Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1318: Devil

Mo asked coldly looking at the center of the city, but he wanted to see what kind of devil came out to harm the world.

"There was a person who came to die."

A low voice sounded in the center of Qushui City. The fire just enveloped the city, obviously alarming the people in the city.

"You few, give me the past to catch him."

The low, hoarse voice said coldly, daring to destroy his good deeds, only a dead end.


A few voices sounded from the city, and the next moment, swish! Three figures appeared in the air, two men and one woman, all wearing dark green armor, exuding a strong evil spirit.


Mo Wen looked at the three people in front of him and raised his eyebrows. These people were actually not people in Penglai Wonderland. Judging from the appearance characteristics, they should come from outside the domain.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin, high nose bridge ...

Isn't that the case with white people in the Western world?

"You are barbarians, you are not guilty," Mo asked coldly.

"Grab him and give it to the lord."

A middle-aged man headed coldly. A white light was released from him. The white light was like the light of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Court. .

"Holy Cross-Verdict!"

The blond man ripped off the cross on his neck and then tossed it. The cross suddenly turned into a white light and slammed into Mo Wen.

In the air, the wind is rolling, the attack of the blond man is extremely terrible, and he has the power to fight the immortals.

This power, before Mo Wen, is naturally pediatric.

The palm of my hand appeared in the sky all the time, and I immediately grabbed the glowing cross in my hand, like grabbing a small bug, easily.

Poo poo!

The Holy Cross kept twitching and seemed to be struggling from Mo Wen's hands. This thing obviously has spirituality and is quite extraordinary.

"Damn, replace my holy cross."

The blond man's complexion changed slightly. He didn't expect the man to be so terrible. He resolved his attack with his bare hands and captured his holy cross.

"Go together."

Among the three, the other burly man yelled, carrying a sledgehammer on his shoulder, striding out in one step, and the mountains and rivers were shaking.

"Thunder strike."


A violent force erupted from the sledgehammer, and a large number of thunderbolts raged in the sky. The sledgehammer seemed to be the hammer of Thor, which can pull the lightning between the world and the power that burst out in an instant.


Several loud noises, a large amount of thunder and lightning power blasted on Mo Wen.

However, the dust receded and the cloud and rain subsided.

Mo Wen still stood on the spot, his clothes and clothes didn't move a bit. That terrifying power didn't even break through his defenses.

"Holy cut!"

A sword light crossed the sky. The third female Caucasian, holding a long sword, crossed the sky with an elegant posture, and she appeared in front of Mo Wen as soon as the light flashed.

Ding! Mo Wen stretched out a finger, his fingertip pressed against the holy sword, so he blocked the holy sword.

"Damn! We are not his opponent."

The three men's faces changed at the same time, and at the moment they finally realized that they were not opponents of this man, and the gap between them was too great.

The three Caucasians glanced at each other and backed away, trying to evacuate the battlefield.

"Why should you go now that you're here?"

A circle of black light emanated from Mo Wen, covering a distance of a hundred miles, and the three men and women were instantly shrouded in black light.

One, two, three.

Three black ice sculptures fell from the sky and fell on the buildings in the city, torn apart.


A low roar sounded from the center of the city, and with the sound, a large amount of black gas poured out from the city.

In the endless dark evil spirit, a figure came out step by step.

"Even my men dare to kill, you have great courage."

The dark mist changes, and the figure is like a **** of death coming out of hell, getting closer and clearer.

The surrounding world suddenly darkened, the terrible cold came, and the evil energy covered the sky.

"Evil Clan!"

Mo asked looking at the tall figure and said two words lightly.

It was a human-like, non-human-like, strange-looking figure, and it was very fragrant with some strange forms of Wu clan. However, the breath of the evil clan is very different from the Wu clan. Their breath is darker, more evil, more violent ...

"You should be the ancestor of Taixuan Realm in Penglai Wonderland."

This evil clan's voice is quite weird, sharp like two stones rubbing and falling in the ear of a person, quite uncomfortable.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Mo asked, looking at the evil tribe faintly.

The cultivation behavior of the evil clan is different from that of normal immortals, but the general distinction is not much different.

This evil clan, as can be seen from the fluctuation of the evil qi on him, is not at the level of Tai Xuan Realm on the level, and should only be equivalent to the battle of the Immortal Cultivator.

"Afraid of you, ridiculous! I am afraid you still do not understand the terrible of our protoss, die."

The evil clan shouted, the scale armor suddenly turned outward, and a large amount of blood gas was released from under the scales. In the blink of an eye, this evil clan turned into a blood man, the blood gas was skyrocketing, and the breath was also growing. The blink of an eye is still infinitely close to Tai Xuan Realm.


