Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1338: Clean up the portal

Compared with Jianyou Valley, the bone-reinforced religion may be slightly inferior, but it is not a Xiaozong door in Penglai Wonderland. Almost a hundred thousand miles of territory, almost all have the management of ossification, and both the large and small Zongmen and the Xiuxian family are based on the ossification.

Such a heyday, as a disciple of Confucianism, is naturally arrogant.

Anyone in the bone city can provoke, but only those who cannot provoke the bone religion.

However, today there are people who dare to openly provoke the ostracist.

Fuyu Building, as the highest-standard restaurant in Huagu City, has a reputation in Huagu City. People who can come here to consume are rich or expensive, and most of them are high-end immortals. Ordinary rich man has no ability to eat here.

"Guest, you can't go up. Today, Fu Yulou has been taken down by the osseos, and there is an elder of the osseos. Don't run into the master."

A second son of Fu Yu Lou was stopped in front of a young boy, and he had already persuaded him that he had already explained that today Fu Yu Lou did not accept business, and even said the name of the ossification, but the young man still going up.

Those who offended the ossification in the osseous city are directly sentenced to death. However, the teenager did not listen to the advice anyway, and still insisted on going up.

"Uncle, you can do well. Please don't go up. Today is Shouyuan, an elder who teaches bones. He is celebrating his birthday. If you are bothered ..."

The second year was about to cry. The young calf was not afraid of tigers. The second year teenager who came out of nowhere was mostly wealthy and arrogant, but he had no knowledgeable rich son. People of the ossification school dare to offend. You have a few lives to die. Even if you are not afraid of dying, you should also consider their Fuyulou. They will continue to do business in the Huagucheng.

"There is the person I am looking for, rest assured."

The teenager looked at Xiao Er and smiled slightly. His smile seemed to have a magical power. Xiao Er's eyes were confused, and he stayed in place stupidly, not blocking.

The sixth floor of Fuyu Building is the highest floor. People who can enter the sixth floor for dinner usually have extraordinary status.

Today, the sixth floor has been completely covered by the people, just to celebrate the birthday of an elder.

"Elder Dong, in order to give you a birthday, the juniors specially prepared a birthday gift, but the gift is light, but the victory is dedicated."

On the sixth floor, hundreds of round tables were filled, large and small, and thousands of immortal practitioners participated in the birthday celebration banquet. On a table in the center, a middle-aged man stood up, holding a jade box in his hand.

Heshou gifts are generally collected by the ceremonies, but this middle-aged man deliberately took them out at the banquet, obviously with a show of intrigue. If the gift is normal, it will definitely sweep Elder Dong ’s face and leave a bad impression, but if the gift is amazing enough, this occasion will surely please Elder Dong ’s favor.

Therefore, the gift is not heavy enough, and generally dare not do it.

The people at the middle round table looked at the middle-aged people curiously. They could sit at this table. Their status was obviously extraordinary. At least they were all god-cultivators in Yuanshen Realm. Some of them even had the same level of fighting with Elder Dong. Monk.

The middle-aged man smiled confidently, and slowly opened the jade box. Suddenly, a ray of light was lit from the jade box, and the brilliant spiritual light illuminated the entire floor.

In the jade box, a piece of azure blue, filled with fine sand like stars, is dazzling.

"Mirror Mercury Chensha."

Some people around have exclaimed, looking at the mirror Mercury Star Sand is full of greed. This object is a rare treasure in the transition of the bucket. If it is smelted into the life magic weapon, it will at least increase the power of the magic weapon by three. Four percent. In addition, some people who have converted special battle bodies to fight immortals directly put Jingshui Xingchensha into their bodies, which greatly increases their power of war body.

Elder Dong's eyes lit up, he smiled and put away the jade box in the hands of middle-aged people, satisfied: "Yunyang has a heart, the old man likes it very much."

Other immortal practitioners looked at Shao Yunyang's eyes, all envious of jealousy, and were appreciated by Elder Dong. In the days of ossification in the future, they wouldn't say that they are alive and well, but they are definitely not too bad.

The middle-aged man was Shao Yunyang, the owner of Mingdian.

At that time, Shao Tianqi died in the ancient realm of Qing Dynasty, and the Ming Temple lost its top beams and pillars, and suddenly collapsed. Shao Yunyang, the master of the palace, led a group of loyal and loyal subordinates to Penglai Fairyland, and was thrown into the bone teaching, because Shao Tianqi was the bone. For the sake of teaching elders, so the bone-sculpture teaching also accepted them.

For more than a decade, Shao Yunyang, relying on some of the resources left by Shao Tianqi, worked hard in ossification, but he also established a firm foothold, and he became an elder Dong as a backer.

"Master Shao Dian is really good at speculative drilling camps. Do you want to congratulate you on your upcoming promotion?"

