Invincible Hero of Necromancer

Chapter 895: Surprise 1

Seeing Degar, as expected, drank the things he had given him, Rhode also let out a sigh of relief.

When Degar recovered from his original state, Rhode's figure had already withdrawn a few steps away.

What Rhode gave Degar was the perfect potion he refined during the potion competition. The perfect potion uses the Elf Spring as the main material, and the Elf Spring is what Rhodes needs at this time.

Since Degar cannot rely on his own will to get rid of the shackles brought by the spiritual imprint, Rhode can only find another way to help it achieve this.

In Rhodes’s impression, the Elf Spring undoubtedly has such an effect. The centaur leader at the time just happened to drink a little and got rid of his own control. This undoubtedly shows that the effect of the Elf Spring is enough to affect the A death knight controlled by spiritual imprints.

Since the Elf Spring had already been used in the refining of potions, at this time Rhode had only to come up with a perfect potion with Elf Spring as the main body, hoping to achieve a similar effect.

Before that, Rhodes noticed that Degar did not completely transform himself into a bat like the other vampires around him, but could still maintain a humanoid body.

Obviously, for this king-level vampire hero, Sandro did not intend to let it die in this battle, even if the death energy barrier was about to be broken, it was just letting it transform some more bats.

In Rhodes's memory, Degar's contribution in the second expansion can also illustrate this point.

Therefore, in Rhodes's view, Degar's vitality may be reduced due to the transformation of bats, but the special physique of undead creatures will make his combat ability unchanged.

Once the Forbidden Magic Barrier is opened, the powerful enemy Rhodes will face is Degar under the control of the spiritual imprint.

For this powerful vampire hero, Rhode himself is not sure of defeating him. Rhode, who is also in the forbidden barrier and unable to cast spells, faces such a powerful vampire, the outcome is naturally imaginable. know.

For this reason, Rhodes handed the perfect potion to Degar. In addition to planning to return this problem to Sandru, he also hoped that through Degar's existence, the situation in the field would become more chaotic.

Rod knows that his strength is far weaker than the others in the field, and only in such a chaotic situation can he have a chance to complete the capture of the artifact.

After drinking the perfect potion, due to the effect of the spring of the spirits, the hero Degar at this time, like the centaur leader before, is no longer restricted by the spiritual imprint.

Long before Degar recovered, Rhode retreated to a safe position. Even if Degar violently attacked, Rhode could evacuate by teleportation.

He took a deep look at Rhodes and tried to remember the appearance of the necromancer in his mind. At this time Degar had no plans to attack Rhodes.

As a gust of wind blew, Degar rushed out, and ignored Rhode on the side, but rushed towards Sandru in the field.

For a while, the bats at the top that had been transformed by Degar, at this moment, as if they had received some order, broke away from the original formation, and instead rushed towards Sandru below.

When the danger came, even if it irritated the Vidnina beside Sandru, it was Sandru in the field who noticed this earlier than Vidnina.

The oval-shaped dark green barrier immediately enveloped Sandru and Vidnina. Degar rushed to the barrier, hitting the barrier in front of him one after another, trying to use his own claws to make a hole in the barrier, but it failed to achieve any effect.

On the barrier hit by Degar one after another, even a layer of turquoise ripples did not appear. The surrounding bats, also blocked by the barrier, could not get close to Sandru in the field.

The raid initiated by Degar was easily resolved by Sandro's Aegis of Hercules, which was the same as the Aegis of Rhodes once seen by Rowling. This Aegis of Hercules has also undergone a change during the cast.

Relying on his own spellcasting ability, the Hercules Shield displayed by Sandru can even hold up the upper layer of the falling soul tower. After the change, it is natural to resist Degar's attack.

Looking at Degar outside the Shield of Hercules, Sandru did not continue to cast spells, but tried to use the existence of the spiritual imprint to stop Degar's actions.

What made Sandro's face sank was that no matter how he controlled the spiritual mark belonging to Degar, all he got was silence.

Originally belonging to Degar's spiritual imprint, there was no breath at this time, and the situation that appeared undoubtedly made Sandru understand that he had lost control of Degar.

Noting Degar's abnormal behavior, the surrounding necromancers could cast spells and attack the vampire regardless of what happened to it.

For a while, a large number of lightning and ice bolts shot towards Degar in front of the barrier. Based on the experience of fighting with the wizard, in order to avoid greater damage, Degar did not choose to bat, but tried to dodge at his own speed.

Between toss and turns, Degar's figure came to the back of the Hercules Aegis, and on his body, there were also several traces of marks left after being hit by a spell because he could not dodge in time.

Those bats that pounced on the Hercules Shield under Degar's control were even more under the attack of these spells.

In the process Degar never gave up attacking the Hercules Aegis, trying to destroy the barrier in front of him and attacking Sandru behind.

As before, these actions by Degar failed to achieve any results.

The Hercules shield cast by the legendary mage, even the behemoth behemoth that is good at strength, can't crush it here. Although Sandru has not yet entered the rank corresponding to the legendary creature, his ability to cast spells is not much worse than that of the legendary mage.

Looking at Degar outside the Hercules Shield, Sandro frowned. Under the current situation of the enemy, he didn't want to spend too much energy on Degar.

Another Shield of Hercules appeared. This time, the position where the Shield of Hercules formed was directly close to the surface of Degar's body.

Under Sandro's control, this shield of Hercules appeared directly around Degar and enveloped Degar.

Unlike the Hercules Shield previously used by Sandro to protect himself and Vidnina, the Hercules Shield in front of him is to restrict Degar in it.

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