Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1302: 5 great ancestors


Qu Laoqi snorted, a sharp flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the huge palm grabbed forward, trying to smash the blue light.

The blue light exudes a terrible cold, and even space seems to be frozen, which is far beyond the scope of normal ice.

I saw the blue light flash, and the giant giant hand of Qu Laojie was frozen. Layers of blue ice solidified the giant hand in the air and turned it into a frozen mountain.


Qu Laoqi snorted coldly, at this time he had already recognized who blocked him.

The epic venerable, a long-established Aikido environment exists, because in the nearby area, he has seen several faces.

"Lao Qu, after so many years, you are still the same, no progress at all."

In the blue light, a middle-aged man slowly walked out, wearing a blue robe, and his long white hair exudes a faint blue light. The space he seems to be frozen in has always been in an absolutely still space.

"Episode, this is the city of demon fire, what do you mean, is it too wide?" Qu Laoqi said coldly.

Both Epiphany and Cultivation Ancestor are younger than Qu Laoqi, and the younger ones are not a little bit. When the Epiphany was still a god's virtual realm, Qu Laogua was a well-known ancestor.

The epic venerable person said in the face of Qu Laowei that he had not made any progress for so many years, which was quite a face.

"Give this person to me, and I will leave immediately. Absolutely no matter how bad you are, it doesn't matter how much you love to sacrifice immortals." Venerable Epiphany asked Mo.

"You are dreaming." Qu Laoqi snorted coldly.

Take Mo Wen away? who do you think You Are.

"Severe Venerable, so arrogant in my place, is it a bit wrong?"

The hunter ancestor looked coldly at the epilepsy. Mo Wen suddenly appeared, so he had to stop the blood sacrifice. No matter how important the blood sacrifice was, it was not as important as the treasure hunter in him. He could n’t naturally watch. Others take away treasure hunt.

"Lie Xiehou, you don't want to continue your **** sacrifice, why do you come here to blend this thing." Venerable Epiphany looked at Xie Xie's ancestor faintly.

Qu Laogua and the ancestral hunter are obviously the same gang, he can deal with a Qulao queer, plus a hunter ancestor, he must be unable to cope.

But treasure hunts are hard to come by, and since they appear, he will not miss this opportunity anyway.

It is also that treasure hunters appear in the area where they are located this time, and they only have a chance to seize it. If it takes too long, and old monsters in other regions appear, they will find it difficult to find treasure hunters again.

"Qu Laogua, first clean up this person, let's talk about the treasure hunt?" Let's look at Lao Qiao.

The three ancestors in the same realm have completely ignored Mo Wen. In their eyes, Mo Wen is the meat on the cutting board, and he is not qualified to speak at all.

The epiphany frowned, and the pressure of the two of them to join him was naturally not small. For today's plan, only the first step was to be strong, and Mo Wen was first taken away.

The blue light erupted from the epic venerable person, the space of thousands of miles was solidified, and a huge iceberg fell from the sky, carrying the mighty force, it seemed to destroy the entire city of demon fire.

If such a huge iceberg really hit the ground, the entire Yaohuo City might be directly reduced to ruins.


The ancestral hunter snorted coldly, and a **** long sword appeared in his hand. The long sword burst into a dazzling blood. Thousands of thousands of swords rose into the sky and strangled the iceberg. The two terrifying breaths collided. The whole world shook.

A white jade belt emerged quietly from the void, slightly entangled, and was about to pull Mo Wen away.

Mo Wen raised his eyebrows, and the blue jade belt was a holy treasure of a thousand spirits. It was exhibited by an ancestor in the same realm. The power was quite terrible. He knew with a little sense that he could not escape this jade belt. Tangled-around.

Even if there is no chance of running away, Mo asked with a bitter smile. Since cultivation, it is rare to encounter such a powerless situation.


The epiphany and the ancestral hunter looked into a void at the same time. Someone asked Mo to start while they were fighting.

"A man who steals chickens and dogs."

Qu Laojie snorted coldly, his body swayed, and then turned into a black smoke disappeared in place, when it appeared again, it was already blocked in front of the white jade belt.

I saw Qu Laoqi's body divided into two, two into four, four into eight ...

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Qu strange figures appeared in the void.

Hundreds of figures waved their fists forward at the same time, and the jade belt withstood the impact of horror punches, constantly retreating, and was forced to retreat thousands of miles by the old man.

"Qu Laogua, your fist is still so domineering."

A light laughter sounded, and I saw a white jade belt with a flash of light. In the slightly misty light, a young man in white walked out with a smile.

Young people in white clothes, fair skin like jade, handsome looks like a demon, a jade belt at the waist shines exceptionally.

"House of Zhu Feng."

Qu Laojia narrowed his eyes slightly, and Zhu Fengju appeared here, but he was surprised.

