Invincible Kungfu Healer

Chapter 921: Expose

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The moment that figure appeared, almost mastered the whole world.

Rose furiously, and the fierce and scorpion-like **** instantly solidified in place, and he found that he could not move, even if he struggled with all his strength, he could not break the invisible bondage.

"That is……"

Chen's pupils of the scorpion **** kept shrinking, and his eyes were full of panic and fear. That figure was far beyond his existence, and the two were not even on the same level. When it comes to his cultivation, he naturally knows that the breakthrough to the Holy Order is not the end point, but has just started.

The way of heaven and earth is endless. Transcendence is only the first step of a mortal walking against the sky. Compared with those who go further, he is just a ants.

"who are you?"

Chen Scorpion God stared at the white shadow in horror. It was a pretty young man with a pretty face, and it was arguably the most sinister person he had ever seen in his life. He had never thought of the world. Someone could grow like this.

"Breaking the rules of the battle of the sky, favoritism, you have committed the crime of death."

Mo Qingtian lightly glanced at Xin Wuji, and at the next moment, a white light was released from him and landed on Xin Wuji.


Xin Wuji is like a puddle of meat falling down, his body is broken, and there is no breath. In mid-air, there was an extra green scorpion figure. The scorpion was changing, releasing a dark blue light, surrounded by a white light. It seemed to want to escape, but could not escape.

"Damn! Damn!"

At this time, the Chen Scorpion God did not understand where he had been discovered. He had never dreamed that there was such a terrible strong man in the dragon dragon's nest. He might be deceived by the cultivator of ordinary elemental **** realm, but this one The strong man can't be deceived absolutely, he was discovered from the dreaded beginning.

"Take my life, I am a person of Fuso, no intention to offend. If you kill me, it will inevitably cause international disputes."

Chen Scorpion shouted in horror, faced with such a strong man, he would not be able to escape. The gap between the two is too great. In Fuso, he can do great things, but in front of Tianhua Palace, he is definitely not qualified for arrogance.

Originally he was very careful, for fear that he would be discovered by Tianhua Palace. But he did not expect that such a change would take place in the battle of the heavens. The evil spirits appeared one after another, forcing him to use some special means, and even he eventually lost.

"Aroused international disputes! You alone? Dare to provoke Tianhua Palace, you must be prepared to accept punishment."

Mo Qingtian sneered. Fusang was next to China, but instead of standing with China, instead attached to the alliance of gods in the Western world, and was everywhere enemy of China. If it were not for the Alliance of Gods to block, they would have eradicated these people from Fuso. Now I dare to run to China and make trouble, it is just to find my own death.

Above the sky, a big hand that had always exuded a faint white light appeared out of thin air. That big hand grabbed the huge green scorpion in the palm of the hand. At the next moment, the white light big hand disappeared, and the huge green scorpion disappeared. , Chen Scorpion God does not even have the ability to struggle.

"Just an avatar! Huh."

Mo Qingtian snorted coldly. The green scorpion is not the body of the Chen scorpion, but only an avatar. This time he came to China, although he was sure that he was not found. But as a noble saintly-ordered god, it is naturally impossible to let his own body take risks. If it is discovered, it will be the end of the soul, and the reward of a battle of the heavens is not worth the scorpion god. Bet on your own life.

But can destroy him a doppelganger. The price is not small. It is very difficult for ordinary Saint-order gods to cultivate avatars. The cost is quite large. The loss of an avatar is equivalent to the abolition of an arm of the scorpion god, which directly affects his strength by more than one-third.

"The Fusang Kingdom has been so comfortable these years, but it dared to reach out to my China country. It seems that it is necessary to beat it."

Mo Qingtian has learned the identity of the green scorpion through the intelligence system of Tianhua Palace. As a well-known Holy Order God in Fuso, it is not difficult to be recognized.

"The game continues."

After exterminating Chen Scorpion's avatar, Mo Qingqing's figure disappeared again, from his appearance to departure, but only a few breathing efforts, Xin Wuji, who was just too vicious and fierce, had already laid on the ground and became a With corpses, many viewers have not even understood what happened over time.

"Damn! Damn. How could it be, how could it be found, shouldn't be ..."

On the battle platform, Yuan Tai's face was instantly pale, his body was trembling, his eyes were full of panic and fear, the avatar of Chen Scorpion was destroyed, and a face was destroyed! He knows how hard this is to hit the Chen Scorpion God. A **** with a doppelganger is generally a very powerful God. The Chen Scorpion God can rank in the top ten in Fusang Kingdom because he cultivated A doppelganger.

Now that the avatar is destroyed, the Chen Scorpion God must be furious, not to blame himself. Even the status of the Chen Scorpion God itself will fall sharply in the family. His family is the oldest family in the Fusang Kingdom. There is more than one scorpion god, there is also a battle between the scorpion gods in the same family, and there is also a holy scorpion **** in the family who is the dead enemy of the scorpion god. In the confrontation of family forces, it will inevitably fall into the disadvantage.

Yuantai as the young heir of the scorpion god, this directly affects whether he can inherit the position of patriarch in the future.

"Why is this." Yuan clenched his palm too tightly, his nails pierced his palm.

"Promise ~ ~ My grandchild Promise ..."

Xin Yichuan looked mournful, and he was also stupid for a moment. He did not expect such a change to happen. Before, it was smooth and smooth, and the scenery was very good.

"Xin Yichuan, Chen Scorpion God has lost a doppelganger, I think you should know what to do."

Yuan Taifeng looked at Xin Yichuan fiercely. As one of the best young people in the family, he has always been favored by the Chen Scorpion God. He naturally has extraordinary abilities, almost a few breathing efforts, and he adjusted his mind. No matter what, what happened has already happened, and now the first thing to do is to wipe off all the tails after the break. As long as Tianhua Palace cannot obtain the exact evidence, it cannot further target his family.

"I ..." Xin Yichuan's complexion instantly turned pale.

"Xin Yichuan, you can practice in the realm of Wuzong and become an ancestor of a sect. Presumably you understand what it means to choose, don't let me down, otherwise ..."

Yuan Yuan stared at Xin Yichuan, and his eyes were full of cold colors. He was not afraid of Xin Yichuan's failure, because when they chose Xin Yichuan, they knew that Xin Yichuan was a person who attached great importance to family members.

"Relax, your family loved ones will naturally be taken care of by me, and they will not be wronged. Don't make a wrong choice ..." Yuan said too lightly.

"Yuan Tai Young Master, Xin Yichuan knows what to do, only hope you can bypass my family!" Xin Yichuan laughed bitterly, as long as Yuan Tai didn't go to trouble with his family, he thanked him, asylum? Xin Yichuan is not a three-year-old child, how could he believe the words of a Fuso man. (To be continued.)

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