Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1320: Evil Clan Siege

The speaker was a blue-haired old man who was coming out of the command center.

"Old Weng, he is my friend."

Nie Junxue saw this person, his face slightly frozen.

This person is a Taixian post-cultivator of the city's main palace. He came from another great force in Yuzhou. This sect is extremely powerful in Yuzhou, and has a deep heritage. Female teachers are listed as two major schools in Yuzhou.

"Mr. Xuexue, the command center of the city's main palace is the most secret place in the whole Baigong city. According to the rules, even if you are your friend, you can't easily enter."

Weng Lao frowned and swept Mo up and down to ask his eyes. I do n’t know why. He always felt that the young man was familiar with it. He seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he did n’t even have the slightest thought.

"My friend, who is also a member of the Tianhuagong Senate, Weng Lao suspected that he had a problem." Nie Junxue said lightly.

"Since I'm a friend of Tianhua Palace, I don't doubt it, I just don't follow the rules."

Weng Lao blocked in front of the two, apparently not preparing Mo Wen to enter the central area of ​​the city's main palace.

In fact, all the deployment of the command center on city defense is already in place. Even if someone mixes into it, it won't get any valuable information. It doesn't need to be so serious.

Moreover, Mo Wen is still a friend of Nie Junxue. Under normal circumstances, they will give more or less face.

Mo Wen looked at Lao Weng with interest. Obviously, this old man did not deal with Nie Junxue. Rather than embarrassing him, he was embarrassing Nie Junxue.

Sure enough, Nie Junxue's pretty face suddenly froze, looking at Weng Lao's eyes sharply.

"Old Weng, in Bai Mang City, it seems that I am the commander in chief."

Nie Junxue said indifferently that she was ordered to the Tianhua Palace, which also represented the Tianhua Palace. Although all of her cultivation practices were not the strongest in the Baigong City, the status was the highest, but it was the commander of the Baigong City.

Weng Lao saw that Nie Junxue was only a mid-Xianxian immortal repairer.

"Ji Jie, it's interesting, is this your little baby, isn't it called Mo asking.",

Suddenly, a dark voice sounded, and the voice was exceptionally cool, like someone blowing a ghost wind in your ear.

A ghost shadowed in a black robe slowly came out. The man was hidden under the robe, his appearance and figure were all covered, and he walked quietly, like a ghost floating.

Nie Junxue saw the black robe appear, and her brows frowned again. There were two people in Baiong City who caused her the most headaches. One was Weng Lao, and the other was this black robe, from the ghost of the ghost mountain.

"Don't ask!"

Weng Laowen said, his pupils shrank, and his eyes immediately looked at Mo Wen.

At this moment, he finally remembered why he felt familiar when he saw this teenager, because he had seen his portrait before. Mo asked, this man's fame in Penglai Wonderland is not small, I don't know how many doors in the Wonderland want to kill him.

"Mo asked, is the Holy Fire Sword in your hands?"

Qu's old demon floated up, and a pair of dark green eyes radiated a cold and faint light in his huge hat.

Weng Lao also squinted his eyes, and Lao Mo Qu asked the questions he also wanted to ask.

The holy fire sword, but a holy treasure, if he can get it, his strength will increase greatly. Moreover, the holy fire sword contains the treasure of an old monster of the god's virtual realm, and the value of that treasure is probably still above the holy fire sword.

"What about me."

Mo Wen smiled, there are many people who coveted his treasures. Twenty years ago, it was because too many people coveted the treasures on his body that he withdrew from Penglai Wonderland and dared not to come out hiding in the ancient secret realm.

After a few decades, these coveted holy fire swords, I am afraid there will not be much.

"Young man, there is an old saying that Piff is innocent and guilty. You keep a holy fire sword is a curse. It is better to give it to me. I will not only guarantee your safety, but also give you a lot of benefits."

A pair of dark green eyes of Qu Di Lao Mo always kept his eyes on Mo Wen, as if he wanted to see him through.

"Qu Lao Lao Mo, if you talk to my friends in this way, don't you give me a face. Don't forget that the evil clan threat is still there. At this time, there is a fight, no one can make a difference."

Nie Junxue said coldly that the old demons of Qu Man appeared in Bai Mang City, the purpose is also to resist the invasion of evil clan.

The evil clan is the public enemy of all human beings who cultivate immortals, and all the heavenly gods who cultivate immortals.

Normally, Tianhua Palace and the forces such as Ghost Mountain, Demon Earth, and Motian have been in a state of struggle. Once they meet, they will inevitably be in an endless situation.

However, when the evil tribes appear, their positions will immediately agree. Because the evil people are their common enemy, and the common enemy of all the heavens and the whole world.

"I naturally know the rules and I must use your little girl as a reminder."

Qu An old devil snorted coldly. As the devil of Nether Mountain, there is no respect for Nie Junxue, the commander of Tianhua Palace. If it is not the above command, this little girl can sit on the commander. position?

