Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1308: Horror evil

Thinking of the head nurse here, he couldn't help feeling a sore nose. A person who worked hard for the hospital and worked for the medical industry for a lifetime has never been able to get a good ending ... The head nurse quickly wiped the tears coming out of the corner of his eyes!

"Xiao Tang, look, am I all right? I'm fine now. I'm here to see those patients with strange diseases. I'm really fine." Han Jiangong patted the head nurse. Shoulder, said softly.

"Xiao Tang, let's get busy first. I will just walk around." Han Jiangong said to the head nurse with a smile.

"Brother Mo, please come here." Han Jiangong made a gesture of asking him to let his right hand out.

"Brother Han is polite, please." Although he extended his right hand appropriately, he just did the same and did not politely step forward.

Wang Shuyi and the head nurse stood in a stunned place in the hall with a stunned heart. They were extremely puzzled. Thinking about the state-of-the-art presence in the Chinese medical community, today they are so polite and puzzled to a teenager in front of them. The people around looked at the old and young like a monster.

"Huh, head nurse, I also heard from Dr. Li from our department yesterday that Chief Han is not in a deteriorating state. Will he come back soon to be quarantined? Doesn't it look like today?" Wang Shuyi touched her head very much. Xie looked at the head nurse and asked.

The head nurse smiled slightly and said, "If this is really a blessing, it not only solves a major incurable disease in the world, but also makes our Chinese medicine go to the first floor."

"Ah !!!" The nurse shook her head with a long sigh and looked at the information in her hand to leave.

Wang Shuyi stood blankly in the hall. Undoubtedly, she was happy today because he saw the idol in his mind. But it is also the most embarrassing, because she regards her idol as a liar who touches porcelain.

The eighteenth floor of the hospital

It has been completely isolated. One old and one young are entering through layers of security.

"Brother Mo, I am really lucky to be able to meet you this time. Otherwise, I really don't know what to do. I don't die. But if this strange disease spreads in China, I won't die." Han Jiangong Sighed.

"Brother Han, you don't need to be polite, just put your hands up." Mo Wendan smiled.

"Brother Mo doesn't know." Han Jiangong walked slowly and shook his head: "This disease is very strange and cannot be prevented. Unless you don't have physical contact with the person after the infection, you will be infected, and When the disease was first infected, it was nothing, and it was not contagious. He will get worse day by day. When the degree of aggravation reaches a certain level, he will start to infect other people. Do n’t hide my brother, I am lucky, I met you on the road to hospital isolation Otherwise, it is estimated that my old bones are here. "

Mo asked indifferently, "My elder brother praised me."

The eighteenth floor is very dark and the atmosphere is very depressed. Although the patients in twos and threes of the aisles are sitting there, they can still hear the needle even falling on the ground. Everyone's eyes were full of despair. Everyone smiled and said hello to Han Jiangong.

"Han Lao."

"Han Lao."

Han Jiangong smiled and nodded to them!

When old man walked in front of a patient more than half a year old, the patient slowly closed his eyes, thinking that he had just kindly helped to help a seriously ill patient to be infected and isolated ... The corner of the eye was quiet Leave a tear. In the past, there was Han Lao who was developing antidote outside, but now it ’s okay, even Han Lao came in for isolation ...

In a ward, an "old man" lay on the hospital bed. This "old man" had a dark gray complexion, and his skin was as old as bark. The folds were no less than those on Han Jiangong's face.

Han Jiangong said to the patient on the hospital bed: "This man was a young man who had just turned 20 two months ago. In the short span of two months after accidentally contracting the disease, he has become a decayed dead wood."

Mo Wen stepped forward and secretly sealed the air of Jiuyang into his fingertips, slowly pointed the fingertips to the patient's head, and then slowly slid towards the heart. A miracle appeared immediately, and the dark gray on the patient quickly gathered between Mo Wen, and his cheeks slowly regained their ruddy colors. Han Jiangong was overjoyed to see this. Such a performance must be effective.

"Brother Mo really is a god!" Han Jiangong exclaimed.

Mo Wen smiled indifferently, and his heart was secretly shocked. The evil spirit in this person was accompanied by dozens of evil spirits in Han Jiangong, but fortunately, he was prepared to seal the Qi of Qiuyang at his fingertips, otherwise he might be negligent and cause the patient Direct death!

Mo Wen felt out a bottle and forced the evil spirit on his finger into the vial, and decided to go back and study it.

Mo Wen took out a panacea in his arms to feed the "old man" to eat, a miracle appeared, only to see that the "old man" face slowly recovered elasticity, and in two minutes, he actually turned back to the old handsome guy !

Han Jiangong was stunned. His Mo brother's method was truly earth-shattering. An aging body with exhausted vitality and imminent death returned to a vigorous and vigorous state in just a few minutes.

"Brother Han, any life has his own longevity. The longevity is not exhausted. It is easy to recover. For example, this teenager, his longevity is less than 20 years old, and he is still very young. It is quite easy to restore the vitality in his body. But if you change It is quite difficult to regenerate from dead wood to a young age as a person who has a long life. "

Mo Wen smiled and said, from Han Jiangong's eyes, he saw a touch of throb, and he naturally understood what Han Jiangong thought.

However, it is easy to recover a young life of Tianshou, but it is quite difficult to recover a person like Han Jiangong who is about to die. In Xiuxian Realm, there are some holy medicines that can restore the old days of life to a young state, but that kind of holy medicine is quite rare and can not be encountered ~ ~ Han Jiangong heard the words and smiled heartily, "Mo The younger brother makes sense, even in this world, even if there is a method of rejuvenation and rejuvenation, how can it be easily obtained. Life and death have a life, brother, I live to this age, I have seen very clearly. "

"It's really difficult to rejuvenate Brother Han, but it's much easier to prolong life for a few decades. There is a panacea here. After I go back, my brother will take it, and I dare not say it, but I don't have an accident and live again. Thirty years is no problem. "

Mo Wen smiled and took out a panacea and handed it to Han Jiangong. Yan Shoudan is also quite rare in the Xiuxian Realm, but Mo Wennai is a master of alchemy, which has been inherited by Ji Wuya. Not too difficult.

An hour later, Mo Wen walked out of the First Military Hospital, holding a dark blue ball in his hand, his expressionless face slightly dignified.

The evil spirits in these patients are definitely not simple. The more you contact, the more Mo Wen discovered its unusualness. He has encountered such a terrible energy for the first time so far, how could it appear in the main space , Where is its source?

(To be continued.)

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