Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1310: Main space chaos

Mo Wen originally got a lot of flower-colored metastones from Mount Wanbei. There are a small amount of five-color metastones. Any five-color metastones, the vitality stored in them is quite huge and amazing. Can last for decades.

The monks of the Ming Palace don't look at the huge number. Even if they double it, they can't absorb the energy in a five-colored Yuanshi.

Soon, Wang Yinru and Pei Fengwu completely broke through to the transition of fighting, and were nourished by the five colors of vitality. The two people's foundation was thicker. Although the five-color Yuanshi is not as good as the soul beads, for the two women, the five-color Yuanshi is also a resource against the sky, and a god-cultivator of the god's virtual realm may not be able to obtain a treasure like the five-color Yuanshi.

In just one day, the warriors in the Qinggu Secret Realm all knew that their spiritual leader had returned here, but there were very few people who could see Mo Wen. Mo Wen stayed aside, except for a few high-level Ming palaces, others It's hard to see him.

"Wan'er has been training outside, and has not returned for six or seven years. We have no information about her. She is probably in Penglai Wonderland." Wang Yinru looked at the man in front of her and said softly.

The current power of Ming Palace can't be managed, but I am afraid that only Penglai Wonderland.

"She's quite capable of running." Mo asked and shook his head. He had told Waner to avoid going to Penglai Wonderland as much as possible. After all, there were still many sects that were hostile to Ming Palace.

The grievances of Penglai Wonderland should be dealt with. Mo Wen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Mo asked but did not know that the main space had become a mess because of him.

In the first hospital of the Beijing Military Region, a large number of people are trapped in the hospital. Journalists, family members of patients, and doctors ...

This is not the first day here. As early as half a month ago, the hospital was blocked and the water was blocked.

"Hello, I am a reporter from Huaxin News Agency. May I ask President Han to accept some of our interviews."

"It is rumored that your hospital has a cure for the mortal death. Is this news true?"

"According to various confirmations, all the terminally ill patients in your hospital have healed, and Dean Han has also recovered. It is no secret that the First Military Hospital has the technology to cure the terminally ill terminal disease. Why does your hospital always deny this? . "

"Now there are cases of death from death in more than 50 countries in the world. Those countries have all sent us letters of help for Hua Xia. Why did your hospital always refuse this matter concerning national image and international morality?"

"Now media from all over the world have reported that China has the technology to treat the terminal illness of death, saying that China has no humanitarian spirit and is unwilling to help other countries. Since your hospital can cure the terminal illness of death, why do you not want to come forward? Who is responsible for the image damage? "


In addition to the media, there are many family members of the terminally ill patients with death. Many of the family members who came to seek medical treatment are foreigners. They know that China can treat this terminally ill, and have come here for thousands of miles to seek medical treatment.

"We are asking to meet Dean Han. You can't stop us. We need his help. Isn't the doctor's duty to treat the sick, why not treat our loved ones."

"Hua Xia's friend, I have money and I can afford it. As long as you cure my child's illness, all my assets can be given to you."

"How can you guys see death without help, the medical ethics of the Huaxia people?"


Han Jiangong's office.

Han Lao sat quietly in his chair, with white hair on his head and more wrinkles on his face, and a haggard look on his face.

Outside the office, noisy sounds can be heard faintly. Although there are security guards in the hospital, there are too many people breaking into his office and they can't stop them at all. Many people even stopped outside the door.

"Hate, I'm so confused. Why didn't I leave Brother Mo back then? Now that the sea is vast, where can I find him?"

With a face of remorse and self-blame, Han Jiangong, as a doctor, has contributed to the people in the hospital all his life. It is his destiny to heal the doctor. Will he refuse to treat the patient?

However, he simply did not have the ability to treat this kind of death.

In this world, there are very few people who can treat this kind of terminal illness. He knows that only Mo asked.

Mo asked this person, mysteriously unpredictable, the Shenlong did not see the end, it was harder to find him than to climb into the sky, he was able to see him again, it was all luck, and it was still decades away.

That day Mo asked to treat the patients in the hospital, and he left alone. Han Jiangong was too excited at the time, unaware of the particularity of Mo Wen, and forgot to leave his contact information. Now the vast crowd, how difficult it is to find such a person. People like Mo asked, even if the government, I am afraid that he cannot be found.

The death of terminal illness is becoming more and more serious internationally. More and more countries and humans are poisoned by terminal death. The only case that can cure this terminal illness is only their first hospital in Huaxia Military Region.

These days, Han Jiangong is under too much pressure. The media of various countries, the national government, the people of the whole country, and the departments of the World Health Organization ... It can be said that the whole world is full of uproar because of this incident.

In the morning, the national health department once again asked the hospital to send rescue teams to various countries for assistance, which is difficult for Han Jiangong to do.

Because he is very clear in his heart, he is now going to the severely affected area, and there is no difference between death and death. After being exposed to this terminal illness, he is quite aware of the terrible situation of this terminal illness.

He is an old man, it does not matter, he is not afraid of death, but who are responsible for their lives among the team members of the hospital counterparts?


The door of the office was suddenly opened, and a tall figure broke in.

"Wang Shuyi?" Han Jiangong frowned slightly, looking at the hospital, where he was more impressed with the small nurse.

"Lao Han, you should know what I came for, you don't have to deny anything. After you returned to the hospital last time, more than one hundred patients with death in the hospital were cured, and the feedback from those patients can also prove it afterwards ~ You cured them. "

"You have this ability. Mr. Han, now you can save many, many people, and many, many innocent lives can be reborn because of you. You can do all this. In Shuyi's heart, you have always been one A prestigious predecessor, a doctor who saved lives. "

Wang Shuyi said more and more excited, she did not understand that Han Laoming had that ability, why refused to treat those terminally ill patients, so many lives, should he watch them die?

Han Jiangong looked deeply at the little nurse in front of him, and he was silent for a long time before saying: "Nurse Wang, your duty is to take care of every patient. As for the hospital, you don't need to worry about it."

Most of the patients on the 18th floor were in deep coma that day, so I did n’t know that the person who treated them was Mo Wen. Even some sober patients did n’t know who saved them, because Mo Wen ’s treatment was too much. Miraculous, just walk past them, and those are miraculously better.

So now, including the patients, everyone thinks it is Han Jiangong's credit.

(To be continued.)

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