His gaze slowly looked at Mo and asked coldly, "Young man, I don't know how many people in Penglai's fairyland are hitting your ideas. You can be careful later. Jie Jie ..."

Qu An old demon made a yin laughter, his body twisted for a while, and then disappeared in the next moment.

After knowing Mo Wen's identity, Weng Lao stopped talking more, looked at Mo Wen deeply, and then turned around and left.

Compared with embarrassing Nie Junxue, Mo asked this person, he was obviously more interested.

However, it is not the right time.

"A bunch of things that don't know life or death."

Nie Junxue sneered, coveting the treasures on his body, will there be any good ending. Mo Wen's strength, she is quite clear. Ten years ago, he was able to compete with Taixuan Daxian's perfect Immortal Cultivator. Ten years later, he may be much stronger than before.

Nie Junxue is the most clear-cut person in Penglai Wonderland. In Muyang City, he won an old monster of God's virtual realm by himself. In the whole Penglai Wonderland, there can be this capable person, I am afraid it is second to none. countable.

"Jun Xue, I found many practitioners outside Yuzhou in Yuzhou. They ... were actually mixed with evil clan."

Mo Wen frowned, this question has always existed in his mind.

The Western world outside the territory is not a system with their Eastern world. On the whole, the Western world is far from being comparable to their Eastern world, but it cannot be underestimated.

If the practitioners of the Western world and the evil clan get together, it will be a big trouble.

"Those people have turned to the evil clan."

Nie Junxue's face is solemn. The invasion of the evil tribe in Penglai's fairyland has a great relationship with some forces in the Western world. Even the evil tribe can enter Penglai's fairyland and use the Western world's communication channel.

"Have all Western practitioners turned to the evil clan?" Mo asked, taking a breath.

"Not all, only a part. I do n’t know much. It seems that ten years ago, the Western world was in chaos. The original alliance of the gods and the demon alliance, the unprecedented union together, because the western world appeared a There is a huge new force, and that force is the Skull and Bones Association organized by the evil clan. "

"The Skeleton Society has just been established, and a large number of Western forces have fled, even including the supreme existence of the Alliance of Gods and the Alliance of Demons."

"That is to say, there are now two major systems in the Western world, one is the two major alliances, and the other is the Skeleton Club?" Mo asked.

"Yes, and behind the Skeleton Society is the Evil Race, which is quite powerful. After a period of competition, the Skeleton Society has gained the upper hand."

Nie Junxue sighed. It was precisely because the Skull and Bones ruled most of the Western world that they had the energy to deal with Penglai Wonderland. Moreover, as far as she knows, the same is true of the upper world, and the heavens and the world have started to be in turmoil.

For the next few days, Bai Mangcheng remained calm. However, there are more and more cultivators who come to Baimeng City from various escapes. From the information they feedback, it is certain that the evil clan in the Chongming Prefecture area is constantly increasing, so the destroyed Zongmen and Chengchi More and more.

Everyone felt that the rain was coming and the wind and rain were shaking.

On the fifth day, a group of evil clan suddenly attacked Bai Mang City. This was the first battle between Bai Mang City and the evil clan.

The squad sent by the evil clan has only a few people, and the cultivation base is not high. It seems that they are just coming to detect the background of Bai Mang.

For ten days in a row, a group of evil clan came to harass Bai Mangcheng every day, but the scale was not very large, and it was easily suppressed.

On the eleventh day, the evil clan seemed to have a clear understanding of the bottom of Bai Mangcheng, and the sharp horn sounded on the wasteland. I saw a black line on the plain in the distance. The black line kept coming close and rolling.

When the cultivator who was a high-cultivator was swept away, he knew that it was not a black line at all, but an army. The dense figure was pushing over here, tens of thousands.


The alarm bell on the city wall sounded ~ ~ nine times in a row, this is the highest level of warning, the surface evil clan has fully attacked, and the state of the city will be raised to the highest state.

I saw that the figures of the immortal cultivators flew out of the city. They lined up and were well-trained, exuding powerful murderous and sharp spirits.

Bai Gongcheng's offensive and defensive arrays were all turned on. A large number of arrays alternated with each other, and the colorful light on the sky kept flashing. The formations that enveloped Bai Mangcheng had a total weight of two hundred and sixty, combined with defense, attack, confusion, traps ... in one body, if the evil tribes want to attack the city, these formations must be faced first.

These days, the immortal repairers who have fled to Baihuang City have all formed an army. At this time, the immortal repair team in the city is enough for more than 1 million people. The situation is huge and quite rare.

Mo Wen sat cross-legged and sat in a secret room in the city's main palace. He, who was practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and looked out of the city with golden eyes. ,

Suddenly, he seemed to find something, smiled with interest, and at the next moment, the figure disappeared in the secret room.

(To be continued.)

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