An abrupt voice suddenly sounded in the banquet hall. Although the banquet hall was crowded, the people here understood the rules and respected each other up and down, and would not easily pass by. Even if they talked, they talked in private in a whisper. In this way, the whole audience.

No one is so ignorant of the rules. No one on the main table speaks like that. Isn't this a blatant disregard of Elder Dong?

Soon, everyone found the speaker, and at the entrance of the sixth floor, a young man suddenly appeared and stood there so quietly.

Many people were stunned for a moment. Who is this boy? He didn't seem to be a party member. When did he appear?

Shao Yunyang's face narrowed, frowning and looking towards the door. Since he fled into Penglai Fairyland and joined the ossification, no one was calling him Lord Shao. After all, Ming Palace is already a past, he is now just an ordinary one Deacon only.

Soon, he saw the teenager at the door, dressed in white, his appearance was still the same, and the familiar feeling came.

Shao Yunyang's body stiffened, and a flash of horror and disbelief flashed in his eyes. It's him, how could it be him!

That figure was like a nightmare. On several occasions, Shao Yunyang was awakened from a nightmare. Everything about him was destroyed in this person's hand, and even the ancestor died in this person's hand. He has a hatred that is inconsistent with this person, but he never thought about revenge,

Because the gap was too great, he couldn't even raise the heart of revenge.

"Who are you? Not guts, can you come in here?"

A teenager suddenly appeared at the door, and mocked Shao Yunyang in public, apparently an uninvited guest. Shao Yunyang, as a celebrity beside Elder Dong, mocked him, and mostly did not deal with Elder Dong. Some people who are anxious to behave have stood up and shouted, and they have a posture to start with a disagreement.

Mo asked, ignoring these people, looking at Shi Yunyang lightly and walking towards the main table.

Immortals at the banquet saw the teenager so arrogant and got up to take him down. However, they were shocked to find that their heads could no longer control their bodies, like vegetatives, they could not stand up from their seats anyway. The strange thing is that there is no oppression and cultivation of repression. The calm is no different from the usual, but their soul seems to be completely separated from the body and has become two parts.

"Elder Dong, this person is Mo Wen, the number one enemy of Zongmen."

Shao Yunyang's pale face said that twenty years ago, Mo Wen could kill his ancestors. Now, this person is still not knowing how strong he is. At the banquet, I am afraid that only the elder Dong, who is fighting for the great circle, can suppress it. This young man.

"Don't ask!"

There was a sharp edge in the eyes of Elder Dong, and he stood up suddenly from his seat. He gazed at Mo and asked, "You are the young man who got the Holy Fire Sword?"

He looked at Mo Wen with his eyes full of fire, heat, holy fire sword, but that is holy treasure. There is only one holy treasure in the whole ossification, if he can get the holy fire sword, his status in the sect gate It is bound to climb higher and higher.

He did not expect that this young man, who has attracted a lot of attention from Penglai's fairyland, would actually appear here. Hasn't he been hiding in the Qinggu secret realm, it is said that he won't come out in a hundred years.

"Master Shao Dian, you betrayed Mingjiao, established your own portal, and even brutally killed a large number of Mingjiao compatriots. As far as Mingjiao is concerned, you are a death sentence."

Mo Wen looked at Shao Yunyang lightly. The enmity and grievances of Mingjiao had nothing to do with him, but since he agreed to the evergreen wind, he would naturally help him clean up the portal.

"Elder Dong saves me."

Shao Yunyang stepped back step by step in panic, taking his Wu Zong's three realms as an example, he had no resistance at all when he met Mo Wen.

"Bold boy, you are hiding in your ancient ancient realm and stealing life, but dare to come to the site of ossification, and today is your death."

Elder Dong shouted and took a shot to Mo Wen, his energy was unrevealed, but the surface was not impressive, but it contained immense terror. Even if the monk in the early period of the fight was hit by this palm, I am afraid Will be seriously injured in an instant.

Immortals at the banquet secretly surprised Elder Dong Xiuwei's depth ~ ~ If you change a person, such a terrifying power erupts, it is impossible to converge so perfect, even if a trace of power is leaked, you can instantly Fu Yulou collapsed.

However, Elder Dong's palm has not touched Mo Wen's clothes, and he suddenly solidified in the air, as if time is still for a moment, everyone is eternal at this moment, only Mo Wen alone in the normal time range.

How can it be!

Everyone looked at Mo Wen in horror. At this moment, Mo Wen is like a demon. A cold chill shrouds everyone's heart. What level of cultivation can be so terrible!

"Do not……!"

Shao Yunyang suddenly screamed in horror. He looked at his body inconceivably. I saw that from the foot up, his body collapsed inch by inch, slowly turning to ashes. This kind of fear of watching him step by step is simply the cruelest torture on earth.

After a while, Shao Yunyang was completely reduced to ashes and dissipated in the air without leaving traces.

(To be continued.)

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