Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 1365: coma

Mo Wen did not expect that there will be an old monster in the realm of the road, but he gave him a face.

"In that case, then spare your life first."

Mo Wen coldly glanced at the Fairy Phoenix fairy, and was not prepared to continue his shot. An old monster in Dadao Realm was here. It would be extremely difficult for him to kill her. He might even be buried here.

After all, the old monster in the Dadao realm in front of him is the real body, but it is not the kind of soul thought that the ancestor of Xieyue came.


Mo Wen ripped open the void space with one hand, and a dark crack appeared in front of him. His figure flashed and disappeared into the crack.

"Come on, I won't kill you."

The huge Lei Peng, covering the sky and the sun, appeared above the battlefield in a flash, which was no different from teleportation. His two wings flew, and the space suddenly solidified and continued to shrink.

Elder Lei Peng tried to block the space and prevent Mo Wen from leaving.

An ancient beast creature with such extraordinary talent, he will not let go.

Even if you ca n’t take it for your own use, it ’s better to refine him into a puppet.

The force of space solidifies the space and freezes all the space around.

The power of Dadao Realm is very simple to block a space.

"All space is blocked, and I want to stop me."

Mo Wen sneered, ignoring Lei Peng at all, and a dazzling silver light erupted from his body and instantly penetrated the void blockade. For him, the ordinary space blockade is useless at all.

"The power of a high and deep space law is indeed the space law of the heaven and earth level."

Lei Peng's eyes lit up. The laws of space at the level of heaven and earth are rare in the world. In the future, when this man is completely strong, his achievements are unimaginable.

Moreover, the laws of space at the level of heaven and earth can go to some areas where others ca n’t even step on. People with this ability can travel all over the heavens and earth, there is no forbidden zone, and you can imagine opportunities and treasures.

"Slow brother, I will not hurt you."

Seeing Mo Wen asking to escape, Lei Peng was finally anxious. Since the other party had the power of Heavenly Dao, he wanted to stop him, which was almost impossible.

Mo asked if he would ignore Lei Peng, he was not strong enough, and dealing with such a person would be very dangerous.

"I am not malicious, just want to invite your little brother to join our Tianpeng tribe." Lei Peng said quickly.

Qinghuang Fairy heard a word, stunned for a moment, his face pale instantly.

Elder Lei Peng came to Qinghuang Fairy Island not to kill the young man, but to recruit the young man.

It was indeed ironic, she thought her rescue had arrived, and the elder Taishang rushed here for her personally.

She thought she had enough face in the Tianpeng tribe, even if the elder Lei Peng, who was immobile for ten years, came to rescue her personally.

However, it was only discovered at this time that Senior Lei Peng didn't come to save her at all, but purely for the teenager.

It is conceivable that if the young man really entered the Tianpeng clan, the Qinghuang Sect and her would definitely not have a good ending.

"Damn, how could this be!" Qinghuang Fairy was unwilling, she was an ally of the Tianpeng tribe, why is this so.

"Little brother, we can sit down and talk."

Lei Peng didn't hesitate at all. The lightning flashed, and the huge body shrank, turned into a slap-sized ray of thunder, followed behind Mo Wen's back, and got into the space crack.

"Dare to catch up."

Mo Wen was shocked in his heart. He was worthy of being an old monster in Dadao Realm. He was replaced by a common Dadao Realm. He dared not break into the cracks of space to pursue him.

"I'm not interested in talking to you, nor in joining the Tianpeng tribe." Mo asked Wang Leiguang, who was chasing behind, and looked cold.

"My Tianpeng tribe has inherited from the ancient times to the present, it has a very profound background, you will no longer think about it."

Lei Peng continued to persuade, and at the same time attempted to use some means to trap the young man.

However, the teenager's attainment in space was too high and deep, like a fish returning to the sea in a crack in space, he could not be stopped at all.

"Sorry, no need to think about it, I only like Xianyun Yehe, I don't want to join any forces."

Mo asked what Tianpeng tribe would naturally not join, not to mention, this Lei Peng's purpose is impure, who knows what he has in mind.

"Huh, stubbornness, if so, then I will hold you."

Lei Peng was furious in his heart, and felt that the teenager was too ignorant, and he personally came forward to invite him, but the other party did not give face.


A beam of thunder and light crossed the void, trying to stop Mo Wen.

However, Mo Wen suddenly appeared a ghost of flowers on his body surface, and wrapped him, it was empty epiphyllum.

As soon as the airborne flower appeared, the surrounding void immediately twisted, and it seemed to spin at a high speed in an instant, turning into a vortex.

The power of Lei Peng's old monster was lost in the whirlpool, and he didn't know where he got in.

With the appearance of empty epiphyllum, Mo Wen is even more aquatic in the cracks in the space, seeing it will soon disappear in Lei Peng's sight.