This person's reputation is not small, but he is not the old monster in the nearby area. He can appear here in time.

"When I went out, I met a treasure hunter. It shows that I am lucky, and you don't have to dispute it. This treasure hunter is destined to be mine." Zhu Fengjue looked at Mo Wen with some curiosity. On this person?

The prince Zhu Feng looks like a young man. In fact, his age is quite old. When he was young, he had eaten a resident fruit, so his youth stayed forever.

"Ju Zhu Feng, our thirteen wilderness is not your turn to get involved."

Above the sky, an old voice suddenly sounded, lingering in the air for a long time, and the surrounding world was shaken-trembling.

"That old guy."

Qu Laogua's pupils shrank, his eyes looked into the air, and the old guy was indeed here.

Among the 13 wildernesses, there are only four known persons in the common road. He, the ancestral hunter, the venerable, and the old guy.

Among the four, the oldest guy is the oldest and has the highest cultivation base. He is an immortal who is the peak-peak in the early period of the Taoism.

"Old man Ni, I'm coming from afar. Your hospitality is too bad." Zhu Fengju Shi smiled lightly.

"Sorry, you are not welcome here, where do you come from?" Ni old man said coldly, quite rudely.

"Senior Venerable, this old guy can reach two, Qu Laogua and Chiu Hunting Ancestor are another group of people. Now we are the only two of us, we are all for treasure hunt, but now In the circumstances, you obviously do not have an advantage. If you and I can form an alliance temporarily, there is still the possibility of contention. "

Lord Zhu Feng looked at the epic venerable person. He was an outside immortal who could not fight with the four local monks in the same realm. He could only gather one person and differentiate them before he could stand here.

The epilepsy frowned, did not immediately agree, but did not refuse.


In the City of Fairy Fire, each of the immortal repairers looked at the ancestors of the Dao Realm constantly appearing on the sky.

There is a common Dao Realm, and none of them can normally be encountered. At this time, five have appeared!

The five great Taoist realms appear at the same time, and the entire wasteland may not appear once in thousands of years because of that young man, these supreme beings spared no effort to tear their faces and fight for their heads.

"Don't ask!"

Zhang Yingjun's eyes widened on the Altar of Blood, she couldn't figure it out, Mo asked why it appeared, and she swayed to the door.

Did he come to save them? However, how does he fight with the ancestors of the five common lands?

In front of the ancestor, all ants are under the common road.

Located in the middle of the altar, Zagoli's eyes widened, his face unbelievable. Around her, there are a lot of guardians of immortal gods, and they are inseparable.

"Brother Mo! He ... how could he be here ..."

Zagoli muttered to herself, she didn't even dream of dreaming, and she could still see Mo Wen, when she was separated in the Xianzun space, she thought it was a farewell.

When I saw Mo Wen again, there was an unspeakable emotion in my heart, I was moved, wronged, worried ...

Why did Brother Mo appear here, is he here to save us?


The ancestors of the Five Great Dadao realms surrounded Mo and asked, the air between the heavens and the earth seemed to freeze, they held each other together, and no one took the lead.

Because, they are not sure to take away Mo Wen when several other people are watching. It is better to calm down and think of a holistic strategy than to do it indiscriminately.

"You are so hesitant, why don't I give you a plan?" Mo asked, looking at the ancestors of the five major Taoist realms, with a smile.

The ancestors of the Five Great Harmony Realms looked at Mo Wen at the same time, a flash of strange color flashed in their eyes. Mo Wen stood in the middle of their five ancestors in the same doctrine. The breath of the five people suppressed him, and changed to an immortal. I am afraid that the young man can't speak out, and this young man can still talk and laugh.

"Oh, can you have any perfect plan?" Zhu Fengjue looked at Mo curiously and asked.

"My plan is very simple, you, you, you, and you ..."

Mo asked to stretch out a finger and lightly pointed to the other four ancestors besides lettuce hunter ancestors, said blankly: "Four of you, get out of the city of demon fire immediately, where will you come back? go with."

"As for you."

Mo asked to look at the ancestors of lettuce ~ ~ and said: "You will definitely die today."

The five ancestors in the same realm looked at each other, only to recover after half a ring, and all laughed.

I have never seen one who is not afraid of death.

"This young man is interesting." Zhu Fengju smiled.

"This madness is enough to overwhelm me, but madness is not strength." Qu Laojie mocked.

The ancestral hunter smiled faintly, and was not angry at all. Will the elephant be angry with an ant? The ancestral hunter looked at Mo Wen's eyes, like a giant dragon looking down at a ant, and said in a funny way: "This seat is very curious, why can you let them go, but not this seat?"

"Because I don't think it looks good to you." Mo Wen also smiled.

"It's not pleasing to the eye! Well, what a discomfort!" Chiu Lie nodded, and an extremely dangerous glare gradually appeared in his eyes.

(To be continued.)

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