Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1347: Sword of fortune

Only by comprehending the power of making trails can you use the Shao Zun sword.

The Shao Zun sword is a sword of creation, the creation of heaven and earth, and the birth and death of all things.

A sword was cut out, and the world changed color.

Mo Wen's power in the body was all inhaled into Shao Zun's sword, and all the power was absorbed in just one moment. Even the majestic blood in the body and the mental power in the sea are all madly poured into the forged sword.

In just a moment, Mo Wen almost lost his strength, his body was empty and there was no energy left. Thousands of heights of the sky and the body contracted madly, and only a few dozens of heights were left in a while, and the blood and blood in the body instantly evaporated by 90%.

Fortunately, Mo Wen practiced the battlefield of the sky. Once it was exhibited, the blood in the body was endless. If you change to an ordinary immortal cultivation person, I am afraid that in a moment, Shao Zunjian will be able to **** him to dry.

The spiritual power in the consciousness of the sea was instantly taken out of ninety-nine. As a soul-cultivator, Mo Wen ’s spiritual power is only imaginable, and he is infinitely close to the common ground.

All three forces flowed into the Shao Zun sword, before they could barely break a sword.

As soon as the sword came out, the world and earth had completely darkened, and the entire small space seemed to collapse and collapse. The rules of the ubiquitous world and earth were disappearing little by little.

That feeling, it seems that even the rules of the world are collapsing.

The power of creation can make everything, but it can also destroy everything.

At this moment, it seems that only the power of chemical rule remains in the entire small space, and everything else completely disappears.

"The power of creation, how is it possible!"

Patriarch Xieyue looked at Mo Wen inexplicably, looking at the ancient sword in his hand.

Such a terrible power of fortune is the legendary sword of fortune!

The sword of fortune can be transformed into the fortune of heaven and earth. This kind of sword, any one of them is earth-shattering and shining forever.

Legend has it that only the ancient Sect of Fortune can refine the sword of fortune, and any sword of fortune is earth-shattering. It is said that the strongest sword of fortune in the Fortune Sect can easily cut off the Xianbao, and even the Xianren can be slaughtered at will.

Even the most common sword of fortune can be compared to ordinary fairy treasures. This kind of sword is no longer an ordinary magic weapon.

The ancestor of Xieyue didn't even dream about it. Mo Wen actually had a sword of fortune in his hand. Even if it was just the Xuantian Holy Treasure, the value was not under the Xianbao.

"This sword, the old man is bound to get it."

Patriarch Xieyue roared again and again, panicked, excited, and excited.

The horrifying power of the Panic Sword of Excitement is very likely that he will get a peerless sword.


The ancestor of Xieyue pushed the Zhoutian Guiyuan array method covered in a small space to the extreme. The whole person was wrapped in layers of white light. He seemed to melt into the void, melt into the heavens and the earth, and integrate into the whole small space.

He is space, and space is him.

The ancestor of Xieyue, as the mighty power of Dadao Realm, sees how poisonous his eyes are. This sword is already the limit of Mo Wen's question. After a sword, there is no fighting power.

The power of the sword of fortune must not be touched hard, even if this young man is just the cultivation of God's virtual realm, but urging the sword of fortune can easily kill an early immortal practitioner.

He didn't dare to take risks, and defense was the best choice. As long as he resisted the blow of the sword of chemistry, then the question was the fish on the sticky board, let him make it.


Jianguang flew through the void and seemed to destroy the entire space.

The ancient palace instantly turned into ashes, within a hundred miles, mountains, trees, soil ... everything was turned into nothingness.

A terrifying sword light penetrates through time and space, pulling out a thousand-mile-long space crack and dividing this small space into two.

Zhou Tianguiyuan array.

After only supporting one moment, it was completely destroyed, and the condensed vitality and energy scattered.

"How is it possible! How could this sword's power be so terrible, you are just a **** cultivator of the imaginary realm, even if all the power in the body is injected into the sword of fortune, it cannot have such terrible power."

The ancestor of Xieyue hidden in the Zhoutian Guiyuan array was directly exposed, and he lost the Zhoutian Guiyuan array method. He no longer has any reliance on it, and can only resist the sword light by himself.

Hard to resist, he couldn't dare to think that this temporary refining body could not be blocked at all.

Where Jianguang passed, everything was destroyed.

The ancestor of Xieyue couldn't withstand the erosion of terror and collapsed a little.

Jianguang crossed his body, and his body disappeared in an instant. A mass of black gas overflowed from the body, that was the ray of soul of the ancestor of Xieyue.

The ray of soul escaped, trying to avoid Jianguang's attack, but how could he escape in this small space.

Jianguang directly penetrated the soul, and the group of black souls suddenly shrunk sharply, and suddenly lost half.

"I didn't kill him directly."

Mo Wen looked at the group of spirits in amazement. It was indeed the peerless power of Dadao Realm. There was only a ray of gods and souls, and none of the swords of the forged swords were destroyed.

