Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 904: Comprehend martial arts

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Mo asked if he would believe these redstone heart criminals. He had long known that these cunning criminals would use all the things that can confuse their opponents to paralyze the enemy, so he deliberately said that the dwarf vice-valley master first shot.

But obviously, as one of the leaders of the Carrion Valley, the Dwarf Deputy Valley Lord is naturally not so easy to be fooled. At the same time, he is prepared to defend against all accidents.

When Mo Wen appeared behind him and cast the giant flame palm, he also shouted, a green light shining from him, and the next moment, his body changed dramatically.

The original short body swelled in an instant, and the body became larger at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, it became a giant two meters tall. The muscles on the body were raised like rocks, exuding an unparalleled sense of power.

Even more frightening is that his skin turned completely greenish-green, his eyes were scarlet like blood, several monster-like fangs leaked from his mouth, and a green smoke emanated from him, which was very corrosive and infectious , A person with a little knowledge can see that this is corpse.

"The Carrion Skill of Carrion Valley!"

The wine and meat monk narrowed his eyes, and the carrion is a very terrifying practice method. Only the people in the carrion valley can practice it. To a certain extent, the carrion is close to the Taoist practice and has some ordinary skills. The magical powers of heaven and earth that the law does not have.

Of course, the true martial arts hardly appear on the ordinary martial arts. As a genius of the hidden martial arts, it is not a small matter to realize that some martial arts martial arts are not rare. Cultivation of Taoist exercises ... Not to mention these people, I am afraid that the entire hidden martial arts have never appeared in history.

The Taoist martial arts are different from the martial arts of martial arts. The martial arts are the foundation of a martial art. ...

It can be said that people who can practice the Taoist practice in ordinary times. Under the condition of equal cultivation, one person can be worth a hundred.

Carrion corpse is a divine skill that transcends ordinary exercises. It has the power of a rule of unanimous law, but compared with the real enlightenment. It is a huge difference. But Rao is so, the deputy lord of the Carrion Valley is far more than the ordinary warrior.

The monk of wine and meat met the owner of the Carrion Valley, not on the ring, but met accidentally in the heart of Redstone. At that time, neither of them tried their best. After a few tricks, he knew that he couldn't take the opponent, and then he retreated.

But he knew that even if he went all out, he wanted to win the vice-valley owner of the Carrion Valley. It was never easy, and he might even pay a certain price.

"Hang Xiangguang is very serious about the young man before he fights the corpse transformation technique that exhibits the carrion skills. I don't know to what extent the young man can force Heng Xiangguang. Heavenly Wizards ... "

As for winning? He never thought that a young man could win Hengxiangguang. Unless he has the strength to rank in the top three in the standings, it is almost impossible.

Among the pile of criminals, there is an old man sitting cross-legged, gazing at the ring where Mo Wen is located, and around him, there are dozens of criminals respectfully standing, and the criminals are extremely amazing. Almost all are in the realm of Wuzong, but in front of the old man. But respectfully.


Turned into a giant, Heng issued a beast-like roar to Guang, and then turned sharply, punching with fists. Greet the palm of the flames that greeted Mo Wen.


The palms collided, and the two retreated a dozen meters each. The terrifying air waves swept through. If they were not in the ring, they had the strength and protection of the formation of the formation.

"Good strength!"

Mo asked secretly in shock. The two collided, but it was just an equal share. No one had the upper hand. You know, what he cast is pure fire attribute into the palm of the martial arts giant flame. On the power, far above the martial arts he learned before. Whether it is Lei Yao's method, Feng Yao's method, or Yun Yao's method, they are all auxiliary martial arts, not known for their offensive power. The giant flame palm was born to attack and kill thoroughly, and the power exploded enough to destroy the Wuzong warriors like Zhang Feng's old lady.

But at this time, he was blocked by the deputy Guzhu with a pair of fists.

"Boy, this seat hasn't performed the corpse transformation occult technique for a long time, you can have no regrets even if you die."

After Heng Xiangguang's corpseization, he was extremely fierce. As soon as he repelled, he threw himself fiercely again. The exaggerated muscles on his body broke his clothes, and the blue blood vessels protruded, and there was green flowing The blood is quite terrible and terrifying. At this time, Heng Xiangguang is wide, it can be said that it is not like a person.

Mo Wen took a deep breath, and did not show weakness with Heng Xiangguang, but without the giant spirit flame palm, he fell into the wind almost as soon as he played, Heng Xiangguang's power was too terrible, A punch is like a mountain pressed, the space is twisted.

The intensity of the flesh, Heng Xiangguang has far exceeded Mo Wen, almost at a different level. However, the strength of Mo Wen ’s physical body is his own quality. He does nothing, and others do not want to easily break through his physical defense. Heng Xiangguang is the force urged by the practice method. , His physical body is far worse than Mo asked, so the two are not comparable.

