Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1262: Lettuce Hunter

Generally speaking, after the tester enters the space of the Immortal Venerable, it is impossible to return here, because the Wujin Temple does not allow them to return, and all the Xianxiu who came to the Zuwu battlefield must be sent away within the prescribed time. Romance debuts Bayi novel


"What's going on, what's wrong with the boss!"

"Boss, he ... he's dead ..."


The appearance of several other immortal cultivators around Wu Qixian changed greatly, and he looked at the old man in yellow robe falling down on the ground, his soul flew away, and he could never find any breath of life from him.

A decent person, actually died in the blink of an eye, and the death is unknown, revealing a strange strangeness and horror.

Wu Qixian was also horrified. Some looked at Mo Wen incredulously, and the fierce and violent old yellow monster actually died like this!

He is very clear about how famous Huang Laojie is in the vicinity. He is also a perfect Immortal Cultivator of Taixuan Da, but his Cultivation is far higher than that of the leader of the blood Ying tribe. A master Jiyue couldn't hold a few moves in front of Huang Laojie.

Such a terrible existence, actually looked at and died at a glance, there are no signs, and it is still scattered.

"Brother Mo, your soul cultivation is much higher and deeper." Yun Xiaoman admired somewhat.

She naturally knows that Brother Mo is a soul cultivator, and his accomplishments on the soul line have become more and more sophisticated over the years, and has reached a terrible point.

Although Brother Mo didn't do anything on the surface just now, he has actually performed the Soul Mystery, which directly wipes out the spirit of Huang Laogua.

"This person has problems, run!"

Several other immortal practitioners glanced at each other and couldn't help but take a breath of air. Without a word, they turned and fled, like a ghost.

Mo asked with a sneer, an invisible sword gas suddenly appeared in the air, and those sword gases spread across the sky and earth, catching up with the escaped immortals in an instant. <>

The sword light flickered, and there was no fierce battle or blood flowing out. I saw the five figures, fell from the air, and fell freely, hitting the ground fiercely.

As a Immortal Cultivator in Taixuan Realm, his body would almost not suffer any damage when he fell from this height. However, five people had already turned into corpses, and there was no more breath of life.

"Elder Wu, who are they, and what happened to the Horde Alliance?"

Mo asked not to look at the five corpses, looking at Wu Qiyou.

"They are the ancestors of the hunter ancestors. The seventy-two tribe alliance and many nearby tribes were destroyed by the ancestors of the hunter hunters."

Wu Qixian said sadly.

It turns out that the ancestral hunter hunter is a celestial cultivator in the wasteland. Unlike other monstrosity in the pilgrimage lands, the ancestor hunter hunter is an old monster that has just been promoted to the avenue in the last two years. His background and class are far inferior to other old monsters in the same realm.

Therefore, in recent years, the ancestors of Cinnamon Hunting have madly expanded their forces, throwing various olive branches and benefits, and recruited a large number of experts to come into effect in a short time.

The area where the Seventy-two Horde Alliance is located is within the scope of the expansion of the ancestor of the hunter ancestor. All the cultivators and the cultivators of the cults in this area, all those who do not submit to the ancestor of the hunter ancestor are destroyed.

The seventy-two tribe alliance is just a small tribe, different from other big tribes, so in this kind of thing, they can only surrender and basically have no right to choose.

According to the normal trend, the Seventy-two Tribal Alliance will not be destroyed. However, no one thought that an apprentice of the hunter ancestor accidentally knew the secrets of Zagoli and knew that she had inherited a god's virtual realm.

So, in order to get the inheritance of Zagoli, the ancestor of the hunter ancestors with the seventy-two tribal alliance was destroyed together ~ ~ So it turned out! "

Mo Wen sighed. The inheritance of the ancient immortals is indeed very attractive to today's immortals, and the inheritance of Zagoli is not the god's virtual realm, but the inheritance of an old predecessor in the same realm.

If they were told that it was the inheritance of the ancient immortals in the same realm, I am afraid that the ancestral hunter would **** it.

"There are ancient inheritances in Zagoli, and only the senior officials of the alliance know that there must have been an inner ghost who betrayed the alliance."

Wu Qixian said angrily, if it was not betrayed, how could the apprentice who hunted the ancestor knew this secret.

"Are all the people of the Alliance dead?" Mo asked lightly.

Wu Qixian wiped the blood from his face and said gloomyly: "Most people are dead, only a small part escaped. Jiyue Ling was caught alive, and Zagoli was also apprehended by the ancestor. They were taken away. However, the high-level monks of the Alliance did not die much, but they were more painful than death. The ancestors of the hunter-gathering ancestors did not have the right mind and practiced a forbidden-taboo evil spell, which required a large number of immortals. His flesh and soul are sacrifices. In these years, I do n’t know how many immortal practitioners died in his hands. "

"Ji Tong and I, as well as several Alliance Immortal Cultivators, escaped by chance and secretly hid in Guiyue Maple Valley."

"Take me to see her." Mo asked faintly.

(To be continued.)

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