Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1313: Come with classmates

The Qinggu Secret Realm, as the base camp of the Ming Palace, cannot be easily entered by ordinary warriors, but Dongfang Yi, with the help of the Tianhua Palace, still easily brought Wang Yuan here.

After all, the relationship between Tianhua Palace and Ming Palace has been good, and the messengers of Tianhua Palace came to the Qinggu Secret Realm, which is also a VIP level.

"Wang Yuan, you should know the Ming Palace?" Dongfang Yi smiled slightly.

Today, decades later, the Ming Palace is not what it used to be. To a certain extent, the Ming Palace can no longer be said to be an ancient martial sect gate, but a cultivating immortal sect gate. In terms of fame, Ming Palace's popularity in the main space and major secret realms is even higher than those of the fairy gates in Penglai Wonderland.

"Of course I know, Brother Dongfang, do you know the elite in Ming Palace?"

Wang Yuan said excitedly, his eyes slowly condensed, if he could invite the power of Ming Palace to exist, maybe he and his daughter would be saved.

Dongfang looked at Wang Yuan and smiled: "Wang Yuan, you must not know, is the founder of Ming Palace?"

"Little brother does not know." Wang Yuan shook his head.

He knows the Ming Palace, because it is too famous, who does not know the Ming Palace, the warrior of the main space. But the founder of Ming Palace probably knows quite few people.

"His name is Mo Wen, you should be familiar with this name." Dongyi Yi's eyes looked far away, his complex look, changing times, and some of his friends were no longer a person in a world in the blink of an eye.

"Don't ask?" Wang Yuan froze a little, his eyes froze abruptly, and a figure appeared in his mind.

The name is vaguely familiar, but the figure is very vague. It was a person a long time ago. I have n’t seen it for a long time. Wang Yuan counted it for at least 20 years.

"You are talking about, that Mo that asked the monster bedroom of Huaxia University?"

Wang Yuan looked at Dongfang Yi in amazement. Dongfang Yi was also a member of the monster's bedroom, and Mo Wen could be said to be a roommate.

"He is the founder of Ming Palace." Dongfang Yi nodded.

"What! Mo Wen is the founder of Ming Palace!"

Wang Yuan's mind couldn't turn a little, and that young man came back to his mind again. He had some friendships with Mo Wen. Zeng Jin was still the bunker during the military training period. At that time, only he and Mo Wen had trained ancient martial arts in the class, so the two had more common words.

Was the Ming Palace, a peerless ancient Wuzong gate, created by Mo Wen?

Wang Yuan felt incredible. He had long known that Mo Wen was not something in the pool, but he had never thought about it.

In my memory, Mo asked about the whereabouts of the past, the dragon never saw the end, let alone the class, it was not easy to see him in one semester. His last meeting with Mo Wen was still at Bijia Mountain Villa and the Beijing-China Martial Art Conference. At that time, Mo Wen was extremely dazzling. One person's light completely overshadowed the five ancient Wu families in Beijing.

"Mo Wen is not the same world as us." Dongfang Yi said with emotion.

"Can we find him this time?" Wang Yuan stared at Dongfang Yi.

"It may not be possible to find him. However, the two deputy palace masters of the Ming Palace are also peculiar figures, and their cultivation is unpredictable. If they cannot save Wang Shuyi, then the one who can save you in this world is probably only in Penglai Only found in the fairyland. "

Dongfangyi is very clear that the practice of the two deputy palace masters of the Ming Palace almost represents the limits of the ordinary world, and even some of the elders in the elder courtyard of Tianhua Palace cannot compare with them.

Soon, the two came to the Snow Mountain Mountains where the Ming Palace is located. The disciples of the Ming Palace were everywhere. After Dongfang Yi identified himself, he was immediately invited to the main peak.

The main peak, Tianhe Temple.

A woman in a purple palace dress walked out of the depths of the palace. Behind her, accompanied by a dozen maidservants, she clearly had an extraordinary status in the Ming Palace.

"Dongfang Yi, why do you come to the Ming Palace?" The woman in purple clothes turned her eyes and smiled at Dongfang Yi.

"Chen Zi, why are you?" Dongfang Yi looked at the woman in purple with surprise.

Chen Zi was also a deacon in Tianhua Palace, and had several ties with Dongfang Yi.

"Why, I personally came out to receive you, not enough." Chen Zidan smiled.

"How can I let the elders of the inner palace of the Ming Palace receive them personally? It is my pleasure." Dongfang Yi shook his head quickly and asked Chen Zi to come out to receive him. The Ming Palace can already be said to be quite polite, as the inner palace of the Ming Palace The elder of the palace, Chen Zi ’s cultivation is natural, and it is probably one step away from the Yuanshen Realm. It is one of the ultimate warriors in the world.

The present status of the Ming Palace, the existence of the two deputy palace masters and the elders of the Taishang, naturally it is impossible to personally come out to receive him the deacon of the Tianhua Palace.

However, what he asked for today was not something Chen Zi could solve. You wicked evil spirits, the warriors below Yuanshen Realm touched and died. This is the conclusion that Tianhua Palace has long drawn. Chen Zi ’s cultivation base is close to Yuanshen Realm, and it is impossible to save Wang Shuyi. Only when it exists can it be possible to suppress the power of the wicked evil.

"This time I came to the Ming Palace, I was asking for something."

Dongfang Yi didn't turn around and went straight to the point, pointing to Wang Shuyi on Wang Yuan's back: "My friend's beloved daughter unfortunately contracted a wicked evil spirit, hoping that the seniors of Ming Palace can help."

"Peerless evil spirit!"

Chen Ziliu frowned slightly, and of course she was aware of the horror of this thing. With her ability, she could not save her at all.

"I can't decide this matter." Chen Zi shook his head.

"I would like to ask Elder Chen to inform the two palace lords that the palace lord's kindness will inevitably not kill him."

Dongfang bowed to the courtesy, Wang Yuan followed him in a hurry, and he was very moved, and Brother Dongfang was able to do so for him.

"I will report to the two palace owners on this matter, but the two palace owners cannot come forward and I can't do it."

Since the return of the two, the two palace masters have stayed abreast, and even the affairs of the sect are rarely questioned. The two palace supervisors do n’t care about this matter. I am afraid it is still difficult to say. ~ ~ Brother Wang Yuan, have the same friendship with your Mo Palace Master in Ming Palace. Please also be able to look at this sentiment and help. "

Dongfangyi is also not sure whether the two palace masters of the Ming Palace will come out to save. After all, like their kind of characters, not anyone who wants to please can move, so first talk about the relationship between Wang Yuan and Mo Wen, increase Some chips.

"Oh, do you have the same friendship with Mo Gongzhu?" Chen Zi looked at Wang Yuan in surprise. This middle-aged man was actually a classmate who Mo asked! This was said by Dongfang Yi, and naturally there would be no falsehood, because many people in the Ming Palace knew that Dongfang Yi and Mo asked to be roommates. It was for this reason that she would come out and receive him in person.

"Since I am a classmate of Master Mo Gong, I will naturally report the truth."

Chen Zi smiled slightly and turned away from Tianhe Hall.

Since Mo Wen came back, the two palace masters have not been in charge of the sect, and there are only a handful of people who can directly see them in the palace, and she is one of them.

(To be continued.)

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