Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1248: Fairy spirit

Mu Yang's lord Mo Mo's heart is very heavy. This young man is terrible. Once he is allowed to grow up, he will not know how strong he will be in the future.

Now that he is ready to take away everything from Yun Xiaoman, this hatred cannot be resolved.

Such a great enemy, of course, he could not raise tigers to suffer, and now strangled in the cradle.

Mo asked Wen Yan's pupils shrank, and his eyes looked coldly at the Lord Muyang. What did this guy mean?

The treasures on him are very attractive to him? Is this the main lord of Muyang actually the same group of people in the main burial chamber?

Only in the main burial chamber did he go all out and bring out a lot of treasures. At other times, he never exposed himself.

The cultivators around me heard the words and looked at Muyang City Master with dreadful eyes. At this time, they also realized that this Muyang City Master was in the main tomb at that time?

That's too scary!

They fought for a long time, one after another fighting for the dragon, but the most terrible people have been hiding by their side, no one knows.

It is conceivable that no matter whether Mo Wen won or they won at that time, I am afraid that in the end it was not the person who laughed to the end.

"It's you!"

Yun Xiaoman looked sharply at the master of the city of Muyang, looking blue and white for a while. She finally remembered that the young man was indeed in the main tomb at the time, but he was low-key, so low-key that almost everyone around him ignored him.

Even, from start to finish, this forbearance is terrifying.

Gu Jingman's face was extremely stiff, and he felt the terrible Muyang City Master for a moment. At that time, if the master of the city of Muyang directly dealt with Mo Wen, I was afraid that Mo Wen could not stop it at all, and all the practitioners around him could not stop him.

Even so, he could endure until now.

Yun Xiaoman had the same idea. This Muyang city lord should be the last group of people who came out of the main burial chamber. At that time, she released him.

If she knew at this time that this person was threatening so much, she would have killed him with the help of a banned circle at the graveyard of the corpse god, and it was impossible to let him out.

"You little guys are a little bit younger than the old man." Muyang City Lord smiled slightly.

Only these young people thought that Yun Xiaoman could be threatened in the mausoleum of the corpse god. At that time, Yun Xiaoman was accepting the inheritance of the peerless corpse god. How could the inheritance of the peerless corpse **** be interrupted casually. Even if they don't ask, they can't hurt Yun Xiaoman, or even be killed by the power of the peerless corpse god.

There are various uncertain factors in the tomb of the corpse god. Of course, he will not shoot casually. The opportunity he has been waiting for is that Yun Xiaoman comes out of the tomb of the corpse god. Who can stop him when he is outside?

The cultivators around all smiled bitterly. Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy. This old immortal is too insidious. They used to be busy.


The master of Muyang pointed out, and a force of terror spread out. The terror of that force is simply unthinkable. Even ordinary gods and realm repairers can't exert such a powerful force.

Mu Yang ’s avatars are at most similar to those of ordinary gods and cultivators in the early days of the gods and voids, but he is not an ordinary **** and celestial cultivator in the realm of the gods and voids. Power, I am afraid that both ordinary and ordinary gods can complete a battle.

This force has exceeded the scope of the undead body, enough to completely destroy Mo Wen.

Mo asked that his pupils contracted for a while, and he tried his best to resist, but he found out helplessly that he couldn't even break the stature of Shengwei's copper coins, and could only watch the destruction force hit him.

Gu Jingman and Yun Xiaoman's eyes turned red, and their eyes were full of despair. This time, did they really have no chance of survival?

Cai Huang'er sighed, and she didn't know why she felt a sense of loss. Originally she hated Mo Wen, thinking that this shameless man had taken away her Phoenix fire. But later, the light on Mo Wen's body shocked her again and again. Unconsciously, she had such an idea. Perhaps, Phoenix Tinder gave him a good home.

However, everything is about to disappear, and his own Phoenix fire will also be obliterated along with him.

The cold fairy was cold and pulled the little fox violently. Now there is no way for anyone. There is simply no one here who can block that old thing.

There was a sneer in Zhuang Qixian's mouth, and there was a light heart in his heart. Don't ask, don't ask, this time, you'll have to die if you don't die, you can't fly with wings, and destroy me. What kind of good luck is the earth turtle from the original world!

In Zhuang Qixian's eyes, Mo Wen is a man who has no ability and comes out of the original world, but is out of luck. Treasures, heritage, beautiful women ... all around him, and they are all among the best.

Even he himself admitted that he was jealous, deeply jealous. He is a celestial cultivator from a large family in the spirit world, born with a golden key, noble blood and outstanding temperament. In any case, he is stronger than the lowly immortal repairer who came out of this original world.

Why? He doesn't have that good luck!

Jian Qiu's eyes were fixed on Mo Wen's figure above the sky, his face was expressionless, but his heart was slightly relieved, and a relaxed emotion was born from his heart.

He was surprised by this emotion. Was he already afraid that Mo wouldn't ask him? Only with great fear, maybe he would be relieved when he died. He is a master of swordsmanship, but he will be afraid of a person, and he is still a young man.

Su Li feels that the trial has changed a bit. This unexpected appearance is too unfair for Mo Wen and Yun Xiaoman.

After this matter, I am afraid that the Wu Temple is not only a genius like Yun Xiaoman, but also the credibility of the world. The hall of the witch shrine, even trying to let the older generation of immortals come in during the trial, it is indeed disgraceful to speak out.

People who have such thoughts are not just long-standing, but also the vast majority of immortal practitioners here. They and Mo asked a few of them, but there was no direct hatred. ~ ~ There is indeed something in my heart.

Don't bully us young immortals if you have the ability, or wait for us to grow up and come again, what a ghost like you.

That terrifying force hit Mo Wen's body, and Mo Wen's body collapsed a little bit.

Everyone knows that Mo asked this time is completely not saved.

However, Mo Wen's body collapsed to half, and suddenly there was a breath of extremely spiritual and ethereal air between heaven and earth. The breath was great and deep, sacred and holy, giving people a supreme feeling of overriding heaven and earth.

The surrounding flowers and trees suddenly grew in madness, and the original lifeless Wanbeiling was instantly rejuvenated. It seems that here is not a burial hill, but a fairy valley with birds and flowers.

"You die for me!" A faint voice sounded from a distance, the sound was so beautiful and beautiful, it seemed that the sound of the immortals was swirling around, and all the immortal practitioners around were energized. However, in the sweet fairy sound, there is a anger.

(To be continued.)

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