"Damn, since I can't get it, then I will destroy you."

Lei Peng was angry, the bright thunder burst suddenly in his body, the surrounding turbulence was completely shaken, and a huge Lei Peng appeared in the endless dark space.


Lei Peng snorted, flapped his wings, and set off a space storm. Thunderstorms raged wildly, completely disrupting the entire chaotic time and space, the endless space storm was set off, and the entire space and time chaotic area was completely transformed into a death jedi.

"Not good!" Mo asked his face changed drastically. The old monster was crazy, and actually used this method of killing the enemy by one thousand and self-impairing 800.

The chaos in space is completely chaotic, even if he masters the laws of space at the level of heaven and earth, it is difficult to survive from such an environment. The same is true for Lei Peng, but his cultivation level is high and the probability of survival is greater.

"Old maniac!"

Mo asked anxiously, never encountered such an old maniac.

It was too late to think about it, a white jade pagoda flew out of his body instantly and enveloped him.

At the same time, the violent endless space storm has hit his body, directly smashing the empty **** phantom on his body.

Mo Wen struggled with his final strength, forcibly tearing apart the space barrier, trying to escape at a critical moment. The Shao Zun Tower, just resisting the space storm for a moment, the light dimmed.

In the distance, the huge Lei Peng was also submerged by the space storm. His body was bigger and he suffered a bigger space storm. In just a moment, Lei Peng was seriously injured.

However, his strength was indeed terrible. With a stroke of 100,000 miles, the space storm was blocked for an instant. At the same time, a space crack was torn, and the lightning flashed away in an endless space-time storm.

On an unnamed mountain, a thunder and lightning Dapeng suddenly appeared, and the power of the world's thunder and lightning directly annihilated the mountain peaks. Within a thousand miles, all were covered by thunder and lightning, and all creatures died.

Lei Peng's huge sea-like eyes swept the following coldly, and the whole island turned into ruins because of his appearance.

This place is still a sea of ​​fairy clouds, but the distance from the Qinghuang Fairy Island has exceeded hundreds of millions of miles.

"Hum, kid looking for his own way."

Lightning flashed, the huge Lei Peng in the sky disappeared, and a middle-aged man in a silver robe appeared in the air. A pair of eyes contains endless lightning.

His face was pale and his breath was weak. Just now he was under the attack of space storms in the turbulence of space, which made him almost unable to bear it, and he was seriously injured in an instant.

If you can't get it, it will be completely destroyed, and the province will be taken by others. He has always done so.

It seems that the kid has died completely. Such a terrifying space storm may not be able to resist even the ordinary Dadao Realm. Every junior in a Dadao Realm has absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Hundreds of millions of miles away, the space above the sea was suddenly torn, and a figure fell out of the crack.

The figure in a white coat was ragged, pale, and completely comatose.

In the crack, a small white jade tower was dim and dull, and it seemed to release the last trace of power, flashing into the arms of the boy in white.


The boy in white fell from the air and did not fall into the sea, but on a spirit ship sailing in the sea.

"what's the situation!"

"Something fell on our ship."


Soon, a large number of armored guards came out of the cabin and came to the deck. At a glance, they saw the teenager unconscious on the deck.

"Huh, an unconscious person."

"How did he appear on our ship."

"It should have fallen from the air, it seems to have been seriously injured."

There was a lot of discussion, and some people had stepped forward and arrested the boy in white.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the back of the crowd, and a girl in purple clothes came out under the crowd.

The girl looked like she was in her twenties, but her breath was very powerful, but she was a god-cultivator of the phantom.

Behind the girl, followed by two little girl-looking girls and an old man in gray.

"Miss, this person fell on our deck. It should have been seriously injured. What should I do?"

A burly bodyguard carried the body of the white-haired boy and walked to the girl in purple.

The girl in purple clothes frowned slightly, and a large living person fell directly on the deck of their ship. This has never happened.

"Miss ~ ~ This person's origin is unknown. I'm afraid it's a bane. It's better to throw him into the sea and let it die."

The old man in gray behind the purple girl said.

He knew that the young lady was kind and kind, and she might have left this person, but it was obviously not a good choice.

The man was so seriously injured, and fell into the air. Obviously he had been in flight before, and he was too late to heal. This shows that there must be a force behind him to hunt him down.

They have important tasks in their trips and can't stand the twists and turns. This kind of idle business is still a good deal.

The girl in purple walked forward and looked at the boy in white for a few moments, and said faintly: "Leave him, since he fell on our boat, who said it was not fate. And this person is a good man who hasn't been fighting, and he just killed him The person must not be a big force and need not care. "

It is true that a cultivator who fights for the immortal can escape. It can be seen that the person who chased the young man is also very general.

(To be continued.)

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