Of course, the ancestor of Xieyue could block it for a while, but he could n’t stop it for the second time. When the forged sword light passed by again, he would turn to ashes.

However, the empty flower seems to sense that the space is collapsing and the world is being destroyed. The huge flower suddenly shakes suddenly.

The nine petals at the same time emit a soft white light, the light is light, but it seems to be able to appease the whole world.

I saw that the small space that was collapsing suddenly calmed down, and the small space was extremely stable for a moment, even if the sword of light was no longer able to be cut.

A stream of white gas overflowed from the petals of the empty epiphyllum, and then wrapped with the sword of nature, and directly wiped out the sword light.

But after the Jianhua Jianguang completely disappeared, the empty flower continued to fall into silence.

"Haha! I didn't expect it. Although Kong Tanhua doesn't have self-consciousness, but as a fairy flower, she has a sense of self-preservation. If you want to destroy this space, Kong Tanhua will naturally not be able to sit by and ignore it. The sword of fortune cannot be precisely controlled. "

Half of the group's soul was exterminated, and suddenly a wriggling, and finally turned into a strange old man.

Patriarch Xieyue looked at Mo Wen and laughed with great pride.

The forged sword light was completely wiped out by the empty epiphyllum, and the outcome was determined. Although he only had a ray of residual soul, all the strength of this young man was absorbed by the forged sword, and he could not confront him at all.

Even if there is only a ray of residual soul, he can easily clean up him.

Indeed, Mo Wen couldn't precisely control the sword of fortune. This sword is too powerful. With Mo Wen's current ability, it is good to be able to wield a sword. It can't be precisely controlled at all.

If he only attacks the ancestor of Xieyue, and does not destroy this space, most of the empty flowers will not be blocked.

As the top fairy flower, although the empty epiphylla cannot produce self-spirituality with those botanical demon races, its power is terrifying. Even if the deity of the ancestor of the crescent moon is here, I am afraid that it ca n’t be compared to this The empty epiphyllum is about to mature.

"Mo asked, you really gave me a big surprise, you are my lucky star."

Patriarch Xieyue was excited about dancing, although as a patriarch of Dadao Realm, there are few things that can make his emotions fluctuate so much. But the sword of fortune, the undead body, is a peerless treasure that can be encountered but not sought.

"Your undead body will become a stepping stone to my growth. Originally, I had no hope of breaking through the heavenly saint, but with the undead body and empty flowers, the probability of success is quite large."

Patriarch Xieyue looked at Mo Wen's gaze, as if looking at a peerless beauty. No, it's more attractive than a peerless beauty.

"As long as I take away your body and bring it back to the demon world, I can fully integrate my deity with the undead body. At that time, I am afraid that the saint of heaven will not kill me."

Patriarch Xieyue stepped towards Mo Wen step by step, and his excitement was beyond words.

The sword of fortune is also hiss. With this sword in his hands, those old enemies will probably all run away from the wind, and he will be invincible under the heavenly saint.

"What you think is beautiful."

Mo asked lightly looking at the ancestor of Xieyue, he was sitting cross-legged on a suspended stone at this time, there was no power in his body, he was no different from an ordinary person at this time. Spiritual power is also completely exhausted, and the remnant soul of the ancestor Xieyue wants to take him away easily.

However, he was very calm, and the calm was not normal.

That's why, Patriarch Xieyue didn't dare to rush up to seize the opportunity immediately, but instead kept motivating Mo to ask, and he was also worried about whether this young man had any future moves.

"Do you think you still have the ability to resist?" Patriarch Xieyue said coldly.

He didn't believe that at this time, Mo Wen had the power to fight him.

"Do not believe it, then you give it a try." Mo asked faintly.

Patriarch Xieyue was silent, looking at Mo Wenqi hesitantly, and he would definitely not be so cautious when changing to usual. But it was about the sword of immortality, the immortal body and the empty flower, he had to be careful.

If this young man really had any backfire, he threw himself up like this, maybe he was defeated. The main thing is that this teenager is too calm and he sees no flaws.

What's more, he now has only half a strand of remnant soul, even without a body, in this case, he is also very vulnerable.

"I can't think of ~ ~ there is a Dadao realm in the realm of demon, and it is so timid."

Mo asked with a cold smile, he also learned from the words just now, that the old ancestor of Xieyue was a monk of the demon world.

"Since you're so shy, I'm going to do it first."

Mo asked with a smile, and saw his eyebrows, and suddenly a light radiated, and white light projected into the void. I saw a mass of white, which was getting bigger and bigger. There was a figure vaguely in the white gas.

All of a sudden, a figure emerged from the white light. It was a young man in white. It was exactly the same as Mo Wen's, with the same appearance, expression, and even the breath of his body.

The ancestor of Xieyue was shocked, and he looked at the young man in white incredulously. There was a dryness in his throat.

Incarnate! The incarnation of the celestial heart and fruit.

With his eyesight, he recognized it at a glance.

(To be continued.)

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