When the blood flicked, the evil clan disappeared from its place, and when it appeared again, it was less than five meters from Mo Wen.

Mo Wen only felt the blood shadow before him, and a figure appeared in front of him.

Very fast!

A burst of blood burst into the air, stabs at Mo Wen's chest fiercely, still at an unparalleled speed, and the fast brain makes it hard to react. With such a quick blow, it is almost impossible for the Immortal Cultivator who fights to transit the territory to catch it. I am afraid that among the ordinary Immortal Cultivators in the early days of Tai Xuan, not many can block this blow.

No wonder this evil clan dared to come out for a battle. If he was an ordinary Taixian cultivator of early immortals, I am afraid that the deer would still be dead.

Mo Wen shot with a palm, and the simple palm directly smashed the blood. Palmprints continue to move forward, slamming on the evil clan's body.


The Xie clan flew out directly, crashing the Qushui City below into a huge pothole, the area collapsed within a ten-mile radius, and a large amount of groundwater came out of the ground.

"I didn't die."

Mo Wen's eyes flashed with surprise. In the palm of his hand just now, he deliberately suppressed the extent of Tai Xuan's later period. The purpose was to try how the defensive power and vitality of these evil clan.

It is equivalent to the power of a full blow of the late Immortal Cultivator of Taixuan, but he did not kill this evil clan!

You have to know that this evil clan is not an evil clan of the Taixuan Realm, and its life level is only in the battle of Zhuanzhuan consummation.

"Evil Clan, it is really difficult to deal with."

Mo Wen sighed softly that the evil clan is a major scourge in the heavens and the world, and has existed since ancient times until now.

Evil tribes do not seem to be creatures of this world. Where did they come from, and why did they appear here? I don't know if they asked. I only know that there are a few strange battlefields in the heavens and the realms, which are specially used to deal with evil races. For example, the Celestial Battlefield is a battlefield dedicated to dealing with evil races. The epiphany and Qu Laoguai are dispatched there for the purpose of dealing with evil races.

"Roar! Damn it!"

The evil clan crawled out of the big pit underground and roared angrily, a pair of **** eyes full of murderous colors.

Evil races, races that are born to kill and kill. They are quite murderous. Not to mention dealing with other races, even if the evil races are killing each other, they upgrade themselves by devouring creatures. The stronger their strength, the higher the rank.

At this time, the evil clan had realized that he was far from the young man's opponent, and he continued to stay, I am afraid there was only one way to die. When the blood shadow flashed, he was ready to escape.

"Escape?" Mo asked sneer.

It has to be said that the evil clan has a very strong survivability. Not only is the vitality and defensive power amazing, but also the speed is amazing. With a flash of blood, the evil clan had already left Qushui City, and the speed was fast. I am afraid that the ordinary Taixuan Realm Immortal Cultivators are far behind.

It is a pity that Mo met him.

A golden sword light fell from the sky, seeming to cross the distance between time and space, and the body of the evil race was penetrated in a flash.

"No! Damn it!"

The evil clan looked down at the blood hole in his chest and yelled wildly. He felt that his vitality was continually passing away. There was endless killing in the sword light, and his body could not be carried at all.

"I didn't kill him in an instant." Mo asked slightly surprised.

The sword just now was not too powerful. It did n’t kill this evil clan instantaneously. It could resist the time of two breaths and stepped to death. It was quite terrifying. After all, this evil clan was only able to fight for transit .

"Evil tribes have been dormant for hundreds of thousands of years and were born again. I am afraid that the heavens and the realms will really be in chaos."

Mo Wen shook his head, he had a hunch, then, the heavens and the world would never be too peaceful, and even the original world was in chaos. The situation facing those upper realms must be more severe.

He glanced at Qushui City ~ ~ After confirming that there were still no living creatures in Qushui City, he turned into a light and flew away.

In the next few days, Mo Wen flew all the way to the hinterland of Yuzhou. He came to Yuzhou this time in order to go to the Su Nv to teach. Because there is a treasure in the female sect, called Han Gong Jian, which is very similar to the description of the **** virtual realm repairer. It is very possible that Han Gong Jian is another key of the jade box.

Bai Mang City is one of the five main cities of Chongming Mansion. ,

Chongming Mansion is a great place in Yuzhou. Its area is one hundred times that of Xiaben Mansion.

A pale golden escape light appeared quietly over the Chongming Mansion. Among the escape light, it seemed to be a teenager.

"Finally, I am about to arrive at the Su Nv teaching."

The Su Nujia is a force at the Beidou level of Mount Tai in Yuzhou. The land of Chongming, Juyang and Xiyuan has always been in charge of the Su Nu, and the general teacher of Su Nu is located in the middle of the three prefectures.

(To be continued.)

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