Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1299: Blood sacrifice

"Who ... what ... who?"

Not only Shi Qingping, but Lu Jiahao also felt an unparalleled terror that enveloped himself. It seemed that the terror of the breath could kill him with a little fluctuation.

A figure came out from the corner of the street, shrouded in hazy aura, mysterious and dusty.

At a distance of a few hundred meters, it was impossible to see what the person looked like, but Lu Jiahao and Shi Qingping knew that the breath of terror belonged to this person.

"My grandfather is a fairy-cultivator in the late period of Shenxu, and Lu Junsheng, the red man under the ancestor of Qu, please don't mess up. If I have three long and two short, you can't walk out of the city of demon fire.

Lu Jiahaoqiang calmed himself, shouting at Neili.

He doesn't know why this person dealt with him, but he knows that the breath judgment of this person must be an old monster of God's virtual realm, and his cultivation may not be lower than his grandfather.

Such a master is rare in Yaohuocheng, who is he?

"Lu Jiahao, we have met again." The figure was getting closer and closer, and his appearance gradually became clear, but he was a young man in white clothes fluttering and his temperament was dusty.

"Don't ask!"

Lu Jiahao screamed in horror, but he didn't expect it anyway. Actually it was Mo who asked. He walked in front of him in such a grand manner.

Shi Qingping's body trembled, and his face was instantly pale to the extreme. He fought and fought, and his eyes were full of fear and anxiety.

The two ancestors wanted personally appeared in front of them!

"Mo asked, you are looking for death, you are not hiding, and actually ran out to die, you idiot."

Lu Jiahao shook his hands with a trembling voice from his sleeve, ready to call for help from his ancestor.

Ji Tong covered his mouth-ba and looked at Mo Wen in amazement, never dreaming about it, Mo Wen would appear in person, but he was a wanted criminal in the city.

Ye Keming smiled bitterly and felt that he had something to accomplish but not enough to fail. Mo asked this time to show up publicly. If there was any accident, how could it be good?

However, Lu Jiahao had been tinkering for a long time, and he didn't send the Wanli notes. There seemed to be a mysterious force between heaven and earth that prevented the sending of Wanli notes.

"You ..." Lu Jiahao looked at Mo Wen in horror. His eyes finally panicked. He didn't expect it. Mo Wen still had this kind of tremendous means. His grandfather probably didn't have the ability to block the transmission of transmitted notes.

"You think you can go out from here?" Mo asked with a faint smile.

Lu Jiahao desperately forgot around, suddenly yelling and yelling.

"This person is Mo Wen, he is the wanted criminal in the city. As long as you pass the news to the law enforcement hall, the city owner will definitely have a big reward."

"Hurry up and grab this person, he is the one named by the ancestral hunter. Whoever grabs him and dedicate it to the ancestor, glorious and wealthy, inexhaustible and endless."


Lu Jiahao and Shi Qingping yelled. At this time, they could only pin their hopes on the pedestrians on the street.

Mo Wen looked at them lightly with no expression on his face.

Ji Tong and Ye Keming were originally anxious. If it caused a sensation in the surrounding people, Mo Wen would be extremely difficult to get out.

However, the two soon discovered in amazement that the people around them did not react at all, and all passed by without squinting. It seemed that they were just a few air, and no one paid attention to them.

Lu Jiahao and Shi Qingping yelled for a long time, and finally realized that they were just doing useless work.

"How did you do it?" Lu Jiahao was pale and extremely unwilling in his heart.

"Master Lu, you can't be a man without a bottom line, so you will only die without a burial place."

There was a glimmer of light in Mo Wen's eyes. At the next moment, I saw Lu Jiahao and Shi Qingping's bodies trembling, both fell to the ground, and the spirits and spirits were all destroyed, and they died completely.

"Mo asked, why did you come out, it was too dangerous just now." Ji Tong sighed with relief.

"Ji Tong, didn't I ask you to stay outside the Demonfire Demon Mountain and wait for me?" Mo asked lightly.

How powerful his spiritual power is, the senses of the people in the whole street are completely covered by him. If he is so good at grasping, he will have been caught by the old hunter.

"Ke Ming's uncle was caught by the ancestral hunter. She decided to come to the City of Demon Fire, and I don't want to continue to escape alone." Ji Tong said.

Mo Wenwen nodded his head, he naturally knew the news of the annihilation of the whole army of the Demon Alliance. When he was in the underground core area, he knew that there was a mysterious ancestor behind Lu Junsheng, but he did n’t expect that The blame actually got together with the ancestor of lettuce hunting, causing Lu Junsheng to completely betray the Demon Alliance.

He broke into the Demon Prison at first, but did not see Zhang Yingjun and other immortal cultivators in the Demon Destruction Alliance. It is said that the ancestor of Chiu Hunting held them in another place.

Ye Keming's eyes were dull and silent.

Ji Tong was preparing to make a few words of comfort, but a loud noise in the air took her off.


The horrible roar came, and the entire city of Yaohuo was shaking violently. A cloud of blood appeared in the air, covering the sky and covering the sun.

