Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 918: Eruption

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Although the flame in front of Xin Wuji had no temperature, it exuded extremely horrible fluctuations. The whole glacier field collapsed layer by layer under the breath of the flame, melting silently.

The flame hadn't shot yet, so it disintegrated Mo Wen's glacier field, so terrifying.

The scorpion **** supplements the prosperity of fire, and has reached the level of the prototype of the prosperity. Although it is not the prosperity of his major, the prosperity of the prosperity of a holy order strongman is far less powerful than the ordinary warrior.

The group of orange-red flames became brighter and brighter, and in the end almost resembled a sun. Mo Wen had a feeling of facing the spirit fire, but there was no spirit fire aura, only a terrifying power of destruction.


Chen Scorpion God is full of madness, forcing him to such a point, he has hated Mo Wen. Since this kid is stubborn, he will send him on the road.

The horrible fireball turned into a huge firebird in an instant. Although it is not a beast phoenix, it does not contain the power of phoenix, but its power is far from asking. The power of the phoenix summoned is terrible, even with a shield Those contestants felt that a terrifying power of destruction was looming out of the shield, and their complexions changed dramatically. The breath was enough to threaten their lives.

Mowen's mind is shaking, an unprecedented sense of palpitations continues to extend, filling his entire mind. It is a warning of the danger of life. He feels so close to death. He knew that he could not withstand this blow, and the power of the Prototype was not the power he could resist now.

As he was about to withdraw from the ring and chose to concede defeat, deep inside his body, there seemed to be something out of the shell. A trace of strange feelings filled Mo Wenxin, that was ... Wuling Jinghuo!

Just when Mo Wen was about to withdraw from the battle in the ring, the inexhaustible fire that had been lurking in the body for some reason, actually flowed out himself. After Mo Wen absorbed the spirit fire of heaven and earth, his spiritless fire was already a success, but the spiritless fire was quite dangerous. He couldn't control it. Once it was out of control, the consequences would be absolutely heavy, and his body would be burned to ashes by a dead spirit.

Ever since he cultivated into a spiritless fire. He never cast it against the enemy, and even under difficult circumstances, he did not use the spiritless fire, because he knew that the spiritless fire was like a double-edged sword. Although the power is terrible, once it can't be controlled, it is to play with fire.

At this moment ... Mo Wen didn't provoke Wuling Jinghuo, but as a result, Wuling Jinghuo ran out on his own. It was quite difficult for him to control it a little bit, but at this time, it seemed like a surging tide, all surging out .

Mo Wen's face turned white like a piece of paper in an instant, and his heart contracted violently. Yao Shengji Wuya did not have a completely refined soulless fire. Once there is a slight loss, he may instantly disappear.

Sudden changes made Mo Wen's surprise, and he even forgot to withdraw from the ring, leaving only two words in his mind-finished!

The innocent and clean fire came out turbulently, but there was no color or form. It was invisible to the naked eye, and it was difficult to capture even the consciousness of the god-cultivator of Yuanshen Realm. Slightly twisted.

Is not air. It's space, Mo Wen's surrounding space is twisted under an invisible force.

"Mo Wen actually refused to admit defeat, is he ready to resist the power of the original prototype? Impossible, he can't stop it." Mo Qingqing wondered. He was ready to shoot, but Mo asked a bit strangely, making him hesitant.

"Wait a minute, he seems weird."

Mo Qingge's pupils shrank, her beautiful eyes slammed on Mo Wen, her face actually dignified.

"Have weird?" Mo Qingqing heard. Also looked carefully at Mo asked.


The flamingo transformed by the prototype of the Profound Truth of Fire flew up and flew to Mo Wen. The entire glacier field collapsed completely, and a flame appeared above the broken ice, just like a layer of fire above the iceberg, which reflected each other and was particularly spectacular.


The firebird roared, his wings spread, and he flew down in front of him.

Mo asked about fear in his heart, and tried to avoid it, but weirdly found that his body was no longer under his control. It seemed that there was something attracting him in general. Not only did he not avoid, but he faced up and ran into the firebird.

That's an uncontrollable attraction. Don't ask yourself if you can't stop it, so you hit the scary firebird.

Is finished!

Mo asked only one desperate thought left in his heart. The power of the Firebird is definitely not what he can resist. It is equivalent to the strongest blow of the extreme warrior. He is still far from the extreme warrior.

But the body is out of control, so the moth puts out the fire, and he knows that this is probably related to the inanimate clean fire.

"The power that actually shook my prototype of the Profound Truth of Fire is simply death."

Chen Scorpion God was a little stunned, he did not expect that Mo Wen would actually make such a move, it is simply lifeless! The prototype of the mystery of fire is a force formed by the primordial spirit to attract a large amount of heaven and earth. It can be said that it is equivalent to the ordinary Holy Order strong strike. None of these contestants can resist.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you." There is a hint of forest in the corners of the Chen Scorpion's mouth. There is no saying on the ring that no killing is allowed. In fact, the battle is too fierce and the death and injury are too normal. No one can complain.

