Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1250: Meet again

After Baiguang smashed Haotian's devil's claws, he hit Muyang's main body again and flew him directly.

The Shengwei copper coin shook violently, and then the area covered by it collapsed.

Muyang City Lord fell into the air in embarrassment, his body was stained with blood, a large hole with a thick bowl mouth penetrated through his abdomen, and the organs in his body were directly converted into fly ash.

"What a terrifying power!"

Lord Muyang covered his abdomen and looked at the peerless figure pale. What kind of person was she, at a young age, it was so terrible!

At this time, Mo Wen completely fell into dementia, unable to turn for a long time in his mind.

That is Qin Xiaoyou!

Isn't he dreaming? Mo asked that he thought he had hallucinations before he died, otherwise Xiaoyou would appear in front of him, and still came as the savior. However, even if it is a dream, it should not dream that this little girl save him, how could she have this ability.

Not only did Mo ask, but Gu Jingman was also stunned for a while. She naturally knew the girl Xiaoyou, but in the scene before her, what was going on?

That's really Qin Xiaoyou, the very clever little girl beside Mo Wen?

"Sister Xiaoyou!"

Yun Xiaoman covered her mouth, her eyes were unbelievable, how could Xiaoyou's sister appear here, and how she and how she looked like a fairy, giving her a familiar and strange feeling.

Whether they are Gu Jingman or Yun Xiaoman, they have all been in contact with Xiaoyou, and Xiaoyou feels quiet and clever.

But at this time, Qin Xiaoyou's temperament was completely different, almost like a dream.

Qin Xiaoyou walked over here step by step. Although there were many immortal cultivators in Wanbeiling, her eyes were always fixed on a person. It seems that in her world, besides him, he can no longer hold anything .

One step, two steps, three steps

In the eyes of everyone's consternation, the peerless figure walked towards Mo Wen step by step, and then put hard into his arms.

"I miss you so much."

Xiaoyou held Mo Wen tightly, her small face pressed against his chest, and she seemed to want to knead herself into his body. In the crystal eyes, there is the emotion of volcano eruption, hot, infatuated


Mo asked to hold Xiaoyou silly. Until now, he still couldn't believe it. In his spare time, he would think of her in his mind, but never thought that the two would meet in this situation. How long has it been, after more than ten years, the two finally met again, but she has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Gu Jingman looked at Qin Xiaoyou in the arms of Mo Wen, and there was a trace of envy in her eyes. She imagined how Xiaoyou could be thrown into his arms with impunity.

Yun Xiaoman's eyes were full of excitement, and she did not expect that she could see Xiaoyou again. She misses the days of shopping behind the buttocks of Sister Xiaoyou and Brother Mo. Although Brother Mo always bullies her, she is still very happy.

Qin Xiaoyou, such a Ruyan, came back to her nest. It did n’t matter if she embraced her, but it scared the crowd of immortals around him!

what's the situation!

what is happening!

Many practitioners feel that their hearts can't stand it. What the **** is this? Can anyone tell me what the **** this is!

So a peerless fairy, divine and noble, perfect and flawless woman, actually put into the arms of others!

It felt like the best thing in the world. Not only did it not belong to me, but she also watched her being arched by a pig.

Many male immortals feel that their heart seems to be tightly gripped by something for a moment, and it is difficult to breathe tightly. Even the female immortal, there is a strong resistance, it feels like a flawless peerless treasure is defiled.


Zhuang Qixian gave a low growl and clenched his fists tightly, hoping to blow the ground with a punch. The whole person was like a suckling pig roasted on the flames, and the fierce jealous fire almost drowned him.


Why is such a peerless fairy, but actively involved in the arms of the turtle, what is he better at, and what is stronger than him!

The corpse son also felt a moment of inability to breathe, and his eyes were full of disbelief and anger.

"Just a moment ago, he should be killed, at all costs." Jian Qiu held the sword in his hand tightly, wishing to immediately ask Mo to shatter his body.

Han Jue Fairy and the little fox looked at each other, their eyes full of incredible and panic colors. Qin Xianzi actually put into a man's arms, how is it possible! How could this be, who is that person!

Here, I am afraid that only the Fairy Fairy and the Little Fox know what this fairy-like woman is, and in her capacity, how can you give her a hug.

The owner of Muyang, who fell to the ground, looked at Qin Xiaoyou in the air, his eyes were full of unwillingness. He had planned for tens of thousands of years, and he wanted to realize his wish.

"The most holy, the most prestigious!"

The Lord Muyang roared and his eyes widened. He would never give up. Even if he abandoned this avatar, he would not give up this rare opportunity.


The Shengwei copper coin was a huge shock, like a grinding disc lying across the sky, turning slowly.

Mu Yang, the main body of the city, released a beam of blood, and then, a terrifying breath spread like crazy, like a sun, all within a thousand miles.

The immortal cultivators around were scared and stepped back, daring not to step into that area. Such terrifying power, even the aftermath, may be enough to kill them instantly.

I saw that there was a beam of blood on Muyang City Lord, which was torn, and then turned into a river of blood, which was merged with the Shengwei copper coins.


In the next moment, I saw the brilliance of Shengwei ’s copper coins, and the whole world was enveloped by its ray of light ~ ~ Muyang City Lord was ready to abandon this clone, blood refining Shengwei ’s copper coins, and issued the strongest one. hit. "

Su Li's face changed slightly, and the seven colors flashed on her body, and her figure retreated thousands of miles in an instant. Even if she didn't dare to get involved in such a terrible battle.

Blood refining Shengwei copper coins is equivalent to Muyang's lord completely abandoning this avatar, exerting all his strength to urge treasures, breaking the dead, and not giving himself a way out.

"No matter who you are, I must take away Yun Xiaoman today."

A roar rang out from Shengwei's copper coins. The huge copper coins instantly expanded, enveloping Mo Wen and Qin Xiaoyou in the hollow in the center of the copper coins, and then shrunk sharply.

Like the collapse of the world, the endless power shrinks towards the center.

With such a terrifying power, I am afraid that even if a god-deficiency consummate is trapped inside, he will be crushed to death in an instant.

To be continued.

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