Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 885: opinionated

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Mo asked if his face was calm. He didn't even look at Shao Ji who fell to the ground. He didn't treat Shao Ji as an opponent. But looking at the young man in red, he felt a threat from this person, a very strong threat.

"A little patience, no wonder it can be ranked fifth in the standings, but stop here."

The young man in red nodded his head, but there was no expression on his face. Such a level of ability could not enter his eyes. Since this Mo Wen toast does not eat fines, don't blame him.

The fifth-ranked person has more than 20,000 points. If he can occupy his own position, the ranking can go all the way up from the fourth to the second.

As for the first place ...

The thing called "Good Woman" doesn't know what kind of monster, the current score actually exceeds 200,000, and it continues to soar upward ...

200,000 points, for him, this is almost an unprecedented number, he can't even understand how the man named "good woman" did it.

A huge momentum erupted from the young man in red. The breath of terror was like a tornado, straight into the sky, and all the clouds within ten miles were swept away.

"What a strong cultivation base!"

Mo Wen looked extremely dignified. This ruthless young man's cultivation practice has already approached the three realms of Wuzong, and should be at the peak of the second realm of Wuzong, even if Tan Qiyue is slightly inferior to him. Moreover, this is pure cultivation practice, and the state has reached the second realm of Wuzong. Unlike Mo Wen, although he has the strength of a strong Wuzong one realm, he is not Wuzong.

This person puts a lot of pressure on him, which is similar to that of the vampire peak earl who died in his hands. I am afraid that the combat power is enough to be comparable to the ordinary Wuzong strongman.

"Meeting me can only be said to be your tragedy, based on your cultivation practice. I can collect more than 20,000 points, I am afraid that I have been busy all these days, but now all of them can fulfill me."

The ruthless son laughed wantonly. It seems that the points in Mo's hands are already in his pocket.

A huge gangly palm appeared above the sky. Fang Yuan is ten feet long, and he shoots fiercely at Mo Wen. This is by virtue of strong cultivation, and the cohesive palm of the qi, which is infinitely powerful and belongs to hard power. If it is hard resistance, at least it must be similar to the ruthless son.

Mo Wen looked a little dignified, this ruthless son. I'm afraid it's a little difficult to deal with. At first, he was able to kill the **** peak earl because of the sky snake **** spear. Now the sky snake **** spear is banned, even any treasures can not be displayed, only rely on himself, his strength is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

But the ruthless son is strong and strong, so the condensed palm of the gang can't help him.

A golden light shined from him, and the next moment he became pure gold, and the endless golden light was released, like a shining sun.

Only. Mo Wen's momentum at this time was almost completely suppressed by the ruthless son, and the palm of his hand was shrouded in heaven and earth. Suppressed from all sides, Mo Wen's breath seemed to be imprisoned in prison, and could not penetrate at all.


Mo asked coldly and snorted, the light shimmered, and the whole person turned into a golden light, thrusting back, colliding with the huge palm of his qi.


There was a loud noise of shaking mountains, flying sand and rocks around, and rocks rolling down. The mountain collapsed, and the momentum was particularly appalling.

Shao Ji's Wu Zong's cultivation practice. Not dare to stand at the core of the battle, but dodged far away.

A golden light flew out in an explosion. Under the collision, Mo Wen was obviously not an opponent and fell into an absolute disadvantage. But the palm of his hand only shocked him a few hundred meters, and did not hurt him.

Turned over, Mo Wen stepped on a rock wall, took advantage of his strength to fly, and landed on the other side of the mountain.

Although it ca n’t fly inside the Red Rock Forest, for Wu Zong, it ’s just a few hundred meters, and it ’s easy to jump to the top of the mountain.

"Hey, it's a bit patient."

There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the ruthless young man. He had originally thought that even if Mo Wen was not shot to death, he would be at least seriously injured. His condensed palms of qi can't be blocked by ordinary Wuzong martial arts. But Mo asked at this time, but was just shocked back, no injuries.

"Your cultivation practice is a little weird. You can't feel Wuzong's" potential "from you. Shouldn't it be Wuzong Realm? But your fighting strength is not lost to the Wuzong Warriors in the second realm. ? "

Cultivation of a ruthless son can see a little clue from Mo Wen, but he is also puzzled. Mo asked what the situation was, unlike Wu Zong's strong man, but it was comparable to the strength of Wu Zong's second realm, and he was not a fairy cultivator, but a pure warrior. This point, even if he is difficult to explain.

Comes from the Yinwu line, but is the true inheritor of Chinese martial arts and belongs to the most essential part of Chinese martial arts. His understanding and vision of martial arts is far from that of those in the inner world and those in the main space.