The two figures are fighting together. Mo Wen has always been in a disadvantageous situation, and he is in a state of embarrassment. On several occasions, he has encountered great dangers, which can be described as dangerous.

The giant flame palm consumes a lot of internal energy. Mo Wen can't always play the giant flame palm to fight Heng Xiangguang, but without the giant flame palm, his attack power is far less than that of Heng Xiangguang. With regard to body style and enlightenment skills, he may have lost the battle.

"Huh, this is the consequence of involuntary."

The unrelenting son looked at the embarrassed Mo asked on the ring, sneered again and again, and his heart was very comfortable. That kid had better die on the ring, to save him a heart-wrenching trouble.

"That kid is too quick to get quick results. If he does not put down a 20,000-point ring and plays steadily, with his strength and the number of points, he is fully capable of breaking into the top ten. But he lost this battle and lost 30,000 points. It may be difficult to catch up. "

Qiu Tong frowned, and he was also Wu Zongdian. He naturally hoped that Mo Wen could go further. If he could break into the top ten, it would be a face to Wu Zongdian.

"I hope he won't lose, but it seems a little unlikely ..." Guo Mengqiao standing beside Qiu Tong also sighed. Although there are challenges in the death arena every day, every challenge, the contestants will be quite prepared to take shots because they can't lose. Like Mo Wen, it is not only a continuous swing, but the point growth is also becoming more and more exaggerated. Only a few reckless talents will do so, and such people are usually indifferent.

If you lose this battle, not only did you lose points, I am afraid that it will also have some impact on his heart, and it is absolutely difficult to get up again.

"The road is your own choice, I hope you don't disappoint yourself." The narcissus shrouded in water mist shook his head and sighed. If this battle is won, it will directly enter the top ten, but how easy is the top ten? How many people are staring at this position, so recklessly hitting the top ten is really rare.

Gu Jingman, who has been holding his arms to watch the drama and has not spoken, suddenly raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "That king and **** dare to bully my brother Gu Jingman, you better pray not to fall into my hands ... "


The battle on the ring was quite passive. Mo Wen was almost chased by Heng Xiangguang, and he retreated all the way, then retreated without any retreat, and then retreated all the way ...

However, the battle between the two was obviously not as one-sided as people imagined. Heng Xiangguang continued to pursue, but they never defeated Mo Wen, and the two stalemate in the ring.

Moreover, I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. Although Mo Wen was embarrassed, as time went on, he seemed to have been completely accustomed to this suppressed state, but instead became more and more handy. He did not knock him down.

"You can't fight me upright, don't hide." A yell rang out, and as time went by, Heng Xiangguang also became a bit impetuous. As a party, he felt the most profoundly, on the surface he has been Suppressing Mo asked, but this suppression has become more and more difficult over time. Mo Wen seems to have adapted to this kind of suppression, or, in this suppression, getting stronger and stronger, making it more difficult for him to suppress.

This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable. It seems that he stretches out his hand to suppress a person, but that person is constantly struggling, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and he may break free at any time.

"He actually learned martial arts in battle ~ ~ What a terrible teenager ...!"

The old man crowded by many criminals first discovered something was wrong, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and his eyes were fixed on Mo Wen. From the beginning, there was no emotion in his eyes, and there was a shock.

Understand the situation of martial arts in a crisis-ridden battle, and it is still under the wind and suppressed. What an amazing thing! You must know that there is no distraction in such a life-threatening battle. Once you are distracted, you may face death. Not to mention why this young man has the ability to enlighten martial arts in combat. It is also quite terrifying to discuss this psychological quality alone.

Is like a person walking a tightrope on a vast cliff, performing various stunts, and constantly trying various new postures that have never been used. This kind of attempt is careless, but it falls off the cliff and ends in utter fate.

Indeed, Mo Wen used the pressure Heng Xiangguang applied to him to understand the principles of martial arts and make himself progress rapidly under high pressure. Under normal circumstances, Mo Wen naturally dare not do this, and he does not have this ability, but he just accepted some inheritances from Wei Wei and deeply realized the martial arts attainment of a martial artist who turned into a fairyland. Mo asked above the martial arts. Knowledge and attainments are in a period of rapid advancement. At this time, we are playing against Heng Xiang, and we just use this master to prove some martial arts in my heart.

He did not have deep contact with martial arts, but in a short period of time, he felt that he had made too much progress. Both the method of Fengyao and Yunyao had made great progress, and the essence of martial arts was gradually revealed. The veil at the tip of the iceberg. He believed that if he continued, he would definitely be able to free himself from this repressive situation. (To be continued.)

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