Participants such as narcissus and wine monk held their breath, and their eyes were fixed between the Firebird and Mo Wen. None of them thought that Mo Wen would actually use his body to collide with the terrifying Firebird. For them, this It's almost heartbroken, why don't you dare to do this?

"Little brother!"

Gu Jingman stood up from the ring instantly, her face dimmed for the first time, she tried to stop it, but it was too late.


Mo asked that he ran into the horrible firebird. At this time, he only left a bitter smile about his behavior, not to say others, even if he himself did not expect this to be the case.

Everything happened on the electric light flint, almost instantly, the giant flame bird and Mo Wen collided together.

However, there was no horror explosion that people imagined, no storms swept by energy, and no sound.

Mo Wen then merged with the flame giant bird, and then an astonishing scene appeared. The moment the giant flame giant bird touched Mo Wen, it became crazy and suddenly became half smaller, it seemed That horrible flame was swallowed into the body by Mo Wen.


The word flashed in the minds of everyone. The scene in front of him really looked like Mo Wen was eating the horrible firebird.

"How can it be!"

Chen Scorpion God's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Mo in disbelief, how could his prototype of Fire Profound Truth be swallowed by a common warrior? There is a lot of power of heaven and earth in it, and the total is definitely more than ten martial arts qi within the three realms of Wuzong.

"I don't believe you can swallow the flames transformed by the power of heaven and earth, hit a swollen face to become a fat man, and hold you to death."

Chen Scorpion God was also anxious at this time, he did not hesitate to expose the prototype of the mystery of fire, and was swallowed by Mo Wen, isn't that hit his face? In his heart, he violently pushed the power of the prototype of the Profound Truth of Fire to the extreme, and a circle of flame wrapped his body. At the same time, the endless heaven and earth vitality was attracted, and they turned into flames and poured into the fire. Among the birds, he confronted Na Mowen.

At this time, Mo Wen felt very strange, and did not appear the devastating blow he imagined. Instead, he seemed to be soaking in the hot spring, warm and comfortable, and extremely comfortable. But those horrible flames did not threaten him, but poured into him constantly.

He felt that the inanimate fire of his body was eating the flames. As soon as the flames touched the inanimate fire, they were instantly sucked into it. With the passage of time, his inanimate fire was slowing down. The growth of ...

this is……!

Feeling that Wuling Jinghuo is growing, Mo Wen is surprised and happy in his heart. He has been practicing Wuling Jinghuo for such a long time, and there has been no other way to make Wuling Jinghuo stronger. The only way is to refine it in Yanshen Ding There is an inanimate fire in it.

The fireless spirit in the Yanshen Ding was left by the medicine Shengji Wuya. It was originally there, just ask about refining. However, Mo Wen never tried to absorb the Wuling Jinghuo in the Yanshen Ding and let the Wuling Jinghuo in his body grow stronger.

Soaked in flames, exceptionally comfortable and cozy, the speed of the engulfing of the innocent net fire and the speed of the scorpion-like **** madly urging the power of the world, actually formed a balance, and the two were so deadlocked in the air.

"That's ..." Mo Qingqing's complexion was completely dignified, he could feel that Mo asked the body's surface has a terrible power ~ ~ He knew what it was, but it made him feel fear.

"I don't think he still has such a secret, that invisible power should be a special kind of flame, and that flame has the ability to devour other flames."

Mo Qingge said solemnly, that kind of power is definitely not simple, even if she has never seen such a power.

"Flame? Did he already control Skyfire!"

Mo Qingqing's eyelids jumped, and no matter how powerful the spirit fire was, he would never give him such a feeling. Only the legendary sky fire can be so terrifying. It's not that Mo asked how powerful the flame was on him. For him, the flames on Mo asked were too weak to pose a threat to him at all. But what he was afraid of was the nature of the flame, and it was absolutely not simple to give him a sense of fear at this point.

"It should belong to the flame of the skyfire level."

Mo Qingge nodded, and she was very surprised. Mo asked that the body could actually contain the flames of the next level of skyfire, and replaced it with a cultivator who returned to the virtual realm, daring to contain the skyfire in the body, even a trace would be burned instantly. ash.

Mo Wen now feels very strange, Wuling Jinghu has been lurking in his body, such a change has never happened. At this time, when absorbing those flames, Wuling Jinghuo itself exudes a strange breath.

Those breaths are getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, Mo asked the whole body was shocked, he thought of a possibility. Since he can break the Jiuyin Divine Power to the ninth level through the cold energy of Hantan, why can't he use his more mysterious inanimate clean fire to make the Jiuyang Divine Power also break to the ninth level ...! (To be continued.)

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