passed the core of the ritual and observed the interior of the tower. There are a considerable number of corpses in the tower. Rod knows that these corpses in front of him are only a small part of the corpses in the tower, even Not even a small part.

Unlike necromancers who can cast teleportation, corpse witches can release clouds of death, but this does not mean that they can cast various other spells at will, including teleportation.

Before that, Rod did not feel the traces of strong spatial mana fluctuations in the connecting tower. The necromancer in the tower did not choose to use the gate of time and space to bring a large number of corpses to the top of the tower.

If you want the corpse witches to come to the top of the tower and join in this special battle, you can only rely on the corpse witches to climb the tower of the soul and finally arrive here.

Due to the special physique of undead creatures, they will not be restricted by their physical strength. These corpses will not feel tired during the process of climbing the soul tower, but it will still take a long time to do this.

Rod knew that the corpse witch that appeared in front of him now might have been located in the upper part of the tower, or even close to the top of the tower. This was the only way to get it shortly after receiving Sandru’s order. Appears in the top layer.

With regard to the distribution of the corpses in each area in the soul tower, Rod did not understand these situations from Sai Li, but he wanted to come and his own predictions were not much different.

In Rod's sight, as he was moving forward, there was still a steady stream of corpse witches, walking out of the stairs on the top floor without any signs of stopping.

With the arrival of these powerful corpses, the undead creatures on the top of the tower gradually became denser, and no matter how empty the top of the tower was, it would be extremely limited to use it as a battlefield.

With the gathering of many corpse witches, an extremely large and different death energy began to rise in the field. Even the vampires who came here also showed this kind of death energy.

Rod, who was on the court, had a clear perception of this.

Rod did not know whether the death energy rising from the surrounding undead creatures was deliberately caused by Sandru, but he wanted to come to this powerful necromancer and the artifact in his hand, and it was inseparable from it.

Perceiving the abnormal change in death energy, Rod once again placed his sight on Eric in mid-air, wanting to see the reaction of this legendary mage in the face of this situation.

In Rod's view, the death energy rising around has undoubtedly clearly conveyed Sandreu's attitude to Eric in mid-air, and even the undead creatures that continue to gather here also illustrate this point.

To Rhodes's surprise, Eric did not do anything about everything that happened around him.

Watching everything happening below, Eric did not react, and even his expression did not change.

From Sandru’s expression, Rhodes can clearly see that even Sandru would feel extremely solemn when facing this powerful legendary mage, but from Eric’s expression, Rhodes saw Not out of this.

Perhaps it was because he had long been used to this kind of scene, Rod could not see from Eric's expression any emotions that belonged to him.

It’s just that makes Rhode feel that no matter what happens to the surrounding scenes, or whether there are undead creatures, Eric’s eyes are staring at Sandro in the field from beginning to end. , Obviously in his heart, it is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

Out of the knowledge of the legendary mage, Rod knew that Eric did have enough strength to ignore all the undead creatures in the field of vision.

For those creatures that have reached the seventh rank and belong to the legendary creatures, creatures below the higher ranks, it is difficult to pose any threat to them.

After being promoted to a legendary creature, the variety of germplasm changes brought about is enough to make the strength of the legendary creature reach a height beyond the reach of other creatures.

As a top-notch existence among all types of legendary creatures, the powerful spellcasting abilities of legendary wizards have been demonstrated as early as the high-level, until they are truly promoted to the seventh rank, with the bonus of professional specialties, this This ability was brought to the extreme.

To deal with this type of existence, conventional methods have long lost their effect. Rhodes believed that if it were not for the clouds of death cast by many corpse witches, which could be superimposed in effect, Sandro would never let these things come to the top of the soul-conspiring tower.

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