In the city, all the defensive formations are activated, and the bright rays of light intersect together, and the aura between heaven and earth flows into the city frantically.

In an instant, the entire Yaohuocheng has been transformed into a fortress that is as solid as a golden soup.

A figure flew out of the city, constantly moving in the city, a flash of thousands of miles, a few blinks of time, he appeared at the gate, preparing to break out of the door.

However, a dazzling white light suddenly appeared on the city gate, and a white figure slowly emerged from the white light. The man flew out the black light with only one punch, and the whole demon fire city was hit by that punch. The aftermath roared continuously.

If all the defensive formations of Monster Fire City were not activated, I am afraid that only aftermath would completely destroy Monster Fire City and turn it into ruins.

"Jian Jiu, do you think you can escape?"

The white figure is naturally the ancestral hunter. The whole demon fire city, and only he has such terrible power.

The man in black trying to escape from the city was just Jiu Jiu who had just escaped from the prison.

The Jiu Jiu's cultivation is infinitely close to He Dao Realm, but after all, he is not a monk in He Dao Realm.

"Luo Xie hunts you an old beast, and it will be condemned to do evil." Jiu Jiu growled, his eyes filled with endless anger.

"Haha, Zhang Jiu, the king and the defeated, you didn't think about it. At that time, I flattered you in front of you. Like a servant, I obediently obeyed, for today."

The ancestral hunter laughed. Zhang Jiu is one of the strongest god-virtual cultivators of their time in his era. Although he practiced to achieve the completeness of the **** void, he also had to look at Yan Jiu's face and act. Over the years, he has long had grudges.

"Well, your enemies were all over the place. If it were not for me to protect you, do you think you have today? Your ungrateful old beast, not only thanked but framed me."

In the past, Jiu Jiu believed quite in the ancestors of lettuce hunting, and it was precisely because of trust that he fell into a trap and fell into the situation nowadays.

"You are still as stupid as ever." The ancestral hunter shook his head and said indifferently: "Whoever wants to be someone's stooge in this world, how can you be kind to me, this world will always be respected by the strong. The world of Wang Baikou. "


With only two or three moves, Zhang Jiu was caught by the hunter ancestors of life. It is infinitely close to the realm of Dadao, and the real world of Dadao is not a little bit.

"Hateful! If Cangtian gives me another chance, I will definitely pull your bones out of your ungrateful scum and crumble your bones."

In Jiu Jiu's hatred, he fell into the hands of the ancestor of lettuce hunting, and was so helpless.

"Your cultivation practice is suitable for making blood and spirit flesh, offering sacrifices to all living beings, and helping me cultivate into blood."

Ancestor Cao Lie clutched Jiu Jiu, laughing wildly.

This person has a white robe on the surface and a bone of immortal wind, but his heart is very evil, and sees all beings as grass.

I saw the ancestral hunter waved his hand, and the blood cloud above the sky expanded again, and the blood cloud was covered by the blood cloud.

At the same time, a huge altar slowly flew from the city, into the blood cloud, and merged with the blood cloud.

The altar is incomparably huge, and the area is comparable to one tenth of the city of enchanted fire. A mysterious rune is carved on it.

"Holy Blood Altar."

Mo Wen shrank his pupils and looked coldly at the **** altar above the sky. That altar is the legendary blood altar. It is said that the use of this kind of altar sacrifice will inevitably slaughter the world's souls, taking the lives of all beings as sacrifices, and once appearing, the spirits will be painted once.

He didn't expect that this ancestor of hunting and hunting was so evil that even the blood altar dared to build it. This is a taboo in the cultivation of immortal world.

Ji Tong and Ye Keming felt extremely depressed in their hearts. The breath of evil made it difficult for them to breathe. The blood in their bodies seemed to break through the skin and merge into the scary altar.

"Long hunts old monsters, this **** altar is hurting and harmless, not to mention that the Temple of the Witch Temple clearly stipulates that no blood blood altar can be punished. If it is fouled, it will be punished. Moreover, this **** altar alone is a big murderer. Refining, it is likely to be condemned. "

A blood robe appeared in the sky ~ ~ looking at the blood altar above the sky, looking dignified.

He did not expect that this raccoon hunter was so bold that he even dared to sacrifice even the **** altar, even if he was careless, he could die if he was condemned.

"Qu Laogua, you worry too much, the wilderness is so big, we are a remote place here, and the Wuxue Temple rarely pays attention to it. Besides, Hao Blood Altar hasn't been seen before, who can you see? Suffered from condemnation? The sky is high above, and it is already ruthless, how can it control the life and death of the world. "

The hunter's ancestor's gruesome evil smile, condemnation? He has never seen what is condemned by heaven. Has ever more evil demon appeared in the desert now, has he not been condemned by heaven?

As for the witch temple, it is a problem.

However, the Wuxue Temple rarely pays attention to them here. His sacrifice only takes a day or two. Will he not be encountered by the Wuxue Temple?

(~ ^ ~)


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