Looking like Mo asked about this situation, he couldn't find a reason to explain for a while.

But he can see that Mo Wen's inner energy is very deep, and it is very special, especially his body, seems to be powerful to an incredible state, even if the physical body of the warriors in Wuzong's three realms, I am afraid they can't compare with him.

The flesh is so strong, the only explanation is that he has had a very unusual anti-sky adventure, this adventure can be encountered but not sought, others envy can not envy.

However, far stronger than Wuzong's martial arts fighters, but without Wuzong's momentum, how to explain this?

A ruthless young man ca n’t even think of breaking his head. Mo Wen is practicing three exercises at the same time, and it ’s the first-class martial arts practice in the world. They interact with each other, condense into one big cycle, and can merge together. Incredible.

Like the practice of three exercises at the same time, it is also the most difficult to practice, even if placed in the vein of Yinwu, it is a legend. To be precise, it is a taboo, because Yin Wu does not advocate the practice of several exercises at the same time, which will not only be distracting, resulting in miscellaneous and imprecise, but also very easy to get mad.

Since ancient times, people who dared to do so and have succeeded were not unaccompanied. But placed in the entire history of China's history, this kind of person is also rare, and often not one out of hundreds of thousands of years.

"I advise you to hand over the points yourself. Although you are a bit patient, but that's all. You can't get into the elegant hall with your strength, and you can't enter the top ten. You may put it in the previous few sessions. The strength is enough to ask the top three in the list, and even occupy the first throne. But this time, it is our battlefield, you are nothing. "

The merciless young man said lightly, what he said of "us" naturally refers to the young strong men with a hidden martial art. The hidden martial arts do not appear. Once they appear, this martial arts is their world, and there is no second possibility.

Don't look at this Mo Wen's hands have a lot of points, but sooner or later will be surpassed by others, or robbed by others. There are a few strong men he knows who haven't shot yet. Those people are all strong and almost not under him. The reason why they are not showing up in the standings is that they haven't shot yet. In other words, they are too lazy to kill the criminals to collect points, but wait for some contestants to have more points and directly snatch.

Mo asked if the points in his hand were not taken away by him, then sooner or later they would be taken away by others.

"Your battlefield?"

Mo asked and nodded. He also guessed the identity of the young man in red. It is estimated that it was a hidden martial art that Mo Qingqing said.

These hidden martial arts warriors are indeed very strong. Even some young strong men can be so strong. Wouldn't the older generation's strongman be more amazing? I am afraid that there are many warriors in Huaxian.

No wonder Mo Qingqing said that Tianhua Palace is very difficult to invite these hidden martial arts warriors. They will only come out if they are given enough conditions to attract them.

"Give me the points, if you cooperate, I will not kill you. But if you resist, don't blame me for being cruel."

The ruthless son shook the folding fan, Shi Shiran said. He likes the feeling of surrendering soldiers without fighting. The fear and compromise of his opponents can make him feel accomplished and satisfied. If he shoots, it's not difficult to kill Mo Wen and take away the points, but if he doesn't, he can let others send the points up. This is the skill.

Hidden in the distance, Shao Ji looked at the ruthless son with a little fear ~ ~ This ruthless son has a rather weird temperament, and if he does not follow his will, he may kill. The son's attitude is not respectful enough, and he was almost killed directly, so the ruthless son said to kill Mo asked, not a joke at all.

Even if Mo Wen even voluntarily surrendered points, the ruthless son might not kill him as he said. If he is in a good mood, he may let Mo Wen go. But turning over ruthlessly, the possibility of killing is even greater.

"Hand it over? Do you think too much, do you think you are what you want, and grab it yourself." Mo asked chuckled, this ruthless son is too self-righteous. He worked hard for five days, and obediently handed him?

"It seems that you really do not know that you are looking for death."

The heartless son's eyes became cold endlessly, his tone and expression were still calm, but his murderousness became stronger and stronger.

For a long time no one dared to speak so in front of him. People who dared to be so presumptuous in front of him all became a pile of corpses.

"I don't know if I'm looking for death, but you want to kill me because of you, but I'm thinking a bit too much."

Mo asked not to be afraid of this ruthless young man's anger, Liang Zi has already settled, is he not afraid of things? This ruthless son is indeed strong, but the opponent is strong and he is not weak. Even if he is not an opponent of such a strong man, he can't win, he can't run away yet.

Whoever stipulates that he cannot escape, the gentleman revenge is not too late for ten years, he should not ask if he is not stubborn.

What's more, he also wanted to fight this kind of person for the last time, and take a look at the gap between himself and others. (To be continued)

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