Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1315: Troubled autumn

Chen Zi and Wang Yinru looked at Mo strangely and asked what good thing this guy had done, causing the little girl to be directly regarded as a liar.

Dongfang Yi looked at Wang Shuyi with a surprised expression. Did this little girl know Mo before asking?

"Call Uncle Mo, if it weren't you Uncle Mo, you would have lost your life."

Wang Yuan stared at his daughter with a cold face. His grievances were not small. He went to such a large area in the British epidemic-stricken area. He didn't tell him in advance. Later, he became fatal and notified his family members that he knew about this, but he and his mother were scared to death.

At this time, Wang Shuyi also slowly recovered, gradually realizing that she seemed to have been terminally ill in the UK, and later became more ill, falling into a deep coma.

Why, she was here when she woke up, should n’t she be in the hospital quarantine?

Moreover, she felt energetic, clear-headed, vigorous and bloody, not at all like a sick person.

"You saved me?" Wang Shuyi looked at Mo in astonishment. She was not stupid. Sometimes she was very clever. She realized at first sight that the young man in front of her had saved her. The father just said it very clearly.

"You are the one who can treat the terminal illness of death, and the patients in that hospital are all cured by you? No wonder ... no wonder ... I should have thought long ago, if Dean Han is capable of curing the terminal illness of death, then Will wait until now ... "

Wang Shuyi suddenly realized that at this time she finally understood who the man who had cured so many deaths was terminally ill. Many things can be understood at a glance before contacting.

However, she never dreamed that she was this teenager.

"Since you know the terrible fatality of death, you put yourself in danger. This is not only not responsible for yourself, but also not responsible for your parents."

Mo asked faintly. As a nurse in the No. 1 Hospital of the Military Region, Wang Shuyi naturally understood the terrible fatality of death. Once infected with this disease, she would almost certainly die. He was too lazy to say something else, but Wang Shuyi was Wang Yuan ’s daughter, and it was his descendants. He also reminded him. Not always, so good luck can be turned into danger. If Wang Yuan happened to find it here, I am afraid that Wang Shuyi was more and more fierce.

Wang Shuyi pouted her lips. This young boy has a big fart, but he is old-fashioned when he talks. He really treats himself as an uncle.

"Have you heard what Uncle Mo said? Your mother is still heartbroken, and you wash your face every day with tears. Even if you don't consider it for yourself, can't you consider it for your parents?" Wang Yuan gave Wang Shuyi a stare.

Wang Shuyi didn't dare to ignore her father's reprimands. She bowed her head and grieved: "Got it." She also felt uncomfortable thinking of her mother being sad for herself at home.

Later, Mo Wen arranged a bedroom for Wang Yuan's father and daughter. Wang Shuyi had just recovered from illness and was still very weak and needed a good rest.

Wang Yuan missed his wife at home and was prepared to return to the main space first to pass the good news to her so as not to overstress her. Mo Wen persuaded him, but he directly sent the people of Ming Palace to bring a letter to Mrs. Wang. He hadn't seen it for decades, but he wanted to talk to him about it.

The three of them, on the top of the snowy mountain, ate and drank happily, passing by in a few decades, the sea and the fields, Wang Yuan and Dongfang Yi gradually grew old, but Mo Wen remained the same. Those classmates, friends, and people who knew each other have already passed the middle of the year. As time goes by, his world will no longer have any intersections.

Both Wang Yuan and Dongfang Yi seem to realize that it is likely that this will be the last meeting with Mo Wen. Both of them drink a lot, and no one has the working skills to resist the alcohol.


In the early morning of the next day, Wang Yuan and Dongfang Yi were still drunk on the mat. Mo Wen, in white clothes, appeared in a spiritual mountain.

Here is the forbidden area of ​​Ming Palace, Wu Nian Mountain.

At the beginning, Nie Wuxin, the second house of the Tianhua Palace, lived in seclusion here, promising to protect the ancient secret area for 100 years.

Today, decades have passed and a hundred years have not yet passed. Nie Gongzhu is still here.

"Senior Nie."

A clever voice slowly sounded, then floated towards the mountain, and soon spread throughout the mountain forest.

"Come in." A cold voice rang from the mountains.

Mo Wen stepped out and the figure flashed, and then appeared in front of a log cabin in a canyon in the mountains. The mountains and rivers are beautiful and the flowers and flowers are not perfect places for cultivation, but they are perfect places for seclusion.

"It's not a hundred years, you come to me, why?"


The wooden door was pushed open from inside, and a woman in white appeared in the eyelid. The simple white skirt was simple and elegant but not temperamental.

"Senior Nie, these years, thank you for your protection in the ancient secret area." Mo asked with a smile, if it was not for Nie Wuxin to live here, he might not be able to practice with peace of mind in these years, and he might not even be able to go to the battlefield of Zu Wu.

"I'm just trying to pay it off." Nie Wuxin said lightly.

"Fortunately, my predecessors have spent decades to repay the human relationship. The so-called human relationship is cancelled." Mo Wen smiled and said that with his current ability, he no longer needs Nie Wuxin to guard here.

"Oh, do you mean, drive me away?" Nie Wuxin looked at Mo unexpectedly and asked.

"Seniors have misunderstood. It is now a troubled autumn. Tianhua Palace is in charge of the origin of the world, and it has a great responsibility. Now is the time to hire people. Do I dare to leave my seniors to delay time in this projectile place."

In the recent period, the turmoil in the source world has become more and more serious. The emergence of the wicked evil spirit is a very strong omen. The horn of war has already sounded, Mo Wen faintly realizes that the World War will probably be staged again.

In fact, in the heavens and the world, there has been no war for tens of thousands of years. The calm has been quiet for so long. Some people may not be able to sit still.

The spirit world has been in charge of the original world for tens of thousands of years ~ ~ It is still difficult to say whether it can continue to be in charge.

In the Middle Ages, the all-round wars of the heavens and the worlds broke out quite frequently, and the original world changed hands frequently, so there was only a millennium treaty to prevent excessive wars from harming the original space. However, in the last tens of thousands of years, there have been almost no wars in the worlds of the heavens, and each other has nothing to do with each other, each developing its own, and the source world has always been managed by the spirit world.

It is for this reason that the spirit world has been in charge of the original world for tens of thousands of years.

Nie Wuxin is the second house of the Tianhua Palace. At this time, it is naturally impossible for him to stay in his little green ancient environment for a long time, and there is a greater responsibility waiting for her to bear.

"Recently, the source world is indeed not peaceful."

Nie Wuxin said solemnly, although she has always been in the ancient secret area, as the second house of Tianhua Palace, what happened in the original world, she rarely knows nothing about it. Moreover, not only is the source world not quite flat, but the entire heavens and the whole world are becoming more and more uneven.

(To be continued.)

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