Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1294: Jail to save people

Demonfire Demon Prison is the largest heavenly prison in Demonfire City, and almost all of the immortal practitioners from all over the wilderness are imprisoned here. The supervisor is responsible for the supervision here.

During this time, Xu Laomo detained a large number of immortal repairers from all over the wasteland, almost filling the demon fire demon prison.

In the early morning, Mo Wen came to the Demonfire Demon Prison and walked into the Demon Prison without expression.

"Master Wang, early."

"Master Wang."


Along the way, the guards of the demon fire demon prison asked Mo salute one after another, no one dared to stop him.

As the deputy superintendent of the monster fire demon prison, Wang Dong is equivalent to the second character of the monster fire demon prisoner, who dares to offend and block him.

Going all the way, the devil is built under the ground, and the deeper you go inside.

The whole Demon Prison is divided into nine levels, holding different levels of immortals, the deeper the level, the more important the imprisoners are.

"Open the Demon Gate, this seat will be inspected." Mo asked lightly.


The two deacons who were in charge of guarding the prison immediately opened the gate of the aisle of the demon, and the identity token of these guards could be opened. However, the door of the cell requires the authority of a certain position to open.

As for the eighth and ninth floors, as well as some special prisoners, only supervisors have the authority to enter, and even Wang Dong does not have that qualification.

Don't ask to go down layer by layer. The further down the demon prison is, the stronger the power of the formation prohibition will be, and the higher the cultivation of the immortal practitioners will be.

"Actually, it can block my insightful exploration, it is worthy of the demon's prison of demon fire."

There was a flash of strange color in Mo Wen's eyes, and he found that there was no way to use psychic detection. When his psychic probed those cells, he would be blocked by a mysterious force. With his soul cultivation, it was easy to break through that layer of barrier, but he knew that once he broke through the barrier with brute force, the Demonfire Demon Prison Guard Formation would inevitably sound an alarm.

"Since this is the case, then look everywhere."

Next, Mo asked to look down from the first floor, one cell after another. His purpose here was naturally to rescue the Seventy-two Alliance Immortal Cultivators. According to his guess, if they were not killed, they should all be detained in Here.

Several deacon guards followed Mo Wen, who had some doubts in his eyes. Although the former Wang Dong also came to inspect the prison, they were all routine business. They glanced away at will and walked away. I have never seen him so carefully.

Moreover, one by one prison inspection, this is too careful.

An hour later, Mo Wen returned to the lobby of the Demon Prison, sitting high on the throne, his eyes cold.

He has found the positions of Jiyue and some seventy-two tribal alliances, and it is indeed in this big prison.

"Call me all the guarding deacons here," Mo asked lightly.

Although the deacons didn't know what happened, Master Wang's order could not be violated, and soon hundreds of immortals were gathered in the lobby. Under normal circumstances, there are only a few hundred people on duty.

"You guys, open all the doors from the first floor to the seventh floor," Mo asked lightly.


"Master Wang, what do you mean?"

"Master Wang, why did you open all the prison's prison doors, and if those prisoners escape, no one can afford this responsibility."


In the lobby, hundreds of guarding deacons were shocked. What is Master Wang doing? He is crazy! I do n’t know how many prisoners were detained in the demon prison. If they are all released, the whole city of demon fire will be in chaos.

Several cultivators of immortal level have realized that the situation is wrong and secretly figured out the transcript, preparing to report the matter to the supervising rich man.

"Huh, there's a lot of nonsense, tell you to do it, you just do it."

Mo Wen coldly snorted, a dazzling golden light erupted in his eyes, and the golden light just disappeared without a trace. However, all the guarding deacons in the lobby were dull and dull, as if they had lost their souls and turned into a walking dead shell.

Soul enslavement!

A supernatural power that can only be mastered by the gods after hundreds of millions of training.

Soul enslavement, as the name implies, can turn the soul servitude of immortals into a puppet who absolutely obey orders.

With the help of hundreds of millions of gods and spirits, soul enslavement can enslave immortal cultivators in large areas.

Of course, for such large-scale enslavement, the cultivation of the objects of enslavement must be far lower than itself.

The guarding deacons of the monster fire demon are mostly fighting transition and meta-spirit realm, and only a few cultivators of immortal level are Taixuan realm.

According to Mo Wen's current spiritual cultivation, it is not difficult to enslave them all.

Soon, these deacon guards who were enslaved by Mo Wen all mobilized and went to prison to release the prisoners.

Mo Wen knew the top leaders of several alliances such as Jiyue and Huxuexue, but did not know all the immortals of the alliance. The best way now is to release all the immortals in the demon prison. It can rescue all the Alliance Immortals, and it can also create chaos for the City of Demon Fire.

The demon fire demon prison is not too small. At least 100,000 immortals are imprisoned. From the first floor to the seventh floor, the area is quite wide. It is like an underground world.

The Demon Prison is full, and after Xu Lao Mo leads the Demon Fire Demon Mountain, the brutal behavior can be seen.

One hour, two hours ... Such a huge demon prison, even if all the hundreds of deacon guards act, releasing all of them is not something that can be completed in a short time.

"Eh, Brother Wang, how come today so early."

A laugh sounded suddenly from outside, and then, as the footsteps approached, a middle-aged man walked in with a smile.

Mo asked his eyelids jumped slightly, this man was the supervisor of the demon fire demon prison, Wang Dong's boss, how could he happen to be here.

"Rich man."

Mo Wen immediately got up, came down from the throne, and greeted him.

"The rich man came to the devil so early, I don't know what to say?"

Mo asked the pretended reverently that this rich man wouldn't usually come to the Devil's Prison. Although he is a supervisor, he is usually managed by Wang Dong here.

As for this supervisor, he is a **** cultivator of the imaginary realm. He is usually unwilling to manage common affairs and spends more time on cultivation.

"The Lord Shan ordered me to come and take a few prisoners. I don't dare to neglect Lord Shan's orders. It wouldn't come over early in the morning to pick up people."

Rich people have a mild temper ~ ~ Even if they talk to the immortal cultivator of Taixuan Realm like Wang Dong, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Why, Deacon the deacon guard, why didn't you meet a few along the way?"

The rich man looked around curiously, but he didn't meet any of the guarding deacons this morning. It was strange.

"I told them to go out and do something. Now there is not much manpower in the demon prison. I don't know which prisoners the adult wants to take away. The officer went to handle it in person." Mo asked with a smile.

"609, 643, 686, 537, 599 ... Bring me all the prisoners in these cells."

Speaking of the right thing, the rich man suddenly looked sullen and reported the numbers of dozens of cells in a row.

Mo Wenwen said, his heart was a little stunned. All the prisoners in these numbered cells were people from the Seventy-two Tribal Alliance. What do the mountain owners want to call these people?

(To be continued.)

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